Peace, Love and Joy P.2

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-Everyone else went on to open their gifts, Rory and Finn were last.


Finn told Rory to go first.

Rory opened everyone's gifts and saved Finn's for last. Opening the larger box from Finn she found the 1885 First edition rare blue 1st issue Huckleberry Finn.

"Oh my, this is just wow. Thank you." She didn't know exactly what to say

"Open the other, love." Finn says with a chuckle

She picks up the smaller box and carefully opens it; it was a charm bracelet, with a bunch of different charms including the blue Yale Y, the Las Vegas sign, a R and a F, a heart, coffee cup, koala, and a baby carriage and many more. She looks at Finn.

"I have been collecting charms for 10 years, though I bought the first one while we were both still at Yale, then every time we would meet in different cities I bought one, hoping that one day I would have the opportunity to give you a charm bracelet..."

"It's wonderful Finn, I love it. I love you. I can't believe this is 10 years' worth of memories and collecting!"

"I love you too, kitten. I knew in my heart there was a reason to start collecting them" He leaned down to kiss her.

"Okay your turn!" She says with excitement mirroring her mothers excitement from earlier.

He started with a gift that didn't have a name, he opened the box and eyed it curiously before picking it up and opening it, he finds an envelope with his name written in his grandmum's hand writing, he felt the tears begin to pool.

"Please read the letter first." Rory says

Finn nods and carefully opened the envelope, unfolded the letter and began to read, tears started rolling down his face, once he finished the letter he handed it to Rory to read and started to look through the album.

Rory began to read the letter.

My Dearest Finny,

I love you so very much, I have loved you since the day your mum came to me with the news, over the years I have watched you grow up from a beautiful baby boy into a strikingly handsome, caring, smart, hard working man. I have watched you struggle through rough spots and come out on top because you never gave up. You my boy are a wonderful man, I am proud to have been able to call you my grandson.

I know that you will be reading this when I am gone but I want you to know that every moment I ever spent with you or just talking with you have been my favorite moments in life. I cherished the relationship we've had as I know you have.

By now I am hoping you are with that dear girl, Rory the one whom you often speak about, I know how much you love her and I hope I was able to have the honor of meeting her, she sounds like she is a wonderfully amazing woman, just perfect for you. If you aren't yet, you will be, don't argue Grandmum is always right! I have faith that she is your "one".

My hope for you is to remember all the time, laughter and conversations we've shared and how much you have meant to me. Live your life to the fullest, you deserve the best. Get married have babies and grow old with the woman you have loved for the greater part of a decade and will love until the end of time.

Keep your head up and move forward, know I will always be with you.



There was a little note at the bottom that she must have written right before she gave it to me.

Rory is just as I had imagined, she's lovely beautiful and extremely intelligent, make her happy Finny boy and I'm sure she will make you happy in return. You will marry her I just know it and make sure that baby knows just how much you love it, just as I did with you.

I had Rory put together a photo book, I have faith that she did it for me. Every photo in there besides the few from before you were born is from every visit we had, every time my heart grew bigger for you.

I love you Finny forever and always.


By this time, I had tears running down my cheeks. Once Finn finished looking through the album he took the letter and the album and stood up to hand it over to his mom and dad to look at it. He turned back to me and got down on his knees as I was sitting on the floor and pulled me into a hug. Thank you so much for doing that, love. It means so much to me. He whispered and kissed me before returning to his spot.


Finn took a breath to gather himself and picked up the gift from Rory, he opened the small box and confusion went through him, he took it from the box to examine it, when Emily gasps.

He didn't know what to think when he heard her gasp but then he realized that the engraved RG is for Richard Gilmore. He couldn't believe that Rory would give him her grandfather's pocket watch.

"Turn it over." She says

On the back it read: Finn, I will love you every second of every minute of every hour till the end of time. Love, Rory 2016

"I love it Rory, but are you sure, you want me to have it?"

"Yes I do. Grandma, I hope you don't mind."

"No not at all, I just... I gave that to Richard on our first Christmas together..."

"You did?"

"Yes, I didn't know what to get him but last minute I found that watch at a small shop and took it to get engraved with his initials. Open it and you can see a small engraving at the bottom of the inside cover R & E 1964. I'm happy for you to have it Finn and for you to get it the same way I gave it to Richard is amazing." Emily smiles

"It truly is amazing. Thank you Rory, and Thank you Emily for being okay with it and sharing the story behind it."

"Yes, grandma thank you for the history of it, I never knew, I just knew he had always carried it with him and I have carried it with me since I received it."

Emily smiled and nodded, pleased that her granddaughter was a little bit more like her than she ever knew.


Once everyone finished opening their gifts and had breakfast, Rory and Finn went home to rest a bit while they wait for their friends to arrive. Finn spent most of the time looking through the photo album and Rory fell asleep cuddled next to him in bed.


Rory and Finn enjoyed the rest of Christmas day with their friends and had dinner with Maya and Xavier who both were over the moon that they got to spend this time with Finn, Rory and her family.

Rory felt this was the best Christmas she has ever had all because she got to share it with Finn and she was thrilled to know that this was only the first of many, many years to come...

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