purr comfort

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AN: The title is a pun, haha! It's pure comfort. Yes I know I promised no more sadness, but don't worry it won't be sad for long.

Marinette is feeling overwhelmed. She's had: Akuma after Akuma, endless exams to study for, requests for designs she has to work on, and constant nagging from inside her head that kept telling her, "your not good enough". Her breathing was uneven and she felt dizzy as she sat in her desk chair, tears running down her cheeks, bouncing her knee, and running her fists through her hair.

She was having a panic attack. The overwhelming feeling of stress and anxiety about her insecurities catching up to her, causing her to lose sense of everything. She wouldn't stand up, knowing she would face plant into the floor, she just sat in her chair. She was doing the breathing exercises her doctor told her to do, when she heard her balcony latch open quickly and close just as quickly.

"Princess?" She clamps her hands over her ears and shakes her head rapidly. Slowly, and slightly hesitantly, strong arms wrap around her, rubbing circles on her back. "Can you try to breath slower? Please, for me princess?" He asked slowly and softly.

After a few minutes of just deep breaths and soothing whispers, Marinette grows silent. "Marinette?" Chat asks as he pulls away from the bluenette. What his eyes meet next, absolutely breaks his heart into pieces.

Marinette wasn't smiling, or even giving him an "I'm okay" expression. Instead, she was silently sobbing to herself. Tears pouring out of her eyes and down her flushed red cheeks. With a pained look Chat pulls her closer until his forehead rests against her temple.

"Such a beautiful face should never be stained by tears." Her hands reach up, grabbing his wrist and the back off his neck in a sideways hug. "Thanks Chat." She whispers after a few seconds. In reply, Chat starts purring softly against her cheek.

He sits in the other desk chair and pulls her closer, hugging her into his chest. The rumble of his purrs could now be heard quite greatly, as result, Marinette began to calm down even more; and soon enough, her tears subsided completely. Though he kept purring, Chat pulled away to look at his princess. "Do you feel better?" She nodded, but stayed silent for a little longer, not wanting to vocally answer his question yet.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity and she looked up into his eyes and smiled warmly at him. "Much better kitty, thank you." She looks down and sighs. She felt a headache coming on from her panic attack and crying so much; so she stood up slowly as to not lose balance, and looked in her desk drawer for some Tylenol or Ibuprofen.

Chat watches her out of curiosity and slight concern as she held on to the desk and shuffled through the drawers quickly. "Are you looking for something princess?" He asked, taking her hand gently.

... somewhere-Aha!" She states while lifting a medium size pill bottle out of the desk drawer. Chat slapped a hand to his mouth to stifle a laugh as she grins goofily at the bottle, before fumbling with it, trying to open it. After a minute or two, Chat holds out his hand to the girl, who is obviously riding the struggle bus, and takes the bottle when handed out to him. With ease, he presses the lid down and turns it, opening it.

"I know you have a lot on your plate Mari, but please don't over do it anymore." His look is Stern and destressed, as if he was afraid. "I'm not sure what your going through; but if your overwhelmed, go up to your balcony and wait for me. I'll be over to check on you when I can. Slowly, after swallowing two pills, she breathed out and looks at the floor. "Yeah, I know; and thank you, it would mean a lot if you visit me. I don't see much of my friends anymore, since they all went to college and University."

He smiles warmly at her before his ring beeps. He looks at the jewelry begrudgingly and sighed. "I have to get going princess, but remember to take a breather every now and then. I'm not the only one who believes you can get through all of the pressure. Your strong, but there is a time when it's okay to stop and forget about everything for a while. Otherwise you'll be consumed by what others want, without looking at what you want." He kissed her forehead and ran up to her balcony door. Once her was up, he turned around and winked at her. "And remember, we do love you."

And with that he was gone. Leaving Marinette a confused and flustered mess. Sheade her way up to bed with her hand still on the spot he kissed on her forehead. "That silly cat." She stated with a light chuckle before sleep consumes her.

AN: SO CUTE!!! I love the way I did this! It had a lot of important meaning to it, and says things that are very very true. Hey! This is a shout out to all the woman who have either went through hell, went smoothly, or outright almost died giving birth! Happy mother's day to all you awesome woman!!!! I love you Mommy more than life itself!!!😍😘

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