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I found gloves and tried writing out front again... It was better this time... Lol.

Cross your fingers I can get out a bonus chapter today, I really, really want to since this one is a bit shorter than usual...

The morning came and Rory and Finn were still cuddled up from the night before. Finn woke as he heard little footsteps running down the hall, after that he heard Lane telling the boys to keep quiet. Finn smiled at the idea that his son or daughter would be running down the hall like one day, maybe more children.

Finn carefully moved out of bed wanting to start getting ready for the day so, Rory could sleep in a bit more, but the moment Finn's feet hit the floor

"Stay in bed with me." Rory said in a sleepy voice

Finn bent down and gave her a quick kiss.

"I would love nothing more, but not this morning. You sleep in a little while and I'll help Lane get the house picked up."

With closed eyes Rory nodded and turned back over. Finn smiled and went about his business.


Finn and Lane got the house picked up and prepped the kitchen; they were doing an appetizer bar, not too much but not too light.

Rory finally got up around noon, and she was starving. She threw on a pair of Finn's sweats and t-shirt and headed straight for the kitchen.

"Good Morning, love. You look mighty fine in my clothes."

"Morning, Finny, Lane. I'm starving is there anything I can eat other than cereal?" she said as she gave Finn a morning kiss

"There's always poptarts, though I made the boys fruit bowls for breakfast and there is some left... I know you don't do fruit but its there if you want it."

"No that actually sound quite delicious, thank you."


Rory ate and sat at her laptop, she opened up the document that held her draft of her book and stared at it, no one but her knew that she had finished it, she only wrote up to her mother's wedding and telling her she was pregnant, but she thought that it was a good place to end it as her being pregnant is her new beginning.

Rory was proud that she finished but she was hesitant on letting other read it, it shared details that of her mother's life and intimate details of her life that she wasn't quite sure she wanted to share with the world just yet.

Finn walked in the office and she quickly closed the program, not wanting to tell him just yet.

"What are you up to in here, kitten?"

"Just thinking about my book."

"What about it?" he said as he sat on her desk

"I'm kind of having second thoughts about it..."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really, thank you though."

"Alright, well didn't you invite Jess to the festivities?"


"Maybe you and he can chat about it tonight."

"Maybe... You wouldn't mind, if I talked to him first about it?"

"No, I'm not too privy about the whole writing thing and he is. I may not know him well and have only heard things about him, but he is the one that got you to start."

"You have no idea what it means to me for you to be accepting of him in my life..."

"I'll be accepting as long as he doesn't cause issues in our life." He said sternly

Rory nodded and smiled.


Rory and Finn were dressed in their party attire, Rory in a floor length dark green dress with her hair curled and one side pinned back. Finn had on a dark green dress shirt and black slacks.

"I should've gotten a haircut before tonight." Finn whines

"No, I love your hair."

"It's getting really long." He says

"The length is perfect, Finny. I love your curls and how soft your hair is, but if you don't like it you can cut it." She says as she combs her fingers through his hair

"I'll keep it, but no longer than this." He smiled at her adoringly


At 4pm Sookie, Jackson and the kids showed up following was Luke and April, they came early to get the food set up.

"Hey, Rory." April said with a small frown

"Hey, April, this is Finn. Finn my step sister April..."

"Nice to meet you." He said an took her hand to kiss it

"You too." She said with a smile

"What's wrong?" Rory asked and nodded to Finn to go help Luke and Sookie

"I had nothing to wear tonight, so I'm stuck in jeans and a blouse."

"You look great though."

"Everyone is dressed nicer than me."

"Do you want to riffle through my closet and see if you can find something that would make you feel more dressed up?"

"You'd let me do that?"

"Of course, come on."

Rory took April into her room and showed her the closet "Anything you want to wear, wear it."


20 minutes later, April was dressed in a black maxi dress that had an apron neckline and open back.

"You look gorgeous!" Rory said

"Thank you, do you think dad will approve?"

"You're 22, April. But yes your chest is covered and the open back isn't too low, I think he will be fine with it."

"Good. Thank you for doing this for me."

"You're my sister, what else was I to do? Let you be unhappy all night? You can come rummage all you want, when you are in town."

April smiled "Don't tell dad I want it to be a surprise but Lorelai and I talked about it and if you are okay with it I'll be moving into your old room."

"That's fantastic. When?"

"After Christmas, just until I can afford a place of my own. I can't go back to New Mexico."

"I'll get you a bigger and better bed before you move in; think of it as another Christmas gift. Your mom causing more problems?"

"Yes. I have to steer clear of her for my own sanity. And thank you for the new bed, yours is a little small" She said

"I understand. Feel free to come by anytime, I'll give you a key."


At 5pm on the dot people started showing up...

Rory started to wonder if it was a good idea to invite Logan, into her home. She really wanted Odette there but if she wanted Odette to come she had to extend the invite to Logan...

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now