Bet Your Sweet Bippy!

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-"What are you doing here?"

"Ah Rory. Good to see you too. I need to speak to you about something very important and time sensitive." the visitor said

"I really don't think we have anything to talk about."

"I know we haven't been on the best of terms but I really must talk to you Rory."

"Fine. If you don't mind waiting, while I go change?"

"That would be much more appropriate, yes."

I rushed to my room and quickly changed into something appropriate and rushed back into the living room not wanting to leave them alone in the house.

"I guess I should be polite and ask if you'd like something to drink?"

"I'm fine. Thank you."

Motioning to the couch I move to sit down and she follows in suit

"So what can I do for you Shira, why did you show up in my town?"

"As much as I have a dislike for you, I know what you mean to my son. I love the type of woman Odette is but after this plan was put into play I started to realize that this is not what I want for Logan. I want him in a relationship filled with love and not obligation."

"I still don't understand what you are doing here..." was she wanting me to break them up or was she just...

"He loves you Rory, there's nothing I can do about that but he really loves you. If it's you he loves then I have to accept that."

My phone began to ring; I left it upstairs in my mad rush to the door.

"If you'll excuse me, it could be important."

Shira looks irritated but nods and I rush up the stair to see that it was Finn calling


"Hi yourself. You sound a bit... Miffed?"

"That's an understatement if I ever heard one."

" I just wanted to give you a heads up I finished up early and am heading back to you now. What's going on?"

"Shira... Showed up at my house."

"What does the lovely cocktail waitress want?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not totally sure yet, you kind of interrupted our conversation, not that I really mind."

"Okay well I'll let you get back; I'll be home in about 25-30 minutes depending on traffic which I assume will be dead."

"Alright. See you soon, be careful."

"Thank you, love. I'll see you soon. Then you can tell me everything."


After a quick goodbye I quickly hung up and made my way back to Shira

"My apologies I had to take that. Now what were you trying to accomplish?"

"Well... While I don't agree with you being a career woman or not being born into our world and not holding a true status in society, you are what my son wants. So I am here to get what he wants before he marries Odette."

"Let me get somethings straight before we carry on... First I love writing, it is what I was born to do and I would never give that up to be a trophy wife. Secondly while I was not raised in your world I do hold a true status in society, truer than your entire family. Lastly I may be what Logan wants but he is not who I want."

"Gilmore's are not truer than the Huntzberger's my dear. Why would you not want my son, he is handsome, rich and utterly in love with you."

"Gilmore's may only be as true at the Huntzberger's but with old money but Hayden's sure as hell are then combine the worth of both families and what do you get? " The look on Shira's face left me extremely pleased

"As for Logan and I, that was over months ago. Well really it was over, over a decade ago but neither of us were ready to realize that. I may love your son yes but not enough to be with him ever again." I said and gave her a "Society" smile

"Wait you are a Hayden as well as a Gilmore, how is that..." She trails off probably making the hamster in her head work overtime to get her gears going , I knew she would be stuck on that

"Yes. Christopher Hayden is my father and Francine and Straub are my grandparents. Not that it's any of your business but I am their sole heir. Straub had it written in his will that when I reach the age of 30 I would become heiress to their fortune. As for the Gilmore's, Lorelai the first placed me as their heiress in her will but only once my grandfather passed would it be handed down to me. So I am a double heiress Shira, I don't spend frivolously and I don't make it publically known, I am not that kind of person, the money I make is what I live off of not my families money like others do."

"Well Rory I guess I had you all wrong... Well maybe not all. What is it going to take for you to be with Logan? You know if you marry him, you will be worth so much more! How come you didn't get presented to society in the proper manner?"

"I didn't want to be presented to society and my family agreed with my wishes! What do I have to do to make you understand that I do not what to be with Logan?"

"How could you not want to be with the father of your child and be worth so much?"

"Father of my child?"

"Yes, Mitsi Ross and her daughter saw you leaving the woman's prenatal annex this morning. I know that you had an affair with Logan for the past few years, Mitchum told me after he came across you and Logan out to lunch, that's when he decided he needed to have Odette move in with him to deter your affair but I know it didn't stop there."

"Oh but it did stop there. After I found out that she had moved in I called it quits."

"Right and his trip here had nothing to do with you!" She huffed amused

"Logan and the boys did come to take me on one last adventure but nothing happened between Logan and I. Not that it's any of your business."

"I don't believe you. How could you lie right to my face when it's so obvious? I guess you would fit into society."

"I'm not lying. I have no reason to. Is this why you made this poor attempt to get me back with Logan?"

"No actually I had planned to find you and discuss this with you before I found out about your pregnancy. I am going to go and discuss this with Mitchum and get him to hold off the wedding but bet your bottom dollar that there will be a DNA test done and once it comes back that this child is a Huntzberger we will do things the proper way and you'll marry my son."

"I will grant you that DNA test once my child is born but bet your sweet bippy that this child is no Huntzberger! Now please leave!" I found great amusement in this and wasn't quite sure why

Shira left in a huff as I stand giving her the society smile and waving. Finn was just pulling up as Shira was leaving. He climbed out of his SUV Oh it was so wonderful to see his beautiful face.

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