Every End Has A New Beginning

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The next morning we had a small breakfast and were on the road. I had asked Finn if he felt like doing a big family dinner tonight, Mom, Luke, Lane, Steve, Kwan, Grandma and invite Mrs. Kim, he was up for it but we needed to stop at the store first as we still haven't gotten a whole bunch of food.

We met Emily at the Hartford house and told her that we needed to go grocery shopping and we would meet her at mom's house in an about two hours, while there I grabbed my boxes I had stashed at her house.


Grandma was waiting when we arrived. She decided to follow us so she would have her car.

She loved the house and was very pleased that we were going to raise our family nearby, Grandma was tired from the drive so I gave her our room to rest in and Finn and I unpacked some more.

I called mom and Luke and asked them to a 6pm dinner and asked Lane if she wanted to invite her mom, which she immediately did.

When 4:30pm hit grandma was up wanting to help Finn in the kitchen, Mom and Luke showed up early and I sent Luke into the Kitchen to help Finn and grandma.


I decided to make my mom's lasagna since it fed a huge group of people, Emily was kind enough to offer some help.

After getting the noodled blanched, Rory and Luke came in.

"Finn, this is my step dad Luke, Luke this is Finn."

"Nice to meet you Sir."

"You too..."

"Grandma lets go in the living room and give them a few minutes." I look at Rory with a questioning eye and she smiled.

Luke started right in

"Did Rory tell you I wanted to speak with you alone?"

"Yes sir she did."

"Please call me Luke, sir is too old sounding."

"Alright, Luke. Before you start I want you to know I love her with everything that I am and only want the best for her and our child."

"I appreciate that, I watched Rory grow up into the woman she is today and I've never seen her happier or be more herself then when she with you. I know a little about the past you two have and I've seen her heartache. I love her I always has she had been like a daughter and now she is, I have always protected her like her father should've so I just want to say, you hurt her I hurt you and I am serious, I won't take it lightly. With all of her other boyfriends the threat was there and I have acted on it but this time I will hunt you down, there is too much at risk now."

"I understand Luke, I really do. I would never hurt her, but if I ever did I would man up. My intentions are to make her happy and keep her happy."

"That's good to hear. I trust you more than I should at this point but like I said I know you and she have been close for a long time, I just have one thing to add and I can help you in here if you'd like."

"That would be great; Emily could only help so much."

Luke chuckled "The Gilmore women have a tendency to run when things get rough and or too serious, but you need to stick it out. They are worth it."

"I've noticed. I will always fight for her."


Luke and I finished up making dinner and everyone was at the table.

We all sat enjoyed our dinner until moments later the door slammed open.

"Lane! Lane, where are you?" Zack was screeching until we were in his sight.

I stood up "What are you doing barging in my home!" I yelled

"I need to talk to Lane."

"No! I will not have it!" Mrs. Kim says loudly

"Mrs. Kim, Please!"

Just then that woman walks into my home like she belonged here.

"What are you doing here?" Lane sneered finally speaking

"It's Zack's home; I have every right to be here."

"Ha, you think he could afford a home as nice as this? He is not rich; he's barely even middle class."

The woman's face drops.

"That's a gold digger if I've ever seen one, don't you think, love?"

Rory giggles "I agree, maybe we should introduce her to Shira they would get a long great."

Everyone at the table laughs.

The woman turns and stomps out of the house.

You could see that Zack was conflicted not knowing what to do, go after the woman or stay and try to talk to Lane. He stayed...


"Zack what are you doing here, how did you know where to find me?"

"I followed Mrs. Kim. After I went home and found the place practically empty I headed to your mom's house and she was leaving so I followed her here, I saw you answer the door for her."

"That still gives you no right to be here."

"We need to talk." He says

"Fine, but not here."

I took him in to backyard and told him to keep his voice down since this was a respectable neighborhood.

"The boys saw that woman!"

"So, they have seen her multiple times when we were on tour."

"Not in this capacity. Now what do you want?"

"Lane, I'm sorry. It just happened. I want to try and make it up to you. We can still be a family."

"I don't care if you're sorry, and obviously there is more to it than it just happened. I am going to go to a lawyer and file for a divorce and full custody. You have another one on the way with her; you don't need to neglect the boys more than you already do."

"Please don't, Lane. We can work it out."

"No, no we can't. I'm done I deserve better. Now please leave Rory's property and do not return. If the boys want to see you I will have them call and ask and I will drop them off."



He turned around and stomped through the house, Luke hot on his tail.

After they exited the front door, you could hear Luke yell "I knew you were a piece of shit, never show up at my daughter's home again and I hope I never see you again if I do it'll be too soon. I hope Lane takes you for everything you've got as little as that may be."

I went and hugged my boys; when Luke came back in; mom politely excused herself and went after Zack.

"I'm so sorry everyone..." I said with tears rolling down my face.

Rory and Lorelai came and pulled me into a group hug.

"It's not your fault Lane, so don't be sorry." Rory said hugging me tighter.


After Lane gathered herself, everyone finished dinner and sat and talked for a while.

Finn pulled Lane to the side saying that he had a perfect lawyer for her if she needs it, she was thankful but declined knowing she couldn't pay for it. Finn told her if it was about money, she needn't worry the lawyer was one of his best mates and it would be taken care of.

Lane hesitated but ultimately agreed and Finn called Colin.

This was the beginning of a new chapter in the life of Lane Kim...

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