Welcome to Dynasty Makers

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After arriving at the hotel, Rory and Finn went to their room and settled in for the night. Rory tossed and turned for the better part of the night worried about her meeting with Paris.


Finn was the first to wake, he quietly got up and ordered some coffee and breakfast so that it would arrive before Rory woke and he could serve her breakfast in bed.

Around 9am the room service arrived and he brought it to the bedroom, setting it down on the side table he gently sat next to Rory and stroked her hair trying to coaxed her awake. A few moments later he leaned down and kissed her head and whispered "I love you, Good Morning." That did the trick Rory rolled over and mumbled "love... morning... too... you..." he chuckled a bit before he told her he had coffee and breakfast for her.

She slowly pulled herself up with eyes still closed and hugging the blanket to her. "Coffee?" she says putting out her hands.

Finn placed the mug of coffee in her hands and she pulled it to her face taking a big whiff and opened her eyes.

"There's those gorgeous eyes." He says

"Hi" she says with a cracked voice and then takes a sip of the coffee

"Mmmm. I think I can deal with this whole half calf thing if it tastes this good all the time." She smiles

"I'll find out what exactly they do to it, love." He says and leans in for his morning kiss

She nods and takes another sip, while he moves the food in front of her.

"I got you a bit of everything, anything you don't want I'll eat." He smiles at her

"You didn't get anything for yourself?" she asks

"No, I figured you'd eat the sweet stuff first and not want anything more."

"But that only leaves you with eggs and hashbrowns..."

"Yes, that leaves plenty."

"Okay. Thank you." She says as she picks up her fork

They sat and ate their food, Rory feeding him bites of her pancakes and chocolate croissant and her stealing some hashbrowns in return.



It was close to 11 am when we were both ready for the day, My nerves were at an all-time high and I started to feel like I couldn't do this, but I sucked it up and we left the hotel.

"Kitten, do you want me to go in with you or do you want me to come back for you?"

"I think I'd like to do this on my own, plus you don't need to endure the wrath of Paris. But can you stay close?"

"I'd endure anything for you, but yes I'll stay close. I'll find a place to park and just be within walking distance."

"Thank you, Finny. I love you." I say and kiss his cheek

"I love you too. Now I think we are here?"

I look out the window and see Paris's office building.

"Yes, we are."

"Just remember I'm here if you need me."

"I know." I said and gave him a kiss.

I took a deep breath and got out of the car.


Entering Paris's office I walked up to the reception desk.

"Welcome to Dynasty Makers, how can I help you?" the offbeat receptionist asked

"Yes, I'd like to speak to Paris Geller."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, I'd just like to speak to her."

"Well Dr. Geller is a very busy woman; may I ask what this is regarding?"

"Please if you'd just tell her Rory Gilmore is here to speak to her."

"She is with another patient right now if you would take a seat I'll see if I can get you in."

"Thank you" I said and walked over to the one of the chairs and sat down, taking one of the binders off the table and flipping through it.

The binder showed success stories and stories of the surrogates; I was a bit shocked to see that Juliet was amongst the success stories. I hadn't seen or heard anything about her since Yale, it was good to see that she had married and now had a little boy and another baby on the way through surrogacy again.

I finished reading her story when I heard Paris's voice talking to a patient about the next appointment; I closed the binder and placed it back on the table. I looked in the direction of her voice and moments later I saw her step out of a room with a couple.

She looked as poised as always, I smiled knowing she was in her element. She caught sight of me and excused herself from the couple and walk towards me, I stood and smoothed my clothes feeling a bit uncomfortable. She stopped in her tracks and her face went from surprised happiness to blatant surprise no real emotion showing, she began walking again and pulled me in for a hug.

"Rory, so good to see you. Let's get you into my office and I'll be there in a moment."

"Good to see you too Paris." I replied as she walked me into her office

"I'll be right with you." She said and shut the door behind her.

I could hear her scolding her receptionist about not informing her that I was here and that she should know better that when a Lorelai or Rory Gilmore to inform her immediately.

Moments later Paris came back into her office, leaned against her desk and crossed her arms.

"How far along are you? 13 weeks?"

"12 weeks and 3 days."

"Blondie's I assume?"

"No. Finn Morgan's."

"Uh huh... How long have you known?"

I knew she was holding back, she never took things like this with ease

"Since the beginning of November, I meant to tell you..."

"Uh huh. And were you going to tell me before or after labor?"

"Paris... I was going to tell you after I told Finn but life got in the way."

"You could've called or texted, or something. Maybe in your text about picking up your boxes."

"You could've called or texted too, Paris..."

"I guess we are both to blame, then as much as I hate to admit that..."

"Can we pause for a bathroom break?"

"Bathroom is down the hall to the right..." Paris said coldly

I nodded and went to the bathroom.


I look down and panic set in, I pulled my panties up and rushed back to Paris's office and swung the door open.

"Took you long enough!" Paris said curtly with her arms crossed

Everything was going in slow motion; I couldn't tell if it was reality or a dream a very, very bad dream.

I lift my head, eyes wide tears filling my eyes.

"Paris, I'm bleeding..."


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

This will make sense in the long run...

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