A Mouthful

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The trip to London went as planned, the moment they landed, Rory called Odette to see if she wanted to meet for lunch but that she preferred Logan not know that her and Finn were in London, Odette happily agreed and they made plans for the next day at a little bistro Rory has always wanted to go to.

The next day, Xavier took Finn to look at a private property that he thought Finn would like to purchase and then to their hotel holding to oversee the management of the hotel.

Rory got ready to meet Odette.


I arrived at the bistro a little early but found the perfect table and sat down the waitress came over with a menu and I told her that I was waiting for one more, she quickly went to the counter and pulled out another menu and brought it to the table, I ordered some peppermint tea and began to examine the menu.

I looked up when I heard the door open and sure enough it was Odette, I waved at her and once she was close enough to the table I stood to give her a hug.

"You look amazing Rory!" Odette said taking her seat

"Thank you, you do too."

"Thank you, I wish I felt that way...."

"Why don't you feel, good?"

"I'm just tired, been stressed out lately."

Just then the waitress came to take our orders we both ordered the house salad and half sandwich.

"Care to vent?"

"Sure, I guess. My father he has been here what seems like forever, watching over me like a hawk. He knows nothing of the issues but I suppose he feels the tension. I have been ducking out as much as I could, he and I fight about him going back to Paris and then well there is another issue that has come to light since we arrived back from the states and I think this is the reason he won't go away..."

"He just wants to protect you, Odette. If you don't mind me asking what is the other issue?"

"Well Mr. Huntzberger is divorcing Shira and with that he would like Logan to go and take over the Hartford office so he can prepare to retire or something. I am not totally sure of the details as I am usually left in the dark."

"So, does your father not like the idea of you moving to the states? Or is it both of you?"

"It's mainly my father, honestly I have no qualms about it, and I know that you would be closer and at least I would have a friend there, but I think that is why Logan doesn't like it. I don't think he wants us to be friends..."

"Well let me just ask... Are you and Logan doing better?"

"Oh, yes! He actually takes me out to dinner, he comes home after work, we talk here and there and well it's like it should be..."

"I don't think Finn will like this but, maybe if I talk to Logan he may realize that once he gets his shit together we can all be friends... I won't if you think it'll be a bad idea though."

"I think he has changed some Rory and that might be exactly what he needs. Are you sure you're comfortable with that?"

"In complete honesty... No, but if that's what it takes, then I'll do it. It'll be nice to have you 30 minutes away. I mean I have Lane and April but we have grown into good friends and I would love to have you around more. Aren't you sad to leave your friends?"

"I don't really have friends besides you. Daddy kept me away from people. My best friend until I was 18 was my AuPair... I loved her dearly but when I turned 18 daddy let her go and she left."

"Do you ever talk to her?"

"No, she moved to the states after that and I never heard from her again. I'd love to talk to her again."

"Have you thought about looking her up online? How much older than you was she?"

"She was 17 when she became my AuPair and I was 5, so 12 years. My first AuPair daddy didn't like she was old and mean. I'm slightly embarrassed to ask this but how would I go about looking her up?"

"Well I realize you don't have facebook, so maybe we can start there?"

"Okay, after lunch." She said just as the waitress brought our food.

I nod. The salad and sandwich was delicious.

"Rory... I know this is quick but I am supposed to go to Logan's office after this, would you care to join me and you can chat with him? If not, I totally understand."

"That's fine, the sooner the better. I'll have to call Finn though and let him know I wouldn't be heading back, he won't be thrilled and actually might get a bit mad because I will tell him I am going to speak with Logan. I can't keep that kind of thing from him."

"You won't get in trouble, will you?"

"Trouble? No... I just know he had words with him and he wasn't supposed to talk to me until he got his head on straight... Why would I be in trouble?"

"I don't know I just feel like I am always in trouble if I did something someone didn't like and I didn't want you to feel that way."

"We will talk about that more later, but don't worry."

"Alright...OH! I forgot to tell you. We will be in Hartford next weekend, maybe we could get together while I am there."

"Sounds great!"


Once lunch was over I slipped outside and called Finn.

"Well, hello my love. How was lunch?"

"It was great, I've really missed Odette. But hey I have to tell you something that you aren't going to be very happy about but you just have to let it go and I will explain in detail this evening..."

"What's this thing I'm not going to be happy about?"

"Well I was talking to Odette and I offered to talk to Logan, so I am going to go to his office with her now."

"Rory..." he says with an exasperated sigh

"No listen... It will be okay, and I'll explain later."

"But what if something happens, I won't be there..."

"Stop it. If something happens then I am to blame, but nothing will happen so just leave it at that, okay?"

"Fine, but I swear..." I cut him off

"I know. I love you; I've got to go now Odette's car is here. I'll call you after..."

"Alright. I love you too, be safe."

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