The Seigne

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Mostly ladrien, but has ladynoir, adrienette, and just a smidge of marichat in it.

Adrien had had enough with his father for today, so instead of staying locked in his room or turning into Chat Noir; he went to the Seigne as Adrien.

He got up on the rail and sat there, looking down at the beautiful crystal water below as it's calmness gave him a sense of peace. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the light thud of someone landing a little ways away from him. "Come here to clear your mind?"

He flinched lightly, but not enough as to fall off the railing and into the water. "Ladybug?!, I just- I'm just...y,know...had a rough day?" It came out as a question and Ladybug giggled lightly, making adriens heart flutter and a small blush bloom on his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

"I know what you mean. Being expected so much of, but you just want to be yourself. You need to hang out with my best friend, Chat. He can teach you alot about fun, and really open your eyes to a whole new funny."

Adrien blushed deeper. Was that a complement?! "So you like his puns?" She got up on the railing next to him and grinned. "Our little secret~." She lightly bumped him in the shoulder afterwards. 'Where is all this confidence coming from anyway?!' she thought to herself.

Adrien was freaking out on the inside. Just now realizing that Ladybug in fact does like his puns. What else does she secretly like about his Chat Noir side? Slowly, Adrien slid closer to her and held out his pinky. "Our little secret."

She stared at his pinky for a second before giggling and linking her smaller one around his out stretched one. "Are you infatuated with him in any way?" Adrien couldn't resist asking. It's always been a question he wondered about. She doesn't know he's Chat, but it'll help his confidence as Chat so much. "I'm definitely infatuated with him. He's always willing to take the blow for me, he makes me laugh, there's times I've cried over him, like when I found out he had a lonely Christmas"

She stared at him for a minute, realizing how close he was to her. She studied him for a few more seconds before turning her head torward the Eiffel tower. " infatuated with anyone?"

His face lit up like the fourth of July, but also went as red as a grilling tomato,(they're a deep red😂) but he smiled fondly. "There's two girls that I find very similar at times, that I sometimes think they're the same person, but my best friend Marinette is: really shy, cute, adorable even, highly brave and confident at times, and all around creative. She protects our classmates childhood friend, Chloe bourgeois, She was Chat noirs partner for a day too, how cool is that?! And most of all, she always tries to make me smile, with the littlest things. Like her lucky charm. "

He looks at a now blushing Ladybug with extreme fondness. The fondness turns to something more as he began to speak again. "Then there's you: watching over me, always trying to protect me, you really are sweet, and highly adorable, just like my best friend."

Ladybug looks down at the water and thinks over what he just said. After a second more, she looks up at Adrien. Suddenly, his lips are over hers; Ladybug gasps and blushes a very deep crimson.

When he backs away he has a dreamy look in his eyes, staring right into Ladybugs that were wide as saucers. "Je'taime, my lady." She swallows hard, realizing what he was doing. "Chat Noir?" He nods before whispering something, letting the sudden green glow engulf his entire body.

When the light subsided, Chat noir was indeed sitting where Adrien had just been. "I know who you are now M,lady, it's purr-fectly clear, because I'm best friends with both sides of yourself." Her eyes are wide for a moment. Not really how she planned on revealing herself, but, I guess that doesn't matter, they're best friends as both alter egos and as their civilian selves.

He detransforms back into Adrien, and Ladybug follows suit by releasing her transformation. When the pink glow around her subsides, Adrien cuppes both of her cheeks in his hands and gently pulls her face towards him, their lips meeting once again.

This time, it wasn't as shy on Marinette's part, knowing it's chat, also having already kissed him and he kissed her, it makes it less embarrassing. Their lips move together for a moment longer before Adrien pulls back, pecks her on the lips and gets off the railing.

He holds his hands out to her as if wanting to help her down. As though she wasn't able to do it herself, she swung her legs around and let Adrien take her by the underparts of her arms and lowers her to the ground.

This is when Marinette actually realizes the height difference between the two of them, (Standing flush against each other in an embrace gives more of a closer insight to certain things😆).

Adrien backs up and looks down at the bluenette, who was looking up at him through her eyelashes. "C-...can I walk you home?" She giggled at his stutter and grasps his hand, fingers instantly tangling with his. They start walking in the direction of her house and make small talk.

A silence fell over the two as Marinette thought over something in her head. Once she had everything out together, she breathed deeply, letting it go in a long sigh. "Adrien, ever since the second day we knew each other, I knew I loved you. Alot of people told me I didn't even know what love is, but in all reality, I knew alot more then them."

Adrien looked down at her as they walked, absorbing everything she said. " Your smile lit up that rainy day just like the sun, your laughter over powered the thunders cries, and your act of kindness towards me, though I had shown you hatred, overflowed my heart with warmth. That day, I fell in love with you. I love you, yes, but nothing can compare to falling in love with you. I love alot of people, I even love Chat. But I was, and definitely still am, madly in love with you."

By now, her speech had ended and Adrien was in tears. He had a hand over his mouth in complete shock. Silence fell for five seconds and all that was herd was Adriens whimpers.

Suddenly he pulls her into a very tight embrace. "I love you too! So very much! I love you!" Marinette hugged him back and ran her fingers through the hair that lay still at the base of his neck.

Time Skippy brought to you by peanut butter people.

By now Adrien had calmed down and they continued to walk to her house. When they reached the front of the bakery, Adrien transformed and picked Marinette up, carrying her up onto the balcony.

He sat her down gently and held her close. "I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. I'll have my bodygaurd drive me here for some breakfast and I'll drive you to school." She smiled dreamily at him with her forehead on his. "I'll see you then chatton."

He turns to cat-apult himself away but stops and turns towards Marinette. She has a questioning expression on her face until it clicked as to what he was silently asking for. She walks up to him and tilts his head down towards her, connecting their lips in a sweet good night kiss.

"Salute Mon amor." He steps out of her embrace for the final time that night and winks at her before bounding off into the night. With a loud and dreamy sigh, Marinette sinks to the floor of her balcony in a completely dazed state. Tikki floats out of hiding and giggles sweetly. "I told you it be good to take a flight."

Marinette looks at Tikki and pulls the kwami out of the air, kissing her several times all over the face. She giggled for several seconds after being let go by her holder and floats into the room through the open trap door.


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