does he like me?

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AN: please read. This'll be useful. This is in text for most of the time. And you'll find a twist at the end of the texts.

Marinette- OMG Alya Adrien was being so sweet today! Does that mean he likes me back?

Adrien-OMG! Maybe he does! Ask him!

Marinette- I want to but if he doesn't like me back...? It'll be sooo awkward.

Adrien- true point...check who your texting.

(Five minutes later)

Marinette- O...M...G

Adrien- will you go out with me? :3

(Texting ends here)

"Mari! One of your friends are down here! Come say hi!" Sabine, marinettes mommy hollers up the stairs. Marinette expected it to be alya so she cooled her cheeks off and walked down the stairs at a hurried pace. "Alya you would never guess what just happened to me!" She stops dead in her tracks on the last stair about to trip but Adrien with his enhanced senses caught her in the nick of time. Her face lands in the crook of his neck causing her to blush a deep shade of red.

"Hey Mari. Nice of you to drop in. Did you make a good trip see you next fall."

She looks up at him in disbelief."did you just?..." He chuckles and helps her stand up. 'chat?!' is all that good through her head as she walks to a table in the front of the bakery. 'chat can't be can it?' she looks at the way he grins at her with mischief. 'seriously that's chat alright.'

AN: haha love that bit! The next chapter is also gonna be a text chapter but Adrien's the victim.

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