Connecticut or Australia?

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I wake up to find Finn's spot empty. I stretch and slowly get up swinging my legs off the bed; I head into the bathroom and do my morning routine.

Walking into the main room I see Finn is at the breakfast bar on the phone and didn't look in the least bit happy, his eyes looked sad and tired. I walk up and kiss him on the cheek he gives me a small smile one that just didn't feel right and points to a tea pot on the counter.

I pour myself a cup of tea and go and sit on the couch in the living room, he wasn't saying much so I couldn't figure out who he was on the phone with or what the call was about. Instead of continuing to eavesdrop I pick up the newspaper.

I had read the same line a dozen times when I finally gave into the fact that I couldn't concentrate. I stand up, walking back over to Finn and place my hand on his shoulder, he looks at me with bubbly eyes and I put my arm around him rubbing the nape of his neck, the next thing I knew he had wrapped his free arm around me pulling me in holding me tightly.

After a few minutes more he replied to the caller, saying that he would figure it out and get back to them, and he hung up. Placing his phone on the counter he pulled me completely into his arms, I held him and rubbed his back. I hadn't noticed he was crying until I felt the dampness on my shoulder, letting go of him I move so I can look at him I've never seen him look so sad and fragile.

"Finny... What's wrong?"

He cleared his throat and spoke with a childlike voice "I need to go home. My family needs me." Was all he said, before tears started streaming down his cheeks. I kiss each cheek after trying to wipe away the tears.

"Okay let's get you home. Wait... Connecticut or Australia?"

Again he spoke very childlike "Australia. You don't have to come, you can stay and see the boys and see the sights."

"If that's what you want is for me to stay, I'll stay. But if you want me with you I have no problem with that."

He looked at me and his eyes went wide. "You'd be willing to go with me?"

"Of course, I don't know what exactly is going on and I am not going to push you to tell me but I know that you need to be with your family and I fully accept that but if you want me to be there, I'm there. I love you Finn."

"I love you too Rory." He says and pulls me into his arms once again.


A good 20 minutes had gone by before either of us said anything, so I break the silence.

"I'll call the boys and let them know. Do I need to book a flight?"

He nods "The family jet is already headed back to New York to pick my siblings up." He says as he pulls his wallet out.

I shake my head "I've got this, you go pack up our things and I will make the necessary arrangements."

"Thank you." He hugs me tighter and releases me, he turns to head to the bedroom but I stop him. I step in front of him and tippy toe to give him a kiss and let him continue on his way.

Grabbing my laptop I sit at the counter and start to look up flights while I scroll through my contacts on my phone and realize I don't have either of the boys numbers anymore. I shift my eyes to Finn's phone that was sitting on the counter. If I used his phone would I be intruding? I questioned myself. I got up and went to the bedroom.


He looked up from packing.

"Can I use your phone I don't have the boys numbers anymore?"

He nods and I go back to the kitchen and pick his phone up. Turning on the screen I see he took a picture of the ultrasound picture and used it as his lock screen, swiping it open he had our picture from Vegas on his home screen, seeing this made my whole body warm with love.

I find Colin's number and hit call.

After just one ring "Hey man, when can we meet with you and mother?"

I giggle. "Colin, it's Rory."

"Oh mother, how good it is to hear your voice! Why are you calling from Finn's phone though?"

"I didn't have your number anymore." I said sadly

"Oh, well I will send you a message with Robert's and my numbers so you will. When are we to meet?"

"That's why I am calling, I have to get Finn to his family immediately so we'll have to make a raincheck."

"Is everything alright?"

"No, I've never seen him so broken. I'm not totally sure what's going on, I just know I need to get him to Australia as soon as possible."

"When do you leave?"

"I'm about to book a flight for this evening, it's hard to get anything same day even if you do spend way too much money."

"Listen, I have my family jet on standby at Heathrow. I can meet you both there and we can go as soon as you arrive."

I sighed "You don't have to do that Colin, I have more than enough money to get us there."

"I know I don't have to but I want to in addition it'll get there faster. I actually have a meeting in Brisbane Thursday so it's not out of my way. I was headed there Monday anyways."

"Okay. What about Robert?"

"He'll just have to deal; he has to be back in Boston Monday morning."

"Alright, send my love to Robert. When can we get going?"

"I will pack up and head there, when you are ready I'm ready."

"Thank you Colin. I will send you a message when we are on the way."

Now to get Finn and I out the door...


I'm back, grams is back to being independent for the most part so that means I get to write again YAY!

All that time off from writing I thought about so many different directions that I could take this story and ultimately I am going to take it on a different path... It'll still be basically what I intended but more...

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now