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Marinette was sitting in class deep in thought. Everytime Adrien Agreste looked back at her she was looking down at him with a scowl. When she shook her head and made eye contact with him, she blushed but buried her head in her arms on the table.
Adrien kept thinking about it during class all the way to lunch break. She never left his mind. He went on patrol after school and met with ladybug, when he arrived at their secret patrol spot (Eiffel Tower), ladybug had her face buried in her knees.
"Hello M,lady. How are you today?" He asked a bit cautiously. She grumbled, a little muffled, and shook her head from side to side. "Oh, bad day?" She shrugged her shoulders and grumbles again but it was muffled again by her knees.
"You can talk to me about it. I'll help, I'd like to help." He states in a kind and genuinely caring tone. She lets out a long sigh. "My best friend is an oblivious idiot." His eyes widen and he suddenly laughs. Not at ladybug, but at the random and blunt choice of words. She looked at him with a scowl and he instantly shuts up. "I wasn't laughing at you M,lady, just at your choice of words." She looks down, sighs, and nods her head. "Yeah yeah ok. But you won't be laughing when you're in my friends shoes."
He cocked his head to the side in question as to what she meant. "Do I resemble your friend M,lady?" She giggled and nodded her head. "You sure do, he's my crush and my best friend. But he doesn't know that we're best friends in school."
Now chat was confused and a bit hurt. His lady has someone else she likes? He felt a pang of jealousy in his chest and he let out a groan.
Ladybug looked at him and chuckled softly. "What's wrong kitty, are you jealous?"
He folded his arms and huffed. "No, I'm Chat Noir, a hero of Paris. I don't get jealous. I just like to claim what's supposed to be mine." She giggled and ruffled his hair. "You won't be jealous for long mon chatton."
She got up and used her yo-yo to fly away.
Chat sat there really confused, with a really stupid confused look on his face. "Won't be jealous for long? What does that mean?"
He shrugged and propelled himself into the sky towards his bedroom window. "Ok...I don't know what that means...I can't believe she has someone else she likes." He slumped into his bed and groaned. "Hey...Adrien?" Plagg asked in Avery concerned voice. "Yeah plagg?" He answered in a calm manner, expecting plagg to say something along the lines of "are you ok?" But out with a very angry shout, plagg screams, "where's my camembert?!" Adrien looks at him with a "seriously?" Kind of look. He slowly rises from bed and grabs some smelly cheese from his bed side cubbord, throwing it to plagg, who caught it in his mouth with skill. "Delicious!!!" Plagg screams through a full mouth.

(The next day)

Adrien lazily drug himself to school and huffed in tiredness. "Yo Adrien my bro, what's up?" Nino, Adrien's friend questioned. "I'm okay, just alittle tired." Nino nodded and walked the both of them to Marinette and Alya. "Hey girls. What's up?"  Alya chuckles and replies, "The sky." Nino gives her a 'seriously?' look and shakes his head side to side.
"That was hilarious!" Adrien states trying to gain his composer. All both alya and nino just look at him as if he was stupid. Marinette just stands looking at him like she knows he's stupid. (😂)

After he stops laughing he notices how Marinette is the only one standing there. "Where'd they go?" Marinette looks to both sides of her to also realize that her friends have abandoned her.
"Huh...guess they left. That gives me a perfect chance." She smacks him lightly on the back of the head, to get his attention, before she grabs the ends of his shirt and smashes her lips to his in a passionate and gentle kiss. He slowly melts into the kiss, pulls her closer, and hums in delight at the taste of croissants and chocolate.
After a few seconds she pulls away and smirks. "I thought you were jealous kitty?"
It took a few seconds for her words to click in his head but when it did, his blush grew from his cheeks to the tips of his ears, and he couldn't contain his excitement. He picks her up and spins her around before a question Dawn's on him. He sits her down with confusion written on his face. "How did you know it was me M,lady?" She shakes her head and grins up at him. "You used a pun the other day when we went to the animal shelter. You were talking to a small blue black kitten that had a ladybug print collar." She booped his nose. "Your chat noir was showing." Giggling, she grabs his hand, lacing their fingers together, and kissed his knuckles. He blushes and smiles warmly at her. That is until realization hits him again. "Hey! I'm not an oblivious idiot!" At that moment she loses it and can't control the laughter that erupts from her chest. She sits on the bench as to not fall down from the intensity of her laughing, and Adrien just stands their trying to scowl at her. But he just gives in and sits next to her laughing as well.
"I love you bugginette." She stops laughing and looks at him, shocked at the new nickname just used. "Bugginette? That's the best you could do?" He just shrugs and pulls her up to her feet and hugs her close. "This is the best day of my life, and the first to come!" She quirks an eyebrow at him and looks up at his face. "What do you mean?" He pulls her towards him and pecks her on the lips. " I'm gonna spend all my nine lives with you." A blush rises to her cheeks. "Is that a proposal?!" He nods and holds her close. "There is still a while till we are of legal age so when that time comes I promise to do it purr-operly." Marinette is now a blushing mess, thoughts going through her head, then it hits her. Adrien wants to marry her. She lightly giggles and hugs him tightly, burying her face into his chest, taking in his scent. "I love you too Mon Chatton."


AN: This is the longest one yet. I love y'all and hope you have a very merry Christmas. I'm doing one more chapter after this one then I will see you all in the new year! But the next chapter will be a... drumroll please!

well there you have it. A face reveal. TTYL c u l8r 🐊.

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