"You're so good to me."

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Before Rory knew it, it was Monday. Rory spoke to Lorelai and Maya over the new few days and convinced Maya and Xavier to stay with them till after Christmas, knowing Finn wouldn't know that they were here until the party. Rory wanted Finn to have time with his parents.


The eve of the party was upon them, Rory had Sookie and Luke cooking up a storm, Rory was running from place to place just to make sure everything was perfect for the party, which left her and Finn not seeing much of each other.

Rory had gotten home in the late evening; Finn was on the couch flipping channels when he noticed she had gotten home.

"Rory, can we sit and talk?"

"I'm exhausted, Finny... But give me a few minutes to change and grab something to eat and then we can talk."

"Alright, love."

Finn felt something was pushing Rory away, ever since the day he had his break down.

Rory came back into the living room in shorts and a hoodie with a bowl full of cereal and sat next to Finn.

"Rory I want you to be completely honest with me... I know I have my rough moments and I know that you must feel like we have moved really fast, I mean we have just been together for about a month and yet we bought a house together..."

I wave at him to stop and take his hand shifting into a better position.

"Let me just stop you, I would only move as fast as I wanted to. I love that we are together, own a house together and are going to raise this baby together. Yes you have your rough times but, Finn... I am really truly in this. I am sorry if me not being around much has made you feel that I maybe wasn't happy, but it's not that at all, I have been preparing for this damn party and have a bit of a surprise brewing, it's just taken up my time."

Finn let out a breath he was holding in hopes that his worst fear wasn't coming true.

"I am so glad to hear that, I'm sorry I just felt like I had pushed you away or that you were getting scared about how fast things had progressed."

"That's not it at all. I just have one thing to say... Do not let me ever plan a party by myself again..."

He chuckled "If I would've known that it was becoming too much I would've stepped in, but you wanted to take the reins on this from the beginning."

"I know, I thought I could do it. Next time, if there is a next time, I will have you and the boys take the reins, you all seem to get it done with ease."

"That's because we have been throwing parties for years and there's more than one person doing everything. I have an idea." He stood up reaching his hand out for Rory to take it.

Rory took it willingly and he led her into their bathroom, she looked at him with a curious eye.

"I am going to run us a nice warm bubble bath and while I do that I want you to strip out of that shorts and hoodie duo."

Rory nodded and he started to run the water, she took off her clothes throwing them into the bedroom.

Finn added the sweet vanilla bubble bath and got out of his clothes. Once the bath was full he stepped in once again reaching out for her to take his hand. Rory stepped in they sat, he pulled her close to him and began massaging her shoulders.

"Mmm that feels amazing..."

"When you've had enough of your shoulders I want you to turn around and I'll rub your feet."

"You're so good to me."

"Only what you deserve, my love."


Rory and Finn enjoyed their bath together. Rory took it upon herself to take things a little further, after she had enough of the foot massage she shifted so she was on her knees, her hands moving up his legs to his stomach and stopped on his chest, she loved the feeling of his body; she leaned in closer, kissing him lightly and giving him a smile. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her to him so that they were skin to skin.

Rory kissed Finn's shoulder then slowly began kissing and licking her way up his neck, taking his earlobe between her teeth tugging a bit, making him release a soft groan. This pleased her; she kissed his jaw and made her way to his lips.

As the kiss deepened she worked her hand down gently taking ahold of his hard member and began steadily stroking. Finn groaned in appreciation and in turn moved his hand to her most sensitive area, gently massaging in circles.

Finn, was loving this intimate moment but he wanted to feel how wet he was making her so in a swift move he had her straddling him, he carefully stood with her legs wrapped around his waist and got out of the bath, with a free hand he grabbed a towel and took her into the bedroom.

He threw the towel on the bed and set her down, so he could positon the towel on the bed so that they could keep the bed somewhat dry. Picking her back up he gently laid her down, kissing her, once again his hand found it's place massaging. She let out a moan in appreciation.

"I want to taste you." He said in a gruff voice kissing his way down.

Before she knew it his mouth was on her kissing licking, she was hypersensitive and knew she wouldn't last long but she was trying to hold on, that all went out the window when he inserted a finger and began moving it in and out, just when she was about to cum she slipped in another finger which pushed her over the top.

When she had come down some, Finn was kissing his way back up her body until their lips connected again. She loved that she could taste herself on him.

"Make love to me, I want to feel you inside of me." She moaned

Without a second thought Finn was inside of her.


Finn and Rory made love into the night until they blissfully fell asleep in one another's arms...


I'm having a hard time finding a new spot to write; with the weather change my back patio is out of the question, which was the perfect spot to keep my creative juices flowing. This morning I tried my front porch since it's a bit more sheltered from the rain and wind and although I got a chapter written, my hands are cold and it was harder to concentrate and I don't think this chapter came out as good as I was hoping. So for the time being, until I find a new spot there may not be more than a chapter a day (I am going to try and at least keep that up).

Also starting next week, I will be taking a week and a half off from writing while my Aunt is here.

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now