I love it.

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Adrien was sitting in bed daydreaming about his newfound crush. Yes he still loved ladybug but he has started noticing the sweet Marinette.

He lied awake for God knows how long until plagg woke up and screams in his ear. "Adrien your gonna be late!!!!" He shot out of bed and started frantically putting his clothes on. He stopped suddenly when he remembered to look at the bed side clock. It only read 5:30. He had two hours before he had to go to school.
"Plagg thats not funny." The kwami just hovers in the air laughing his tail off. "Fine no Camembert for a week." The kwami instantly shut up and flew to Adrien. "HEY!!!! Kid that's not fair!!!!!" He shut up as soon as Adrien opened a pack of the stinky stuff. "Whatever. I should probably get out some warmer clothes to wear today."
He walks to his closet and pulls out the scarf his 'dad' made him.

"It's still soft...wait a second..." He looks to see golden stitching in the end of the blue fabric. He read it out loud with unease in his voice.
"M...marinette?" He suddenly realized who the real maker was and his face turned red from both blushing and anger due to being deceived by his own father. Then, as realization hits him, he smiles knowing it was made by his Mari.
"She has talent. And a good eye for fabric." He chuckles to himself and starts getting ready for school. He has a special mission. "Operation thank you Mari. Is a go"
He got to school and noticed alya and nino standing alittle close this morning. He grinned to himself knowing full well that they liked each other. When he got close enough to them​, he hollered out at alya who looked at him with curiosity. "What's up Adrien?" "Where's Mari?" " Oh she's...why do you wanna know?" "Um...I uh-" "do you like her?" He turns fifty shades of red and quickly sputters out. "Iwasjustwantingtoaskherabout-th...thisscarf!" He holds it out in front of him to cover his blushing cheeks. "Yeah~i bet that's what it is. But, she's out sick today."
If he had cat ears they would be laying flat on his head. "Oh..." So much for his good mood. "Well if you wanna talk to her so bad, her parents let her have visitors during school lunch hours. Just go talk to her then. Don't worry nino and I won't bother you, if it's that important." She giggled again as he gets​ a huge smile and a blush all at the same time. "Alright I will." With that he struts on to class, alya and nino grinning at him the whole way.

(Time skip)

During lunch Adrien notified Nathalie that he would be at a friend's house so he can go see Marinette. Of course she made him be driven by the 'gorilla' of a man shaofer. (my phone says this is the way to spell it but I'm not so sure😅) when he arrived he was greeted at the door by Sabine who noticed the limo pull up and knew it was him. She hugged him tightly and told him Marinette was upstairs, and to just go on up. He walked up quietly and knocked once, twice, and a third time. No answer at all , all three times. He quietly entered the room and looked around for the bluette. "Mari? It's me Adrien." He heard light shuffle noises and a light yawn type noise. "Adrien who?" He started walking up her stairs and stopped when he could see her face. She was a flush red and her breathing was uneven both most likely due to her being sick. "Adrien agreste." He chuckled "I wanted to talk to you about something important." She lightly groans and gets up walking down her chase motioning for him to follow her. They sat in silence until reality hit her square in the face and she basically screamed in his ear.
"Adrien?!" And she falls off the side of her seat only to be grabbed before impact by her best friend /crush. "Are you ok?" She looked up at him with confusion and shock then confusion all together. "What? Y-yeah I'm...ok." he lifts her back onto the chase as silence filled the room. After a few seconds, Adrien remembered his purpose of his visit. "Mari...I wanted to thank you for the scarf. And I wanted to know, why didn't you tell me you made it?" She stared at him in disbelief. "H-how did you-you...how did you find out I made it?" He took his scarf off and showed her signature signed into the blue fabric. "A master always signs his or her work." "I'm sorry." He looks at her dumbfounded. "Um, why?" She looked up at him and took a shuddered breath before coughing a few times. "Um, you looked so happy when you found out it was from your dad. I didn't want to ruin that happiness by telling you that a girl who you barely know gave you the scarf." He looked at her for a few seconds and blushed a light shade of red. "Th-that is b-beyond th-the sweetest most ki-kindest thing anyone has ever done for me!" He pulls her into a hug and rests his head on top of her considering the height difference. "You really are amazing Mari."
(Now it's her turn to turn at least fifty shades of agreste...wait! nope!...I meant fifty shades of red. On with the story!)
After he releases he looks her in the eyes then at his phone. It was time to head back to school. "Well it's time for me to make like a new born baby and head out." He kisses the top of her head and walks to her trap door. When he was halfway down he pauses. "And hey Mari?" "Y-yeah Adri?" "Thank you for the gift...and the nickname. I love it." And he was gone. Marinette got up and started running around her room squealing and fangirling over what just ensued. "Best sick day ever!!!!" And she fall backwards on her bed and curls into the covers falling to sleep mere seconds after landing.


My sister says this is the cutest adrienette story so far, what do y'all think 🤔😏😉

@Klance_Love: I'm right and you know it!!!!!

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