Like A Kid In A Candy Store

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Once Rory got out of Logan's office building she pulled out her phone and called Finn.

"Ello, Love."

"Hey babe, all went well. Actually it went better than I even expected."

"I'm glad you were right. So where are you now?"

"I'm walking back to the hotel, when will you be back?"

"I'm already here... I can come pick you up."

"I feel like walking, you want to walk and meet me and maybe we can go for a little longer walk and I can tell you why I wanted to talk to him?"

"Sure, I'll grab my jacket and be out the door, see you soon. Are you walking the direct way?"

"Yes, I think so. I'm only about 10 minutes from the hotel."

"Okay I'm heading out. I love you."

"I love you too."


About 5 minutes later they were both in each other's sights; Rory quickened the pace and almost leapt into his arms.

They held on to each other savoring being in one another's arms after a long day. After a long hug she pulled back and kissed him deeply.

When Finn needed air he pulled away and chuckled "Did someone miss me?"

"Yes, I did. I always miss you when you aren't around."

"I do too love. So where do you want to walk?" he ask while taking her hand in his

"That way." She points to a side street.

They spent the next hour walking the streets of London hand in hand and Rory went into detail about her and Odette's lunch and her conversation with Logan.

Finn still wasn't thrilled about her going to talk to Logan alone but he knew Rory could handle herself it was more about the possible actions from Logan but he was glad to hear that he was taking what he had told him to do seriously.

Rory had finished telling him about the encounter with Logan and he stopped and pulled her in close.

"I know you understood that it wouldn't make me happy but I just want to be sure that you know that it's not that I think you can't handle yourself it's that I do not trust him!"

"I know Finny. I appreciate your concern for me. I may not fully trust him but on some scale I do. I didn't do it for him I did it for Odette though, I would be fine with him staying here but since I've grown close to Odette and they come as a package now I find myself leaning more towards them moving to the states. I believe he is sincere but I'm still weary of his actions. Only time will tell."

"It's good to hear that you know your limits with him, and I would be happy to have Odette around more, it'll be good for you to have another friend around, I don't mean to make it seem that Lane and April aren't enough but it's always good to have friends close."

He took her hand and they began walking again.

"I know what you meant... It would be good to have her around. I don't talk to Paris anymore; I don't think that I've even talked to her since I got my things from her house but even then she wasn't there. I just texted her that I was grabbing my things..."

Finn took notice that Rory was feeling guilty.

"Kitten, it takes two. I know you've been so wrapped up in life and haven't contacted her, but she hasn't contacted you either."

"I know it's weird to think that the girl I hated most in high school turned out to be one of my best friends in college and now we don't make time for each other..."

"Do you want to maybe call her when we get back and see if you can't meet up?"

"She's going to hate me."

"Why? No one can hate you."

"I never told her I was pregnant... She will know the moment she sees me and she will go all Paris on me."

Finn thought about what to say for a few minutes... He noticed a store that they were coming up on and decided to take her in when they got closer...

"It's up to you if you want to see Paris. I know Paris can be a lot sometimes but maybe it just needs to happen and you guys can talk more and maybe see one another more..."

"I guess... I'll think about it."

"You do that but before you do that lets go in here."

Rory looks at the store before her.

"You want to go into a baby store?" she asks with her bambi eyes

"Well we do have a little one on the way..." he smiles

"That's true... But we don't know the sex."

"That's okay, there are lots of cute things we can get that would be great if it's a boy or a girl."

A wide smile spreads across Rory's face and in turn one spreads across Finn's and he pulls her into the store.


Finn ran around the store like a kid in a candy store picking up things and showing Rory. His excitement was evident Rory smiled at the man she loved and if it was possible she loved him even more every day.

She was shook from her thoughts when Finn shrieked she looked around trying to find Finn, when she found him he was in the breast pump area.

"Why are you..." he stops her and holds up a breast pump

"What the bloody hell is this contraption, it's like some type of torture device!" his eyes full of odd curiosity

Rory let out a loud laugh "Finn, it's a breast pump for breast milk. If you can't breast feed but you prefer to have your baby only on breast milk it gives you that ability."

"But, but, but... It looks like it would hurt..." he frowns

"I honestly can't tell you what it feels like but I'm sure it's not really painful."

"Uh huh... Well I think I'm just going to walk away now..." He shakes his head and places the breast pump back on the shelf and walks away.

Rory giggled, she loved that he hasn't lost his eccentric ways. They got a handful onesies mainly one that Finn absolutely had to have so he got three different sizes that said 'Cute like mommy- Smelly like daddy.' And Rory picked out one that said 'Mommy needs coffee' and a couple London ones before they were done.

Once all the onesies were paid for we made our way back to the hotel so Rory could rest some before dinner with Xavier.

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