Bon Voyage Vegas

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Her mother's response to the news wasn't out of the ordinary. A few quirky comments and then the seriousness hit. Rory decided to keep the detail about the father to herself for the time being, just until she at least talked to him first. Lorelai understood but still wanted to know, she wasn't mad, wasn't happy either but in all she was excited that there was going to be a grandbaby.

The next night while writing the millionth email that Rory once again deleted she couldn't help but think about what happened 10 years ago that ultimately brought her to this situation...


10 years ago- The morning after the bon voyage party


Rory and Lorelai sit in Luke's diner, enjoying their last breakfast before Rory left for the Campaign trail.

"I've got an idea, I can meet you every once in a while, and wherever you are, maybe we can hit a roller-coaster!"

"I don't know how long I will have between towns."

"We can make it work. Come on sweets, Roller-coasters take up a tiny itsy bitsy bit of time. Send me your itinerary when you get it and we can plan it out."

"Ok but remember eyes open no hands!"

"I'll believe it when I see it!"

Someone started rapping on the window of the diner, who would be up at this hour? I look behind me, I can't believe my eyes, getting up I head out the door.

"Colin, Finn, Robert what are you doing here?"

"You didn't tell us goodbye, we have been on the hunt for you all night!" Colin said

"Since the bars closed you mean."

"Oh love, you do know us a bit too well."

"Of course I do Finn. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye I didn't know if I'd see you again."

"There is no way we would let that happen mother!"

"Well... I'm glad you came but I am having e a goodbye breakfast with my mom."

"You're leaving so soon, we just found you!" Finn pouts

"I have a job; I fly out in a few hours I have to be in Iowa today."

"Iowa? What kind of job has you leaving us for Iowa? Iowa?" Colin asks with a disgusted face

"I got a job with an online magazine and will be reporting on the Barak Obama Campaign."

"Wow, Reporter Girl a big time Reporter!" Colin says

"But we'll miss you love." Finn whines

"The best I can offer is to keep in touch for now. I don't know how long I'll be on the trail."

"What will we do without you?" Robert asks

"Be grown-ups, go to work. I don't know"

Finn slaps his hand over his heart and feigns hurt "We are grown-ups Miss Gilmore, we do work. We work hard!"

"Oh Finn darling, I know you work and are grown-ups but work and get the respect you all deserve!"

"We'll make you proud!" He raises his fist as if he is cheering

"Good. I'm so glad you found me, but I have to get back to my mom. Keep it contact boys I'd love to see you again."


Little did I know that they would call me the next evening and ask about my itinerary, every month they would meet up with me where ever I was, sometimes he would come and see me between the trips he took with the boys. Back in June of 2008 the others couldn't make it but he came, that was when he and I became really close.


I had a few days here and this was one of the few I didn't have to report on, I made it to the café I was told to meet the boys at but when I walked in, there was only one. I asked where the others were and he just told me that they become indisposed with work and hoped she didn't mind spending a few days with just him. I was pleased, I had spent so much time with him in the last year that he quickly became my favorite, but that was a secret I'd keep to myself.

They spent the next few days enjoying sin city and all it had to offer, they got plastered one night and he made a joke that they should go and get married by Elvis or some other lovely impersonator. She laughed it off and told him that if they were to marry he would have to take her name as a joke. He asked if that was a no and she nodded, he nodded in return but she didn't fail to see the hurt that had come over him.

The rest of that night was filled with some tension but it loosened the next morning. After that morning they started to become really close, many stolen kisses and lots of not so innocent touching hand holding etc. They ended up naked in bed on the last night and things became hot and heavy to her surprise he stopped her saying they shouldn't do this it might ruin everything, she agreed but was hurt she knew that she didn't want to cross that line and possibly lose him, but it still hurt to feel rejected, so instead they cuddled up and slept.

The next morning she had to be at her bus at 6am, he took her to the bus and both had a hard time saying goodbye. Telling him she would see him soon and text and email him until they met again, didn't comfort him. He needed time to think about what transpired over the last few days, he knew he always had a thing for her and since they started meeting he hadn't had any interest in any other women, he was falling for her, falling hard.


He didn't reply to any of her texts, calls or emails and failed to show up with the guys for the next meet up telling the guys he had business out of the country to take care of, when really he just couldn't handle seeing her just yet.

Luckily get gathered his wits and was able to make the next meet up just before she would be unavailable until after the inauguration. He apologized for not keeping in contact saying life got heavy and he needed time to get things figured out, he didn't lie to her just left out that it was her he had to figure out.

*I'm not back from my break

but I thought I would publish a chapter of this story

just to get something out.*

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