The Truth P.2

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--"The child I am carrying... Isn't yours..."

"Are you positive?" Logan asks

"Yes, the father and I went to the doctor yesterday and the dates were confirmed and it is definitely his."

"So you and Paul then?"

"No... Actually."

"Wait he isn't the father or you and he are not together?"

"Neither... Paul and I actually never..." He cut me off

"Well than we can make things work with us, you can say it's mine and we can be together. I never wanted to marry her I just wanted you to tell me not to I was stupid and I should've been the one to tell you how I feel and what I really wanted."

"That's not what I want Logan. I don't want to be with you... Sorry that sounded a bit harsher than I had intended. The baby's father and I are working on moving forward."

"Then why are you here?" he sounded frustrated

"To tell you just that. I had planned to come and tell you that there would be no more us but your mother stuck her nose in and gave you information that was not hers to give let alone it was not something I felt the need to tell you. I have also agreed to a DNA test once the baby is born, so that everyone including yourself would get it."

"Okay. So that's all then?" I could tell he was ready to go

"Well no, I wanted to tell you the reason there is no more us."

"So go on." He said agitated

"I have been involved with someone for the past 10 years well technically about 9 years, although we have never been in an actual relationship I had fallen in love with him but when you came back into my life I became confused..." I go to stand but Logan places his hand on mine and I stay seated.

"You, you are in love with someone else?" He stuttered I could see the sadness in his eyes

"Yes Logan. We shouldn't have started again after we ended 7 years prior and I blame myself for that. I'm so sorry Logan."

"Well who ever this man is, he is one lucky man and I hope he realizes what he has and doesn't fuck up like I did and lose the best thing that has ever happened to me." He says with a sad smile

"He knows and has seen everything. He doesn't intend to lose me like you did."

"Wait, do I know this guy?"

I stand up. "Yes, you do. He's actually the reason I am here...." Within seconds Finn was standing next to me

"Wait don't leave yet..." He begins to say but Finn distracted him "Finn?!"

"Hello, mate."

"Rory... What's going on here?" Logan asks I knew he was serious as he used my name

"Can we sit and talk a bit longer? Odette can join if you'd like but I'm not sure if you want her to know about our affair." I ask

"Only if you are going to tell me what the fuck is going on. Odette knows but doesn't know that it continued after we got engaged so, no I would rather not, let me tell her to head home."

Logan got up and went over to Odette. You could see there was an argument but they kept it low. I turn to Finn...

"You ready for him to know everything between us?"

"As ready as I could ever be, if it gets too much I want you to feel free to head back to the suite." he says as he rubs my thigh reassuringly

"I'll do that if it comes to that point." Logan escorts Odette to the door and returns to the table.

"Please tell me what is going on." Logan said not missing a beat

I began to tell him about after I had graduated which he knew we met up but not that sometimes just Finn and I met up, and everything up to the morning in New Hampshire. As I went through all that transpired I could see every emotion whip through Logan's face.

"So that is why you weren't in the room when I woke up. I can't believe all of this happened behind my back." He said angrily

"This is why I should've never started things up with you. I never meant to hurt you again. I just wasn't ready to believe that things were done with us."

"No I get it but Finn, how could you do this to me?!" Logan said getting louder

"Mate..." I interrupt him

"I'm sorry but I am exhausted I am going to go now. Logan I wish you all the happiness in the world and I hope now you know that you can truly move on and maybe your happiness is with Odette. Goodbye Logan."

"Thank you... I really don't know what to say. I hope that one day maybe I can get over this and forgive. Maybe one day we can be friends again..."

"That would be really nice Logan. I'll see you after a bit, Finn." Finn stood and gave me a kiss and whispered in my ear.

"You did great, love. Order anything you'd like I'll be up soon." I nod and smile and make my way back to the suite.


"Mate, Let me just start by saying that I love her and I am sorry with how things were gone about. I have had feelings for her since we met her but I never had any intentions of making a move after you called dibs. When the boys and I decided to meet up with her on the road I still had no intentions, she was always going to be your girl but that one trip where the guys couldn't make it and it was just her and I changed everything..."

"I knew you always had a soft spot for her but I never knew it held more meaning than that. But you are right with one thing she will always be my girl. If that DNA test comes back and incidentally the baby is mine I will get her back. I will always fight for her." He said confidently but with the sound of hatred lacing his voice

"Didn't you hear her? She doesn't want that Logan." I can't understand what he is thinking

"When she finally realizes who you really are I will be waiting. If it's after I end up marrying O I will drop everything to be there for her. She is too good for you, she deserves better."

"I can agree with the fact that she is too good for me and deserves better but she wants me and I want her. She knows who I am in every aspect I believe she knows me better than anyone else. That little one she is carrying is mine it was Made with Love and will grow up knowing how much it's father loves its mother."

"Mark my words, Finn. Rory Gilmore will be mine. Now I would like to go and I wish to not see you the rest of the time you are here." He said sounding defeated but at the same time positive that, that was how it was going to be.

"That's fine Logan but you can also mark my words. Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden will never be yours again." I stood up and left the bar.

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