Day By Day

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That afternoon we went to the hotel, got cleaned up and took a nap before dinner. I woke before Finn and called my mom, alerting her that I was safe, in Australia and that I most likely will not return before Thanksgiving due to Finn's grandma. She wasn't the happiest but understood that I needed to be there for him.

We went back and enjoyed dinner with the entire clan including Colin. Finn and I visited with his grandma for a few hours before she was ready to turn in for the night.


Every day for a week we went and visited for most of the day and I really didn't mind, I loved to see how he was with his family they were definitely not the typical society family and I couldn't be anymore thankful for that. One day Maya, Nettie and Bella took me out shopping to get some warm weather attire as I had clothes for winter weather, I was impressed that they didn't just go to high end stores they went anywhere, I got to know them all a little better that day. Maya was like my mom, fun loving and quirky, Nettie was a wild child but with a good head on her shoulders and Bella she was such a sweetheart she was only 16 but had big aspirations.


After another few days, Finn was with his grandma when she passed. He must of felt it because he was adamant on getting to the house before breakfast, when we arrived he went right up to her room and sat with her for about two hours when she took her last breath.

Finn was understandably devastated and sat with her while everyone said their goodbyes until the man came from the funeral home.


The next few days Finn had his break downs and wanted to be left alone. I never left him unless it was necessary or asked to be alone. I helped his family with the arrangements that Chloe (I finally found out her name the day after meeting her.) has requested, she didn't want traditional just a small simple wake and she wanted to be cremated.

Chloe would be please at how intimate the funeral was and everything exactly as she wanted.

Finn gave a beautiful speech about his relationship with his grandma, as I listened to his speech I was thankful that Chloe gave me all the pictures to put into an album for him because some key points he made, there was a picture that told the story.


When he was ready we flew back home so I could make it to my next appointment and he could see how the office was doing.


Finn asked if I would stay with him at his place in Hartford, I accepted but on the condition that he would go to Nantucket with me over the weekend to visit and speak to my grandma and tell her about the baby if she hadn't already heard it through the grapevine. Surprisingly he agreed without hesitation.

Our second day back he was off to work and I was headed to the Dragonfly to visit with mom.


I walk in and some new girl was at the front desk, I could only assume that Michel was at the annex watching over the reconstruction of things.

"How may I assist you today?" The chipper girl asked

"Is Lorelai in?"

"Uh, I believe she's in her office, I'll give her a call and tell her I have someone waiting."

"No that's okay I know where the office is and if she isn't there I'll check the kitchen, thank you."

"No I can't let you go back there, without notifying her first."

"I'm her daughter and would like to surprise her."

"I knew you looked familiar, you must be Rory. She talks about you all the time. Go on back."

"Thank you, and what was your name?"

"Whitney, I've only been here about a week but I'm really enjoying it."

"That's great Whitney. I'm going to go surprise my mom now."

I didn't even get past the dining area when I heard mom and Sookie talking in the kitchen so I changed direction and slowly and quietly opened the door to see Sookie talking animatedly about something Martha and Davey did to their little sister. I stand in the doorway waiting for Sookie to notice me and it didn't take long before she screeched my name.

"RORY! You're back!"

Mom came rushing towards me "I've missed you kid!"

"Missed you too mom, hey Sook. I'm back in Hartford but yes I'm back." Some new chef was trying to put something in something and Sookie turned her attention to him

"So how was the land down under?" mom asked

"Hot. I had to get clothes that were more appropriate. I didn't get to see too much of it this time around."

"How's he doing?"

"Day by day he's a little better, they were closer than I have ever thought."

"Well that's understandable kid, how are you doing? Morning sickness kicking your butt?"

"I'm doing alright, body's changing a little bit at a time but feels like it's trying too hard. As for morning sickness not too bad only every now and then at first it was terrible it felt like my insides were being ripped out."

"Our tiny frames don't like change, you're lucky with the morning sickness, with you I had it all day every day almost the entire first trimester, let's go in my office."

I nodded and followed her into her office and sat down as she shut the door.

"So Luke knows..."

"I figured you'd tell him, no worries."

"Well when you sent me a picture of the ultrasound I was sitting on the bed staring at the picture when he came over and sat next to me. He thought I was pregnant and was keeping it from him, I told him it was yours and he didn't believe me until I zoomed in and saw that in fact it was your name with Leigh in it, he was upset at first believing it was someone else's but I told him that it was Finn, he was a little relieved but would like to talk to him..."

"That reminds me, I didn't tell you about the unwanted visitor that showed up at the crap shack before I left to London."

"No you didn't what? Who? Why? Was it him? The real Paul Anka? Who?"

"Shira Huntzberger."



"So what the hell did she want?"

I told my mom about the entire conversation and what went on in London. I left out the part about him leaving a hand print on me that was still somewhat visible.

"So she told Logan he was going to be a father to your baby and he went bat shit crazy?"

"Basically yes."

"And Odette called you a whore... I can't believe that."

"Well I was his mistress or sorts."

"Has he contacted you since then?"

"Surprisingly no, but as you know I have had my phone off most of the time and while I was in Australia I only turned it to show Chloe the baby and to call you, I didn't feel right to have it on while I was there."

"Yeah you were being respectful."

"How was the honeymoon?"

"It was great except the fact that Luke made it hard for me to eat, all he would ever order is that green crap so when we went out I gorged on real food."

"Hey that green crap is pretty good... Try it with blue cheese or ceaser it makes it taste better."

"That's only the pregnancy sweets, you'll hate it again."

I laughed not daring to tell her that I have enjoyed a salad here and there since I was on the campaign trail.

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