That Gilmore Energy... Or Lack Thereof...

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Over the next few days' Rory was really starting to feel the exhaustion, she knew that everything leading up to Christmas took a toll on her. She didn't like that she lacked energy even a little bit of energy would be good, it surprised her with the usual energy of her magnitude that she didn't at least have some left.

Rory's morning sickness had almost completely gone she still had bouts of it here and there but they were less and less, her food cravings were getting odder and odder and she was wanting to sleep a lot more, she wasn't feeling at all like herself.


Finn and Rory had big plans with their friends for New Year's but when Rory woke on New Year's Eve she didn't feel at all like getting gussied up and hitting the town.


"I feel so drained I just want to lay here and not do a damn thing." I thought to myself as I lay in bed, I have been up for around an hour just laying here not wanting to move nothing. It was still early, not even Finn was awake.

Finn has been really patient with me and totally understanding, but he also was at work during the days, most days...

I felt Finn shift in bed; I knew he was awake once he pulled me into his arms.

"Good Morning, kitten."

"Morning..." I said lacking any enthusiasm

"How are you feeling this morning?" he says as he kisses my shoulder

"The same completely drained. Would you be mad if I said I didn't want to do the whole New Year's thing?"

"No not at all, Do you still want to make the trip to New York and we can just spend time together in the hotel?"

"Sure, we can do that. We are supposed to drive Lane anyways... It'll be a nice change even if I want to spend the whole time in bed while we are there."

"We can get you a spa day, maybe it'll help some. Can I ask you something and you not become mad or upset and be totally honest?"

I turned around in Finn's arms so I could look at him.

"I'm always honest with you and I can try not to get mad or upset..."

"Are you feeling depressed?" he asked

"I do feel waves of depression mainly when I want to do something but once I start I feel too drained to continue and end up sitting on the couch eating chips and watching mind numbing daytime TV. But not really depressed per se..."

"Would you please tell me if it gets any worse? I want to be sure to be on top of it."

"Yes, I will... I miss working..."

He chuckled "Is that some of the reason you feel down?"

"Kind of, I don't know if you knew but the day I contacted you I quit the Stars Hollow Gazette. They shut it down because I quit. I loved that damn thing I wanted to keep it going but I had to quit... Don't ask why because I don't really know."

"Do you want to find a part time gig? What about your book? I haven't seen you writing lately..."

"I don't know, I'll think about it... As for the book, the first draft is finished."

"Wow, that's incredible. How come you didn't tell me?"

"I don't know... Well I do... I have had concerns about it..."

"You talked to Jess before Christmas, did that help any?"

"A little."

"What are your concerns?"

"People's reactions... Jess told me that I shouldn't let that get in the way, not in those words but I know what he meant."

"So are you going to take it any further?"

"I haven't decided yet. He told me I should have you read it first and give me your honest feedback, I haven't asked you to because I have been working my way up to it."

"When you're ready I will read it. Are you worried about me becoming upset or something?"

"I don't know there is just a lot in there that no one really knows and some parts go into serious detail... About my relationships and stuff..."

"I hope you know I'd never hold any of it against you, I know the majority of what happened with Logan and you and I remember that guy that broke up with you when he was to pick you up from your grandparents when they threw that god awful Yale soiree."

"There are some details you still don't know."

"Okay still I wouldn't hold it against you. I love you too damn much and we have been through too damn much to get where we are for me to hold any grudges. Look, it's just about the time Lane will be taking the boys over to her mum's so how about we shower and get our bags together so we can head out as soon as Lane gets back and we can stop for breakfast at Luke's before we go."

"A shower would be nice, as long as we can shower together... But as for Luke's can we stop at McDonald's instead I really want those hashbrowns..."

"McDonald's it is and I wouldn't want to shower without you, I never do." He smiled

I lean in and give him a small kiss and start to sit up.

"If we are showering together, maybe you can wash my hair? I love it when you do. But I get to wash yours too!"

He chuckled. "I'd love that."


They both enjoyed their shower, Rory's hormones were raging but she didn't have the energy for any sexcapades...

Once they were out and dressed they packed their bags for 3 days in New York and Lane was waiting and ready.


After making their stop at McDonald's to get Rory's hashbrowns they were on their way to New York.

Rory told Lane that she and Finn wouldn't be joining the festivities but if Finn wanted to he still could, but that she should enjoy her time with Robert. Lane didn't seem to mind, she was really enjoying her time with Robert.

Colin was picking up April and formally meeting Luke before heading to New York. Rory found this amusing as Colin was a nervous wreck even if they had met a few times before.


Rory had hope that on at least one day she would feel good enough to go on the town and enjoy time with her friends.


Just a FYI, This will be the only chapter today and the only one till Monday, I am hoping to get out two Monday and at least one Tuesday before my aunt gets here and I take a break for a week.

Thank you for all the reads, comments, votes and new followers. It keeps me going, makes me want to write more and more!

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