my hero

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It was summer but summer break had just ended. It'll be turning fall in a month so madame Bustier has taken her students to the city park to play in the pool for the day.
The class was having a good time, Alex and Kim were dunking each other Chloe and Sabrina were wading in the deep end on rafts, Alya and nino were swimming side by side racing each other, and Marinette was sitting on the side of the pool.

Adrien came from the lemonade stand and handed a cup to his girlfriend, Marinette. "Thanks kitty." He smiles warmly at her. "Anything for you princess." She rolled her eyes and scooted towards him as he sat down. "Why don't you take a dip with me Mari? It'll be okay. "She looked down and sighed. "Im too afraid, afraid that something will happen."

He put an arm around her and smiled. "Just put your arms around my shoulders. I will never let you go." She looks into his eyes and nodded hesitatingly. "I want verbal permission please. Don't force yourself to get in the water if your afraid." She puts her hands around his shoulder and kisses his cheek. "I'm not afraid when you're near me." She winked and inched herself into the cold water of the pool.

He followed close behind her not letting go of her hand. Once in the pool, Adrien wraps his arms around Marinette's waist, on instinct, Marinette's hands locked around Adrien's neck, and she let him walk them around the edge of the pool. She didn't even panic when her feet couldn't touch the bottom.

She just held on to Adrien and placed her head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat. "I love you." Her breath on his skin when she talked made chills run down his spine. He looked down at her and smiled "I love you too princess." He whispers into her ear, while she kisses his cheek. They floated in the deep end of the pool, Adrien on his back and Marinette laying on Adrien's belly, on her back.

Later, Marinette was sitting against the side of the pool again waiting for adrien to get back from the restroom. While waiting, a black haired girl who no one knew, used her foot to push Marinette into the deep water of the pool. Chuckling eviley she walks away and leaves the park.

Seeing what happened, nino runs into the men's room to grab Adrien while Alya swims to get to Marinette. In a quick flash Adrien is in the pool and next to Marinette. She's unconscious, and her breath is fading.

He sits her down carefully and puts his ear close to her mouth to try and hear her breaths. When nothing sounds, he starts doing compressions on her chest and places his lips over hers, pushing air into her lungs.

He did this about five times when Marinette finally shot up right and spit out some water. Adrien held her close as he sobbed into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left your side!"

She looks at his fragile form in a confused manner. She moved his face so he was looking into her eyes and glared at him. "Shut up." She stated bluntly, and everyone shut their mouths.

"W...what-?" She lightly tapped his cheek. "I said shut up." He clamped his lips shut but still looked at her confused. "Do you know why I'm pissed Alya? What did Adrien really do wrong?" Alya grinned and sat next to her best friend giving her a sideways hug. "He's blaming himself." (Face she makes at adrien→ ;p)

"What? I...Mari, if I hadn't left you-" she taps his cheeks alittle more roughly this time. "Your my hero. You didn't push me in the water. Do you understand me kitty?" She questioned him sternly. He slightly nodded, but she shook her head. "I can't hear your head shaking. I want you to tell me you understand what I'm saying." He stayed silent for a moment before smiling warmly at her. "Ok princess, I understand."

He then pushes her hands quickly, grabs her by the face, like she had previously been doing to him, and smashes his lips to hers in a loving kiss. Her face turns twenty shades of red, as this is their first real kiss, and Alya squeals while taking pictures.

Nino takes Alya's phone, puts it on the table, and grabs the complaining girl like a bride, and dives right into the pull. "Nino!" Alya screams just before nino pecks her gently on the lips. "Ni-yes!" He screams and pulls the blushing girl into himself, before he pulls them both underwater and locks his lips with the red faced fox.

AN: Couldn't help but add some Alno in there. This is finally done. I have written another oneshot during free time at school today and it's in the revise and editing stage so it will be up tomorrow or Wednesday, it just depends on how my schedule is. Well toodles!!!

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