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AN: like legit listen to the song while reading this lol. It's beautiful. Florida Georgia line holy! ;3

Adrien sat staring at Marinette as she slept. They've been married for a week now, and he still couldn't believe it. He was light as a feather. At complete peace with his life, and he knew that it will get way better in maybe a year or two.

He wanted to start a family with Marinette. But all he really needed at the moment was the continuous warmth that emenated off of Marinette's entire existence.

With a sigh he pulled her closer and she unconsciously shuffled under the blankets, placed her face in the crook of his neck and sighed deeply as if instantly content. Adrien chuckled softly at his love. She certainly is absolutely adorable.

Before he had met her, as ladybug and as Marinette, his life was dull, sad, and lonely. But she gave him so much certenty of brighter days. She's definitely his guardian angel, and there's no doubting that statement.

Suddenly her hands began to move up towards his head and he chuckled as her finger tips tickled his sides.
Her hands stopped at his hairline as she then blended her fingers with his blonde locks. He chuckled again but alittle louder than before as he realized she was awake.

"Good morning princess." She looked up at him with a groggy smile and continued to ruffle his already messy bed-head. "Hmm, morning Kitty." He let out a purr at the attention she gave him and pulled her closer.

"Are you cold?" He shook his head "no" and smiled. "I just love you." His answer made the bluenette giggle half loudly. "I love you too. More than life itself." He hummed and pulled the covers back over the both of them. "More than life itself."

They lay there for a few minutes basking in each other's warmth and listening to the others steady breathing, untill the alarm rang for them to get up.

With a heavy sigh and a grunt, Adrien forced himself to move out of his wife's arms, then off the bed to the bathroom. Marinette walked in shortly after and began copying his actions of brushing her teeth.

She looked over to him and laughed at his foam covered mouth. "Your not getting rabies are you kitty?" She handed the chuckling blonde a cup of water, for which he gratefully took, and let him wash his face. "I don't think so, but if I was, I wouldn't be able to help myself when I do this!"

He turned towards her right as she wiped her face, and grabbed her by the shoulders and left playful bites on her neck. She squealed loudly and fell to the floor as if to "play dead" and hugs him to her. "Adrien."

He just hums in reply and lifts himself up to look into her eyes. "We need to get to work." She grinned as his face falls instantly into a pout. "Don't give me that look kitten." She cups his cheeks and presses her lips lightly to his in a drawn out peck. When she finally let go of his face, he slowly raised up and helped his wife to her feet.

Once they were ready to go, Adrien grabbed his car keys and took Marinette's hand to walk with her to their car. He opened and closed her door for her before getting in the driver's seat, proceeding to drive them to the agreste fashion agency.

Adrien worked as his father's accountant, as his best subjects are math and physics, he majored in buissnes and buissnes management when he graduated college. Marinette, obviously, is now one of Gabriel Agreste's top designers, and works in her own office on the top floor.

Once they arrived at the agency, they walked hand in hand to the elevator where they would be lifted to their respective floors. Adrien's floor came first so he turned to his wife and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you at lunch M,lady." She hums, nodding at him before waving at his disappearing figure, as the doors shut to the elevator.

Yup, she sure is high on loving him. And vise versa for Adrien.

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