Three Times a Charm...

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-"Do you still love Logan?"


"Honestly I don't know how to answer that..."

"All I want is a yes or no I don't need an explanation..."

"It's not an easy question to answer and needs an explanation Finn, I can't answer without one..."

Finn has asked me this question twice before and every time is gets harder and harder to answer...

Virginia-June 2007

Had been on the road for just under a week but every day I would either text or get calls from the boys checking on me, I thought about Logan a lot but was very thankful that none of them mentioned him or asked questions until this morning when I had gotten a text from Finn, I have been sitting reading the 5 word text over and over for the past few hours... "Do you still love Logan?" it was a simple answer but I couldn't bring myself to reply yet. As we pulled into our motel I typed out a simple "Yes" and turned my phone off for the remainder of the day.

Paul and Rory started dating

Grandma and Grandpa threw a dinner party and introduced me to a few men a month or so ago, I knew the moment they asked me to join them for a small dinner that I was in for a recreation on the Yale alumni party they threw when I was a sophomore. I whined and bitched about it to mainly Finn. Finn and I had what I could only think of as a close personal friendship although my feelings for him were a lot stronger.

Today was the day I was going to tell Finn about Paul, figuring it was just out of common curtesy I texted him, some part of me hoped he would tell me that he had feelings for me but I wasn't going to hold my breath.

R: Hey just thought I'd give you the heads up that I starting "dating" this guy named Paul. I figured it would keep my grandparents off my back...

F: Oh when did this come about if I may ask?

R: Just a few weeks ago

F: Okay. So I guess our infrequent meetings are no longer existent?

R: I didn't say that I still want us to go about the same... Nothing has changed

F: Right... Nothing has changed. It'll be just like when you were with Logan.

R: I still want everything to go the same with you and what do you mean that it'll be like when I was with Logan... That was years ago Finn

F: Forget it.

R: No I am not going to forget it. I know your holding back something , just tell me.

F: Look Love, It's seriously nothing. I know this is an old subject but if Logan came back in your life what would you do? Do you still love him enough to want him back?

R: I don't know what I would do Finn. Why are we talking about him?

F: I just left his flat this morning and I just am curious. But you didn't answer the second part of my question.

R: Some part of me says of course the other parts tell me maybe I can't give you an answer.

F: Alright. See you Friday night or do you have a date with that bloke?

R: Friday night. Our usual place. 6pm?

F: Let's make a day of it if you are available say around 10am?

R: 10am it is


I shook my head trying to clear my head a bit "Is it okay if I call and talk to mom for a minute?"

"You don't have to ask Rory, I know how you and she are."

"I didn't want to be rude, sorry."

"Go on I'll wait here."

She nodded and made her way into the bathroom. I can't believe it all came down to this... My parents are going to be elated that they are going to be grandparents. I am still so... I don't know angry with her...


As soon as I shut the door I dialed up my mom.

"Kid, do you understand that you could've interrupted me and your step daddy in the throws..."

I cut her off that was too much

"Mooom, I don't need to know about what you and Luke do. I called for a reason..."

"Alright, what's up chicken butt?"

"The father is here, and he knows now... He wants to try to make things work..."

"And that is a problem why? Who is this man you speak of? The wookie? Don't even bother telling me if its Logan."

"Mom, its Finn... We have had a thing off and on for the last 10 years... I screwed things up, I feel he might hold some kind of resentment towards me if not now soon."

"The Aussie?!"

"Yes The Aussie."

"Well kid, you need to talk to him about that before you can move forward if that's what you want."

"I do want... I have wanted it for a long time but I was just too stupid to notice that he wanted the same thing. I am scared though."

"I understand that you are scared but you need to get back out there and you'll never know till you talk to him, so get em' tiger! Just don't do anything mommy wouldn't do!"

"That says a lot!" I giggle


"There's one other thing... He asked me if I still love Logan. I can't answer with just a yes or no it's too complicated.

"I already know your answer sweets and you do too, don't over think just tell him give him the full answer I know you know how to answer it, I just think you are holding back so no feelings are hurt. Being honest brutal or not is the best thing to do. How he handles it, is up to him."

"Thanks mom."

"No problem sweets, making me adult is tiring."

"I'll call you later. Love you."

"Love you too kid."

I went back out, sat down next to Finn and turned to face him.

"I do still love Logan, but not the way you think. I love him because he is a part of me, we have history. I'll never stop loving him but I am not in love with him. It's not a yes or no answer because its kind of yes and no."

"Thank you, love. I just needed to hear it." I knew there was more to that, that he wanted to ask me but I let it go for now, but I would ask him in the near future.

I told him how I felt about the last 10 years and my feelings about him resenting us, he in turn told me he is still indeed angry with some things but he would never resent me or the baby. We talked until around 10 when I started to get sleepy.

"I'm tired Finn, I will leave it up to you if you want to stay or go. But either way I leave at 9 am."

"I'll stay kitten. I'll take the couch; you sleep in your bed."

"It's your back. I'll see you in the morning."

"See you in the morning. I'm just going to step outside and make a quick call before I turn in."

Inod before I even turned around he had his phone out and was making his way outthe door.

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now