Truth or Dare

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Rory and Finn had fun shopping; Finn felt like it was just how it should've been. He never in his life thought just shopping with someone would feel so normal. Normally he sent out for grocery's or while he was out of town he would just order up anything he wanted, the only shopping he ever did was for clothes, accessories or presents for people.

Rory, felt that this was a small but important step in their relationship as silly as it sounds, she wanted to live some sort of normal life.


Finn made spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner and Rory enjoyed the company of the elder lady. Her name was Ester she was 94 years old, Rory loved hearing about her life and in some way gave Rory some hope for her future.

After Ester left, Finn and Rory did the dishes together. Once the last dish was put away Rory walked up to Finn as he was wiping off the counters and wrapped her arms around his waist resting her back against his muscular back and sighed.

"What you thinking about, kitten?"

"Just about the road we traveled to get here and where it'll take us from here."

"Where would you like it to take us?"

"Have you ever thought about running away?"

"Many times, kitten... Uh are you thinking of running away?"

"What if I said yes? What if I asked you to run away with me?"

"I'd ask why... But if you asked me to run away with you, I would be on board but I would want to know why."

"Finn, in this very moment how do you feel?"

"Like my world is coming together. I'm in love with you Rory; I have been in love with you for a long time. How do you feel at this very moment?"

"I thought it was too late for us, but we are coming back to life a little every time we touch. I'm so in love with you Finn it's like I'm finally living, finally breathing, when I felt myself drift further away from you I couldn't breathe. If at this very moment I could want for anything else, it would be for you to run away with me just run away with me and we can face reality later."

"I would love nothing more, kitten but we are in London didn't we kind of run away?"

"No London comes with drama, is it too much to ask to go somewhere to relax no drama, no family?"

"Definitely not, love. Where would you like to go and when?"

"I'll figure everything out, but can you leave and be away for a week or two or maybe even longer?"

"As long as I have my phone and laptop, I am good to go. I should be done with my project in a couple days so I wouldn't have to work the rest of the time. I know it's not great that I still have to work some..."

"No I totally understand. I'll probably be writing when I get time."

"So we're doing this? Running away together?"

"Yes. In just a few short months we will have a little one to be responsible for, why not be irresponsible for a while."

"Where is Rory and what have you done with her?" I chuckle, knowing this is the Rory I remember without Logan.

"She's gone..."

"This is the Rory I remember, don't worry about it." I smile

"You bring the best out in me, Finny."

"You do the same, my love. Now how does a bath sound?"

"Are you telling me I smell?"

"Yes, you stink." I laugh

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