One Thing Leads To Another...

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April was energetic as ever while we were shopping, Rory figured that it was that she felt that some of the weight was lifted off her shoulders with her being able to talk to someone about her situation.

They spent most of the day at the mall, and had lunch in the food court. Rory was drawn to every baby oriented store there was, she held strong and didn't buy any of the cute baby items, she wanted to wait and go baby shopping with Finn first.

They arrived back at Rory's house around 3pm enough time for Rory to get a nap in and April could head home and try to figure out how to tell Colin.



Rory had been home about an hour when my dad called saying that I needed to make a trip out to London with him because he wanted his opinion on something, Finn wasn't thrilled with the idea of leaving Rory but his dad beat him to it and told him that if Rory was feeling up to it, he would be more than happy to have her come along.

He finished up the phone call and made note that they would need to leave tomorrow evening, looking at the time, he knew he should probably wake Rory so she could get ready.


I quietly enter our bedroom and gently lie down next to Rory, almost immediately she cuddled up to me.

"Love, time to wakey wakey."

Rory grumbled and moved in closer to me.

"As much as I love the cuddle bug in you, you need to get up since you invited everyone over for dinner." He said softly stroking her hair.

She nods against my chest but still doesn't make any attempt to move.

"Okay then, I will go and get things ready and leave you to your own devices." I started to move to get up

"Nooo..." She wined as she wrapped her arm around my stomach trying to make me stay put.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I would love to stay here with you but either I can go and get things ready and leave you here or you get up and we can do it together"

"Fine..." She groans but reached up and pulls me in for a kiss with her fingers in my hair.


When she was finally up, I left her and went to the kitchen to get things started, I was going to do something easy tonight. I was getting things from the cabinet when I heard her enter the kitchen.

"You sure you want my help? What if I burn dinner?"

"How are you ever going to learn if you don't help? I'll make sure nothing gets burned, besides it's a fairly easy to make hamburgers and you won't be actually cooking them..."

"Don't tell me you are going to go out and freeze your ass off too grill them."

"I'll be fine; I'm not going to go out naked."

"Oooo I'd like to see that, though."

"I bet you would!" I say wigging my eyebrows

"Mmm, yes. So what am I supposed to help with?"

"Well, before we get to that, I need to talk to you about something..." I say as I move behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"I have to go to London tomorrow evening." I felt a shift in her energy


"But if you feel up to it we would be happy for you to join us."

She spins around in my arms and looks at me with questioning eyes


"Dad and I, he needs my opinion on something."

"Are you sure it's such a good idea for me to go to London?"

"What do you mean? Oh... You think we might run into Logan?"

She nods

"Well, if we do he knows better than to talk to either of us until he gets his shit together."

She nods "Well, okay. It might be nice to go back to London. Would we be staying at the house? How long will we be there?"

I pull out my cell phone and look at the calendar "Not this time love, looks like Ester will be there this week. Dad said no more than 3 or 4 days."

"Alright I'm in. I'll let mom know I won't be taking her and Luke to the airport, maybe Lane will... LANE!"

Lane comes rushing down the stairs.

"What? What's wrong?" She says clearly in a panic

"Can you take mom and Luke to the airport for me in a few days?"

She places her hand on her chest

"Jeez Rory I thought something was wrong. I'd be more than happy to but why can't you?"

"Finn has to go to London and I am going with him."

"Alright, you can count on me. Just have Lorelai call me with the details. Actually I'll just go talk to her tomorrow."

"Thank you Lane."

"No problemo. I've got to go pick up the boys, they want to see Robert tonight." She says as she makes her exit.

"Ready to get cooking?" I ask

"As ready as I'll ever be."


I kept it easy for Rory having her buttering the buns and mixing the meat. "This feels gross." She says as she squishes the meat. I smile and tell her to keep squishing it together.

Once I got the patty's on the barbie I had her get the lettuce, tomatoes and pickles ready. I think she was eating more pickles than she was cutting.


After Lane and the boys got back, the boys came out to watch me cook and Lane and Rory were getting the condiments ready. April was the first to show then Robert and lastly Colin.

I noticed April's composure change when Colin arrived, I stepped inside and quietly asked Rory what was going on with Colin and April, and she said she would tell me later.

The burgers were done and we all sat at the table and dug in. There was a bit of chit chat but not too much as everyone was eating.

Halfway through the meal, I took notice that April hadn't said anything or even looked up from her plate. I worried that her and Colin weren't getting along as well as we thought.

When she looked up she only looked at Rory they were having a silent conversation of sorts. Robert, Lane and Colin were chatting and Steve and Kwan were now in the living room playing video games.

After about 10 minutes everyone got quiet and as I was about to break the silence April turned to Colin and Colin smiled at her yet she didn't smile in return she actually had tears in her eyes.

"I'M A VIRGIN!" April yelled and ran out of the room and upstairs

Colin's face was full of silent shock. "Colin, she has been so worried about telling you. Go after her but if you don't plan on sticking around, you better leave." Rory told him

"Are you serious? You think that this would change my mind about her?" Colin asks coldly

"It's what she is afraid of." Rory said matter-of-factly

Colin nodded and went after her.

"Momma, what's a virgin?" Kwan asks Lane

Lane grumbles and she and Robert go into the living room with the boys.

"I guess since everyone else is talking... Maybe we need to..." Rory tells me not looking at me

I felt my stomach drop but I nod "Alright... Let's talk."

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