Nope, I'm Psychic

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The last couple days in London Rory joined Finn and Xavier while they were overseeing the management at their hotel, Finn had decided against purchasing the property Xavier showed him as it needed more work than it was worth.

Rory enjoyed seeing a little bit of what the Morgan family did.


When Rory and Finn got home, they found that Lane and Robert we officially together, still taking it slow but they were now a couple. Rory couldn't be happier for them.

It had been three days since they arrived home, Finn and Rory were happy to be home and back in their routine, although Rory missed being able to walk to the Inn and visit her mom, Finn told her to call her mom and see how her trip was and it was a perfect time to call so Rory immediately grabbed her phone and called her mom.


"Loin fruit!!! How are you sweets, how is my grandbaby???" she exclaims

"I take it you finally looked at your caller ID?" I laughed

"Nope, I'm psychic. Just before the phone rang I knew you, would call. So how are you and baby?"

"Right mom and I'm the queen of England. The baby and I are great. How's Australia?"

"How come you didn't tell me all Aussies are hot?"

"Come now mom, not all Aussies are..."

"No, that they are not but man some of them are drool worthy. I'm loving it here kid. Luke and I have been exploring everything we come across, that includes food..."


"Yes as long as there isn't anything green or vegetable like lurking around I am good. There was this meringue like thing I had last night and even though there was fruit on top not smothered in syrup it was unbelievably delicious!"

"That's Pavlova. I had it at Finn's families' home, it was delicious... I wonder if Finn knows how to make it..."

"If he does, have him talk to Sookie if not I will have her give it a go. We need it in our lives."

"Maya knows how maybe she would be willing to talk to Sookie; I'll call her and find out. I'm glad you are having a good time!"

"Fantabulous time sweets! How was London?"

"It was good, I got to see Finn and Xavier in their element, had lunch with Odette and spoke with Logan. Oh my god mom you should've seen Finn's reaction to a breast pump, it was hilarious!"

"Hold on we'll get back to that but back up, you talked to Logan?"


"So tell me, why?"

I went on to tell her about my conversation with Odette that led me to talking to Logan.

"So, they might be moving back? How do you really feel about that?"

"Yeah, I'm fine as long as he keeps working on himself and his relationship with Odette and doesn't cause any problems. But mom I really think he is trying to do right by everyone."

"Okay kid if you say so... So what about Finn and a breast pump?"

"He took me to a baby store and we were looking around and suddenly I hear him shriek like a little girl, when I find him he was holding up a breast pump with a terrified look on his face and he says and I quote 'What the bloody hell is this contraption, it's like some type of torture device!' you should've seen it mom he was completely serious, after I told him what it was he put it down carefully and backed away!" I said giggling

Mom was laughing so hard I think I heard her snort.

"You should take him to a gyno appointment and let him see the instruments they use..." she said between laughing fits

"That's cruel!"

"Yes it is, for us... I just want to know if he would have the same reaction."

"If I know Finn he would probably think the speculum is a something to play with and would be making it quack!"

"Ross!! I can totally see Finn doing that. Hey kid, Luke wants to go out so I better get ready. I miss you, and we need to do a Gilmore movie night, At your house with that obnoxiously big TV when I get back."

"I miss you too mom, sounds like a plan. I'll talk to you soon."

"Alright mommy will talk to you later sweets. 4 more days and we will be leaving this beautiful place! Bye."

"Bye mom."

I felt much better after the phone call with mom.


I was still sitting on the couch when Finn came in and plopped down next to me.

"Your mum enjoying Australia?"

"Yes. Hey do you know how to make Pavlova?"

He chuckled "Yeah, but it's nothing like my grams or mums, why?"

"Mom tried it and wants to add it to the menu at the Inn. Do you think Maya will talk to Sookie about it and maybe show her how to make it?"

"I don't see why not. I miss my grandmum's it was the best I'd ever had, but mum's is delicious too. Anything else your mum finds I'm sure that either mum or I know how to make and we can help Sookie with them if they want to add them too."

"That would be great I'll call Maya tomorrow. Do we have anything planned this evening?"

"Not this evening no, what do you want to do?"

"Well it's a little late now but I was thinking about going to see Paris..."

"I agree that it's too late, but we could drive up tonight and you can see her tomorrow."

"That's a couple hours on the road; do you really want to drive up tonight? I can just drive it tomorrow."

"If you want to go alone that's fine head out tomorrow but if you want to make it a little us trip we can go tonight stay in a lavish room and tomorrow you go see Paris and then we can head back that night or even the next day?"

"I'd rather you come with. We can go tonight, but remind me to call Maya tomorrow and lets stay another day and just have time for us, no work no friends just you and I."

"Now that sounds perfect!"

"Okay I will go pack a small bag for us." I say getting up

He smacks me on the butt "Just a small bag, we won't need much!"

I giggle and lean down to give Finn a kiss before I head up to our room and pack.


We hit the road just after 6 pm, not even 30 minutes into the drive I felt my eyes grow heavy and let my self drift off.

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