Clearing The Air P.1

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Finn woke around 6am still in awe of the activities of the night before, he couldn't believe how it really felt to make love to the woman of his dreams, that first night in New Hampshire had been amazing as well but nothing in comparison to last night, last night he was making love to Rory it wasn't a daring sexual rendezvous between two people hiding their feelings from the world.

Rory was still in his arms so he slowly released her and got up trying not to wake her. Once he was up he went into the bathroom to clean up a little and do his normal routine, looking in the mirror he saw her nail marks in his chest running his fingers over them he could swear he still felt her hands on him, he also noticed little bite marks that he hadn't realized she had done last night he laughed to himself when he thought she sure marked her territory. He finished brushing his teeth and began to wash his face when he felt her presence. Splashing water on his face and grabbing a towel to dry off he felt her arms wrap around his waist.

"Well, good morning to you too!" he said with a smile and turned around to face her wrapping his arms around her.

She reached up and gave him a kiss pulling back she looked into his eyes.

"Last night, was amazing... I am so glad we finally took that step." She said will all seriousness

"I am too. It was beyond words. How are you doing this morning?"

Her stomach growled in response "Hungry." She giggled

"I'll make you something and then we can get ready and go see our baby."


Everything went smoothly at the doctors, baby was growing and healthy at their next appointment they might be able to find out if it was a boy or girl. Neither Rory nor Finn knew if they wanted to find out or wait to be surprised.



We arrived at Sarah's coffee house just 15 minutes before we were to meet Logan and Odette, Colin and Robert were seated at a table inside so we went up and said hi and found a different more not so cozy table to fit four. I was nervous as the clock ticked closer to the time when they would arrive.

10:30 on the dot Logan and Odette walked in I took a deep breath and stood grabbing Finn's hand.

"Rory, Finn." Logan says

"Logan... Hello Odette." I greeted and Odette nodded

"Logan..." Finn gritted through his teeth

I knew this was going to be rough for him.

"Let's have a seat, order some coffee and then we can talk."

I nodded and Finn waved to the waitress, we all ordered a cup of coffee everyone had something a bit different except Finn and I we were the only ones that enjoyed it black, Logan wanted tons of cream and Odette got the sweetest coffee I had ever heard of, a pump of this, a pump of that. Once we received our coffee's Logan began.

"Rory, I wanted to apologize for being a drunken asshole that morning. I was taking by shock with all the news and I never meant to physically hurt you. I brought Odette because I told her everything and she wanted to come when I talked to you."

"Yes, I'm sorry I blew the situation out of proportion, Logan explained you only came to get permission for you and Finn to be together."

I looked at Logan annoyed; he cowered a bit in his seat.

"Okay this needs to stop here, I'm sorry if this pops your little bubble Logan but I can't handle lies or secrets anymore. Odette thank you for the apology which I full accept but you need to know I didn't go to London to get Logan's permission. Originally I was going to tell him that Finn and I were together out of respect for their friendship but I got a visit from Shira after she heard rumors of me exiting a prenatal clinic. Shira thought I was pregnant with Logan's child which in fact I am not but she wouldn't listen to me and chose to believe I was lying. So instead of just telling him about Finn and I, I had to tell him that yes I am pregnant and no it is not his. Finn is my baby's father not just because he will be there as the father but because our little one is half of him." I ranted and took a deep breath

Logan looked at me with apologetic eyes; I looked away not believing it.

"I would like to speak to Rory alone if you men don't mind." Odette said

"Is that okay with you love?"

"Yes, go sit with the boys and enjoy your coffee."

Both Finn and Logan walked over the Robert and Colin's table.

"Rory, I want to apologize again I should've never jumped to conclusions and now being misinformed about the situation even more."

"Like I said I accept your apology and you don't have to apologize for not knowing the truth. I should be the one apologizing for the affair. I'm sorry Odette."

"Since we are being honest, I knew about you from day one. You are Logan's one love. When we started out I knew he was still seeing you and I was still seeing a man in Paris but as the time went on I started to fall for Logan and broke it off with the man in Paris.

Mr. and Mrs. Huntzberger then announced our engagement, something Logan and I knew would happen but neither of us knew when. Logan didn't propose we were just told that we were engaged and marriage would come soon after. I love him Rory, I know he doesn't love me but I'm in it..." she took a deep breath before she continued "... I knew he was still seeing you even after I moved in, late night phone calls, impromptu visits to the states but all I could do is sit back and watch, so that night after Shira put a hold on our wedding he said he was meeting Finn at a hotel bar I had to follow him... I found him with you..."

"Can I stop you for a second?"

"Please... I can carry on till I'm blue in the face." She giggled in return I smiled

"I can ramble with the best of them believe me. Odette, when I found out you moved in with him I tried to break things off. I still called to talk to him but I really tried to break things off. Not long after on his impromptu visit he and the boys surprised me, I knew he was trying to get me to stick around or tell him not to marry you but I couldn't he was no longer mine to be had. I no longer loved him like that. My heart was with someone else, I didn't spend the night with him that night, and I took my own room and snuck out to see who had my heart, Finn. I felt guilty when I woke up the next morning so I went and sat in Logan's room and stared out the window trying to figure out what to do... It all came down to it that I had to say goodbye and in doing so I thought I had to say goodbye to all of them as I thought they were only a package deal, so that's what I did. All that happened was an awkward kiss between him and me before he walked away. Before I hadn't been with him like that for a while and I didn't want to be anymore."

"Did you even take a breath in there?"

"Probably not" I laughed

"Thank you for clarifying things for me."

"It's what was right, Odette, you need to know what really happened."

"Would you be opposed to swapping numbers? I'd like to get to know you better."

"That's a great idea, but please understand it'll be awhile for me to be okay with Logan. I mean I would like his friendship but when he left a mark on me it took me to another place even if it wasn't intentional."

"I understand and I don't blame you one bit."

Odette stood up and came over to me leaned down and hugged me whispering thank you.

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