Beautiful Species

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Finn and Rory were on the road headed to the Morgan estate, Colin made his way to a hotel close by as Finn's dad set up Colin with a room and Finn and Rory with one. It was only about 5 minutes from the house, so if Finn needed to get back in a hurry he could unless he wanted to stay there.

Pulling into the drive of the beautiful home, Finn tightened his grip on Rory's hand.

"I'm here baby. If at any point you want to do it on your own let go of my hand and I will understand."

Finn nodded; Rory could tell he was getting more and more unsteady. He was breaking and there was nothing she could do.


Rory thought back to when her grandfather had passed away. She had called Logan and told him and although he would've liked to come he couldn't and she didn't think it was ideal anyhow. She texted Finn and told him he had offered his condolences and asked her to let him know if she needed anything. In all honestly all Rory really wanted was him there with her, she needed him there but since she ended things with him, she knew it was better not to ask him.

Finn didn't know that Rory saw him at the funeral standing by a tree with his shades on, just the fact that he was there without Rory even asking was enough to give her that sense of comfort she so desperately wanted and needed at that moment.

Finn knew from the moment he got her text, that he was going to be there. He wanted to keep his distance since he wasn't technically invited, but he wanted to honor the man she loved so much. Finn never regretted going but he did wish he could've held her in his arms so she knew how much he cared and how much she was truly loved.


I crawled out of the car on Finn's side knowing he wouldn't let go of my hand and we made our way to the front door when it swung open a breathtakingly beautiful woman with tears in her eyes immediately grabbed Finn and pulled him into a tight hug, he let go of my hand. Both of them let it all out crying onto each other at that moment I knew it was his mother.

Pulling apart she pulls me in, "Thank you for bringing my son, Rory. Please come in."

"Of course, Mrs. Morgan he needed to be here." I was taken back that she knew who I was

"Please call me Maya, Rory. Finn your father is out getting us lunch but mum would like to see you."

He nodded to his mom and kissed her on the cheek before grabbing my hand again. We got to the stair case and I pulled him to a stop.

"Finny, are you sure you want me to go with you? I don't want to intrude on your grandmother."

"Rory sweetheart, go be with him and mum. She wants to meet you anyhow." Maya said

I nod to Maya and look to Finn his eyes pleading with me not to let him do this alone, I squeezed his hand you reassure him that I will be by his side.

We continued up the stairs, I was nervous only because I had never met anyone in his family except his sister briefly. Stopping at a slightly ajar door he took a deep breath and lightly knocked.

Moments later I heard a quite but humble "Come in..."

We walked in and I was taken back when I saw his grandmother, she had long curly gray hair and was just a breathtakingly beautiful as his mother.

"Oh, Finny my dear boy and this must be Rory."

"Ello grandmum, yes this is the lovely Rory."

"It's nice to meet you..." I hesitated a bit realizing I didn't know her name

"Come, come in sit. You can call me grandmum if you wish."

Sitting down on the window seat next to her in her rocker, Finn took her hand in his free hand and leaned in to kiss her. A tear slipped from his eye and his grandmother wiped it away with her thumb.

"Dear boy, please don't cry."



"I cannot help it, I'm sorry." I felt a bit embarrassed

"No, no don't be sorry. I know it's rough, but I know you will do great things in life. Now Rory I'd like to get to know you a bit better..."

"What would you like to know?" Rory asked

"First, I can see the love you have for my Finny and I know the love he has had for you for years. I just want to know about you."

Rory and my grandmum talked for a while it truly warmed my heart seeing them interact like they have always known each other. I was paying close attention to both of their mannerisms and how much they were a like... I never realized it. I took notice when Rory's free hand went to her stomach and rested it on her not yet visible bump, my grandmum took notice too.

I squeezed Rory's hand and she looked at me while she was in mid-sentence talking about her book and I motioned with my eyes down to her hand on her stomach, she smiled and nodded.

Once Rory was finished talking about her book grandmum looked at me.

"Is there something I should know?" she asked

"I guess the cats out of the bag huh? I was going to tell you but I wanted you and her to talk first. It's only right that you are the first to know other than her mum and a few other people, Rory and I are expecting she's only about 6 weeks."

"That is just wonderful I am so happy for you both!" she said as she lifted her arms to pull us both in for a hug.

"Rory, would you mind if I spoke to Finn alone for a little bit?"

"No not at all grandmum, I'll go downstairs and see if I can be of any assistance."

I let go of her hand kissing her on the cheek.

"After I am finished speaking with him I would like if we spoke alone as well."

"Absolutely! Finn, just come and get me when it's time."

She kissed me on the cheek and made her way out of the room quietly shutting the door behind her.

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