Anything For Him

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The next two weeks went by fairly quick. Colin and Lane met to go over the divorce, Colin promised to get everything Lane wanted in the divorce, no one had seen nor heard from Zack since that day at Rory's house, Lane called Gil and Brian to inform them of what was going on, neither had heard hide nor hair from him since they got back from tour.


Rory invited Lane to go Christmas shopping with her and Odette, at the last shop Rory mentioned that she was planning a Christmas party for a few days before Christmas...

"I can help set up for it, Ror." Lane says

"Thank you. Odette you and Logan are more than welcome, it would be nice to have more girls around."

"Won't you and Finn be in Australia?" Odette questions

"No, Why would we be in Australia?" Rory asks with a raised eyebrow

"Logan said that Finn goes back home for the Holiday's."

"Oh... I forgot about that... He and I talked about a Christmas party, so keep it in mind and I'll let you know."

The girls finished their shopping trip and Odette headed back to the Huntzberger's home while Lane and Rory headed to Rory and Finns,



I can't believe I forgot and Finn hasn't said anything.

When I got home I went and hid the presents I bought in one of the empty guest rooms and went to search for Finn.

He was in the office on the phone so I went up and gave him a peck on the cheek, he smiled while I started to get up but he pulled me into his lap. I tried to muffle my giggle but it didn't work out to well. I snuggled into him as he finished up his phone call.

Placing the phone on the desk he wraps his arms around me.

"How was your shopping trip, kitten?"

"Good, I got everyone except you taken care of... I invited Odette and Logan to the Christmas party."

"You don't need to get me anything, I have everything I need right here. I called and invited Colin and Robert as well."

"Finny, can I ask you something?"

"You know you can."

"Why aren't you going to Australia to be with your family for Christmas? You go ever year."

"My family is right here."

"What about your mom, dad and siblings?"

"They are still in Australia."

"We can still go, you know."

"No it's okay, love. I would much rather be here."

"Why don't you want to go?" I said and he got very quiet and looked down

"You don't have to tell me, but know I am always here to listen." I say as I get up

He stands up and follows me placing his hand on my shoulder to stop me; I turn around to see tears in his eyes. I pull him in for a hug and he is holding on for dear life.

In a sad quiet voice he says "I only went for my grams..."

"Oh, Finny." I lean back and kiss him which he turned into desperation.

I pull away out of breath; I could see the need he had in his sad eyes. I grab his hand and pull him in to the bedroom.

The moment I shut the door I was back in his arms, I stop him by gently pushing him away.

"I love you but know this isn't going to fix it, I brought you in here so we could be alone and you can talk to me, not so you can bury yourself in me and hope to forget."

"I know..." He says in just above a whisper while he flops done on the bed draping his arm over his face.

I lie down on my side facing him, and lift his arm from his face. You could see the sadness had taken over, once again. I felt so guilty, he had been doing great these past couple weeks and now he's back to being in shambles, I kiss his cheek and wipe his tears.

"I miss her..." He says

"I know, I do too. Talk to me."

"I just miss her, every year I went back to spend the holidays with her and now I don't feel like I can go back right now."

"Where ever you are she is always right here." I place my hand over his heart and he placed his hand over mine.

"I know, love."

"We can always go, I can throw the party early and we can book a flight out the next morning."

"I don't know. You have your family here and I'm just not ready."

"Okay, when you are let me know, and we will go."

He nods and pulls me into him. I hold him and just let him wallow, after a few moments I notice his breathing change and then his little snores began.

I lay with him a bit longer before I realized I couldn't fall asleep. I gently moved out of his arms, covered him with my unicorn blanket and made my way into the guestroom.

I pulled out the photos Chloe gave me and the beautiful photo album I bought today and began to put the photos in order, the photo album had a place for captions next to each photo pocket so I grabbed a pen and wrote down what each picture had written on the back. I wanted it to be everything Chloe wanted and more.

When I got to the photo of Chloe holding a new born Finn with Maya looking over her mother's shoulder at her first born, I got up and grabbed my cell and called Finn's mom.

"Rory, sweet girl. What do I owe this pleasure?" Maya asks

"I just wanted to call and see how you and everyone were doing and well... To let you know Finny will be staying here for Christmas..."

"Oh dear I figured. He only came to see mum. Everyone is doing well; all the kids flew back to the states, since they came every year for the same reason."

"So you and Xavier are staying there?"

"We haven't decided yet. We finished going through mums things and it's just us here."

"What would you say to coming and surprising Finn? We are having a Christmas party just a few days before Christmas, it would be great if you both were here and you could see the new house, plus I have a new picture of baby Morgan for you."

"That would be wonderful, I will talk to Xavier and let you know."

"Great! I'll talk to you soon Maya. Oh and I can book a room in mom's inn for you too, so you are close"

"That'll be perfect. I'll let you know soon sweetheart."

After talking to Maya I continue putting the album together, just as I was placing the last photo in I got a text from Maya.

Maya: We will be back, Monday. Can you book a room at your mum's inn for a week? If not we can stay in Hartford

Rory: I will talk to her but plan on it; if it doesn't work we have plenty of room here.

Maya: I will let you know when we arrive. Thank you for doing this for him.

Rory: I'd do anything for him. See you Monday.

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