As It Turns Out...

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--- Finn turned to me and looked like he was about to speak but looked away again, he did this a few times before he actually spoke....

"So about that night... I want to say something before I get into what happened that night..."

I nodded for him to continue

He took a deep breath and let it out "When I woke up that morning I thought you rushed out because you didn't want to see me after what happened and so when you never brought it up I just decided that I would bring it up either, but now I know that you had no memory of it."

"Okay so what happened that night, Finn?" I said a bit confused

He cleared his throat "We were walking back to the apartment, when you pulled me into an alley and kissed me. I pushed you away because I knew you were drunk and I didn't want anything to happen that we would regret, you just brushed it off and we continued to walk. Once we got back to the apartment you pulled out the hidden booze and we both drank from the bottle until it was finished and this is where it gets fuzzy because I lost all my inhibitions but I still remember it..." He paused

"We didn't..." I trailed off. We couldn't have we were both dressed when I got up.

"Let me finish..." I nodded for him to continue

"Well we were both sitting on the floor and when I got up, you pulled yourself up and took my hand pulling me closer to the bed and you started kissing me again... I'm not blaming my actions totally on the alcohol but I started kissing you back, we began to get hot and heavy to the point you had unbuttoned my pants and had me in your hand, we fell back on the bed still kissing with such intense passion but you ended up passing out and I quickly followed..."

"So we didn't have sex but we shared our first kiss together that night or should I say full on make out session?"

"Correct. I felt so bad the next day not only was it the hangover but the fact that I had almost had sex with my best mate's girl a girl that I secretly had feelings for and didn't want to ruin either relationship. I can't say I regret it, there was so much passion between us but I can say I am happy it didn't go any further."

I was stunned "Wow..." was all I could get out at that moment.

"I hope you're not mad that I've kept this from you for so long but I thought you remembered..."

"No, no I am not mad. Just a bit surprised. Give me a little while to wrap my head around this though..."

"Absolutely, love. I am just going to check on some work things. If you have questions here and there ask but I'll leave you to your thoughts."

"Thank you."


I sat there going over every bit of information Finn just told me I guess as it turns out there was a lot more to that night then I ever thought... Tons of questions come to mind but each one seemed more important than the last... I sit and think about which one I should ask first. After about 20 minutes I finally decided...

"What was the real reason you came to Yale that day?"

"What was that love?"

"I remember when I asked you why you were looking for me and why you were there you said the God's summoned you... But what was the real reason?"

"You want the reason I've been telling myself all these years or the real reason?" he looked a little worried

"I'd prefer you start with the real but I'd like to know what you've been telling yourself as well..."

"Okay... The day before I had gotten a call from Logan, just checking in and wanting to talk about our next possible shenanigans when he got to talking about you... He told me that you guys hadn't spoken much since he had left. Anyways that evening I was sitting drinking a glass of scotch and got the sudden urge to find you and take you out for a night on the town, so if you were sad at least you could be happy and light for one night... Myself being the person that made you light and happy is what drove me to do it..."

"So what have you been telling yourself was the reason?"

"That I was being selfless and being a good friend to Logan by getting you out to have some fun. In reality I was doing it because I knew you were sad but it was my chance for us to be alone and I could show you a good time. I had no intentions of making a move on you... I guess I just wanted you to see that you mean more to me than just a friend."

"I see... You said you had feelings for me back then?"

"Yes. From the moment I met you I knew there was something special about you and I really wanted to ask you out but I knew that you were worth more than just a dinner and bed so when Logan made dib's I tried to ignore my feelings but the more time we all spent time with you the more Logan talked about you my feelings became stronger..."

"Okay... Well go back to what you were doing... I'm just going to... Think."

He nodded and his attention went back to his laptop.

I couldn't believe I had no recollection of that night and was so oblivious to Finn's feelings for me. This is making everything make so much more sense... I started to drift off to sleep still trying to wrap my head around everything.

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