"Let's Chat"

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Rory decided not to talk to Jess about the book at the Christmas party but the next morning she texted him to see if he was available to stop by, he was free and said he would stop by in an hour or so.

Finn left late the next morning to find Logan and have a little chat with him, he held it together for Rory but inside he was seething.


After Finn left , Rory texted Coin, Robert, and April asking them all almost the same thing 'What was going on between each of them last night' Rory had to wait to talk to Lane as she went to visit her mom for the day and she thought it would be better to talk to her in person.

Interestingly enough they all said that they were enjoying the company of the other.

Colin asked if it would be okay to ask April out to coffee, Rory told him she was fine with it but he moves to fast or hurts her she would break his neck and enjoy doing it. He promised he would take it easy and Rory and he bantered back and forth for a while.

Robert said that he was interested in Lane, but knew she was going through a divorce so if Rory wouldn't mind he would be coming around a bit more to get to know Lane and the boys. Rory was pleased with the fact he took note of the situation and wasn't going to push Lane.

April really liked Colin, but she didn't know him well enough to really judge that just yet. April asked if she could come over later in the day so they could talk. Rory agreed and they made plans.


Rory's conversation with Jess was an interesting one; they talked a bit about how their lives have been since Lorelai's wedding.

Jess finally found a girl he was really and truly interested in and he had thoughts about pursuing a future with her. Rory was happy that Jess was finally happy.

Rory knew Luke had told Jess about the pregnancy but she chose not to bring it up, which she was thankful he didn't say anything or ask about it. Rory may be close to Jess but there were something she didn't feel comfortable talking to him about, not really wanting to know his thoughts on it.

Rory told Jess that she had finished the first draft of her book and all her concerns. Jess was surprised she had finished writing about her life, but asked her what her main concern about it being public; she told him that there are things in there that no one knew about her or her mother and some very personal details she wasn't sure if certain people would be comfortable with other people knowing before them.

Jess understood but asked who the certain people were; she was quiet for a few minutes before she confessed that the main person was Finn followed by her mother, Luke and grandmother.

Jess smiled knowing that she didn't want to be judged by the people that love her most. He told her 'Don't be ashamed or afraid to tell your story you never know who it could help, inspire, or motivate. You may get great feedback and you may get discouraging feedback, you may get both, but tell your story Rory, its one hell of a story.'

Rory gave Jess a hug and thanked him, before he walked away he told her to let Finn read her story and let him give her his honest feedback in doing that it will give her either the courage to pursue it completely or keep it to herself.

Jess knew that once Finn read it, it would prove to Rory that her story is worth sharing. Jess had more faith in Finn than he could explain for someone he had only met once.



I made my way to the Huntzberger home; the maid told me that Logan wasn't home. I thought about calling Odette but decided against it, knowing Logan was most likely at our old go to place.

So taking the 40 minute drive out to New Haven I arrived at the Rich Man's Shoe, the moment I walked in I spotted him sitting at our old table, I go to the bar and order a scotch and tall glass of water telling them to deliver it to the table I pointed at and made my way over.

I sat down; Logan didn't lift his head he just continued to stay slumped over staring into his half empty glass. When my drinks were delivered and the waitress left he spoke.

"I know why you're here, but you don't need to be. I know what I did was stupid; I just needed to know if she still felt it. The look on her face told me everything I needed to know."

Seeing my old mate was in such disarray I decided to go the more calm level headed route, not that I didn't want to hurt him I just knew that I was above that now.

"What was the look on her face?" I asked

"Complete and utter terror... I pushed it too far, didn't I?"

"Way too far..." I said trying to keep my calm

"I'm sorry man. I hope she'll let me apologize..."

"You've done a lot of apologizing mate; you do realize actions speak louder than words, right? When your actions contradict your words, your words don't mean anything."

"I know that, I don't know why I didn't stick to it... I just... I fucking love her man; I just needed to find out if there was really nothing left on her side."

"You couldn't take her word for it? Or mine?"

"No I needed proof. I thought that if I kissed her, she would feel it and know that we belong together. Finn, when I use to kiss her, that spark was intense something I only ever felt with her. Last night when I kissed her, I felt the spark actually die out then seeing her face after I knew, that was it." Logan confessed

"I know that feeling, you feel the spark that is ignited by the kiss begin to take over every inch of you and into your soul. I've felt that with her for 10 years... Are you done with these infantile games? If you keep playing with fire you will be burned."

"I'm done. After last night with Rory and then the conversation I had with O this morning, I finally feel that I am done. I know you don't believe me but I will prove it to you, I need to do this for Odette, you and Rory but mostly myself." He said looking me in the eyes

"You have a lot of fences to mend, including your own. It will take a lot for me to fully trust you even just trust you again but it'll take even more for Rory, I know she is taking it even harder than she cares to admit." I take the last sip of my scotch and start on my water.

"I'm so sorry for everything; I never meant to hurt her. I can't say the same for you as I still find this whole mess fucked up but I know I would regret it."

"Do you regret it? Because when you hurt her you hurt me. I've told you this before but I will tell you again she is my entire world and I love her with every bit of me. I've already given you one chance, but do it again and that's it, we are done, we will be nothing, I won't give a fuck about you anymore, no chances to explain nothing."

"I do regret it. I don't want to lose you, the guys or her, if I lose any of you I don't know how I would live with myself knowing that I caused it."

"I don't know about Colin or Robert but you still have that ability to lose Rory and me."

"Trust me I know that if I lose you and Rory, I lose them. Robert told me so last night."

Finishing my water I stand up and go over to Logan's side not bothering to even look at him.

"You work on yourself, your relationship with Odette and fix things between you and Rory and we can work on going back to how we were, but do it in that order and get each one figured out before going to the next. Until then, you are not welcome in or around my home and I want you to stay away from Rory, she doesn't need this shit, she's fucking pregnant with MY child this is not good for her. Odette is still welcome and will continue to be. Goodbye Logan."

I said and made my way out of the bar and got into my car and went home to Rory.


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