bad boy and new girl

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Part two-

AN: sorry it's so late I know quite a few of you have wanted this for weeks now. Thank you for your patience.
Well here you go.

It's been a few weeks since Marinette arrived at Francois Dupoint. Everyone enjoys her company. But nobody can compete with the dramatic change in Adrien Agreste's behavior, grades, and even mood. He doesn't flirt with girls, he talks during in class discussions, and he sits with more people than just Nino. Alya and Marinette sit at his table and both girls keep growing closer to the two boys. Nino treats Marinette like a baby sister, Alya freaking adores the bluebells girl, and Adrien...well that's a new one. He'd get caught staring at her, or he would always be willing to walk her home if he didn't have a photoshoot.
Marinette was running through the school from Adrien. Why? Well, it's because just a few minutes before, Adrien was waiting for the bluenette to arrive at school. What he didn't know was she was right behind him with a bottle of water. She tapped him on the shoulder and before he could register who it was, she sprayed him with the bottle. She took off running with a loud evil but squealing laugh. Instantly knowing who the perpetrator is, Adrien grinned and took off running to the other side of the school, knowing exactly where he could catch her at.
Barely out of breath, Marinette looks back and sees that Adrien wasn't behind her. Suddenly she collided hard with someone. They both fell to the ground and Marinette let out a squeak. "I... I'm s....s-s-sorry! I didn't mean to into you." She looks up to see Adrien with a cat like smirk. "I hope you have a good lawyer." He said sternly. "What, why?" She frowns as his grin comes back and he sits up, her legs wrapped around his torso, and his arms wrapped around hers. "Because you are under Agreste". First her face turns crimson and she tries to push him away, but he laughs and holds her close. "Agreste! You dorky little twerp! Unhand me this instance!" She states, trying to sound stern but her smile and bright blush gives away that she wants to laugh. Out of nowhere he pulls her closer and kisses her on the forehead. She leans into him and relaxes, sighing contentedly, untill she realizes what he had just done. Quickly she pushes him away, a crimson color spreading across her face, ears and neck, and scrambles to her feet before running to first period. 'what am I doing?! He's just a friend!' her thoughts screamed at her.
"What did I just do?" Adrien asked standing looking guilty in the hallway.

AN: Oooooooooh do you hate me? If I get 8 comments saying you want a part three I'll continue.

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