kiss it better.

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They know there identities in this un! I didn't label this as an AN, because I figured most of you honkie wouldn't read it lol.
PS: honkie is just a redneck/ hillbilly way of addressing a person. My mommy uses it to address is seven kids.😄

Adrien and Marinette just got to her house after an akuma battle. Her parents already know there secret. It's because they both de-transformed right when Sabine entered Marinette's room to check on her. Sabine was already waiting for them with a first aid kit, cookies, and milk. She left them alone so they can dress each other's wounds in peace.

Marinette was the first to get her wounds attended to. Adrien acted with the utmost care as to not hurt her, and was completely respectful while bandaging up her torso.
When he finished he turned her gently and smiled at her, handing her the box of Band-Aids. Motioning for him to turn around he obeyed and sat completely still. He shuddered when she put a ice pack to what he assumed to be a bruise on his rib. After securing the ice pack to his rib, she turned him around to attend to his busted head and lip. No stitches were needed but he still needed gauze and antiseptic spray.

He was looking down at her bruised hand with a guilty look on his face. It wasn't hard to notice and Marinette didn't like it. She huffed and might as well have slammed the first aid kit on the floor, catching the attention of the blonde. "Mari-?" "Don't look at my hand like that! It was not by any way, shape, form or fashion your fault!" He looked down at her, surprised by the outburst. "But if I had-" "No kitty! Zip it! You are my partner not my shield! I can take a few hits every now and then."

He looked at her with a soft and light frown then a light smile graced his features. "Can I at least kiss it better?" She looked into his green eyes, light with playfulness and love. The bluenette​ couldn't help but giggle at his kitten like demeanor. "Oui Mon minou" he looks at her, while lifting her bruised hand gently to his lips and kisses the knot that has formed right above her wrist. "Better?" She giggles and nods with a bubbly smile.

Silence falls as she let her hand land on top of his. "How's your head kitty?" He crosses his eyes upward to look at a bruise on the bridge of his nose. "Don't know I can't really see it. Nya!" She looks at him confused as to why he was making such a rediculous pose. "What?" "Y,know. Nya?" "Stop!" She lightly places her hands on either side of his head as she leans in and kisses the bruise on his face, as he had done moments ago to her knuckles. "Better?" Five seconds of silence. "Adrien?"

He was quiet for a few more seconds before a blush rushes up his cheeks in mere milliseconds, and a cat like grin breaks his features. "Hey my whole face suddenly hurts, can you help me Mari?" She blinks a few times before laughter erupts from her small frame. She shook for a few seconds as she hummed with humor before she herd a pouty noise.

She looks up to see Adrien with an unamused look plastered on his face. "Chatton?" He turns around so his back was facing her and crosses his arms. "Adrien...your being a butt!" She flips her legs out from under her self and kicks him lightly in his lower back. He yelps as he flops forward and face plants into the very pink wall of Marinette's bedroom. "Ine e at ay!(fine be that way!)" He swings around and gives her a begging look while placing his head in her lap looking up into her eyes.

To be honest he could get lost into her ocean blue orbs. Staring into them for hours seems like an eternity and he never wants to look away. "My lips hurt."

Red spreads across her features, as it is now her time to blush. "A...and I suppose you want to ki...kiss it better?" He nods with a chuckle. It's been a while since she's stuttered around him, but he blamed that on finding out each other's identities. She's comfortable knowing he's her fighting partner.

Slowly she cupped his bruised and scraped up cheeks pulling him closer and kissed him lightly on the lips. It was sweet and gentle, as if an apology for the both of them getting hurt. Both of them conveying the same feelings. She released the kiss to plant a kiss on each cheek and then his cat like nose. He copied her actions, drawing out the kiss on the button of her nose, making her giggle. "Please be more careful m,lady." She gave him a 'seriously?' kind of look, and crossed her arms. "Ditto minou." And she tapped his nose playfully.

AN: not sure if anyone is reading this but...(we got a weakness! You gotta see this! Eeeeh! Yeah! yeah! yeah! I remember syrup sandwiches and cramalouinse! Be humble! Sit down!!!) Sorry couldn't help it this is just a song that gets stick in my head every time my brother plays it in the house.😆 Well I hope you liked this chapter I finished it at 12:53 am... Well good night or good morning or good whatever your having when reading this.

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