Happy New Year!!!

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Finn and Rory head to one of his favorite little restaurants that he makes a point to go to every time he is in New York it's a small hole in the wall with mismatch everything, from silverware to tables and chairs, it had odd ball paintings covering the walls by local low-key artists.***

When they walked in the look on Rory's face was of surprise.

"This is one of my go to places when I am in the city. I hope you don't mind, I always wanted to bring you here."

"Not at all, this is actually really cool."

He smiled "It's all homemade organic food, three ladies own and run it together they are sisters. We order at the counter, they give us a toy for a table marker and we find a place to sit."

"That's unique. It looks pretty empty this evening..."

"Yeah they usually close around 4pm but sometimes they stay open later, the days when they stay open later it's not as packed."

Rory and Finn looked at the chalk menu and both ordered. They were given a flexible Gumby figure and found a table just inside the second set of doors and relaxed.

"So how did you like the spa and all the services?"

"Well... The spa was beautiful and serene and the services were wonderful..."

Finn felt that she was not telling him something as she answered very robotically

"What are you not telling me? If something was not right I'd like to know so I can take care of it..."

"Well, you know the lady that took care of me?"

"Janette?" he mentally rolled his eyes

"Yes, well to me it seemed that she didn't want to be the one to take care of me, I know it was like a full experience and it takes a lot of time... I don't know, forget it."

Finn took a moment to carefully find his words.

"No, I'm not going to forget it. That is Janette's job to take time and do what is asked... I think I have an idea of why she was the way she was with you."

"What's that?"

Finn began to tell Rory about his encounter with her, he felt uncomfortable from the moment she held his hand too long.

"That would explain it, I guess."

"It was all very unprofessional, including your experience. I think I will look over her records and see if there is anything more to find. I don't want you to think I had any interest in her, maybe when I was in my early twenties but now I only see women like that as a succubus."

"Honestly, Finn. She was very nice; I don't want to get her into trouble. Also... Succubus?"

"Yes, Succubus she's an evil woman who tried to seduce me, I'm sure all she wanted was to get into my pants because I have money. She got herself into trouble, love. She may have been nice on the outside and I can agree to that, but like I said she was completely unprofessional."

"Okay. I hadn't thought about it but she was a very beautiful red head..."

"Stop, do you want to know what I thought the moment I was introduced to her?"

"I don't think..."

"I thought she was very striking but she couldn't hold a candle to you. Once she and I started talking and she was being too friendly... Well let's just say her personality spoke louder than her looks... But from the very first moment you were the only woman I had on my mind. Business is business."

Rory nodded and our food came, Rory and I both ordered chicken pot pies.

Rory felt a little lighter after Finn told her that she was the only one on his mind at that moment.

"Finny, I'm sorry. She was very beautiful and a red head... I didn't think much of it at first but when you said she was flirtatious my mind went in a whole different direction."

"I am flirted with a lot, love but that doesn't mean I flirt in return nor have any interest in the person. I may be a natural flirt but since you came into my life I only flirt with Colin..."

Rory let out a loud giggle. She loved Finn's ways.

"I know you flirt with Colin and I can accept that but I hope to never find you two frolicking..."

Finn chuckled in response and the rest of the dinner was much more relaxed and lighter.


Rory decided she wanted to walk back to the hotel; it was cold but not rainy, so hand in hand they began their walk.

"That was delicious; its right up there with Sookie's cooking!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed, it's one of my favorite places."

"I can see why. It's unique just like you. Thank you for taking me there."

"I hope we get to go again, when it's a bit busier and you can feel the genuine family vibe."

"That would be wonderful!"


Back at the hotel, Finn and Rory both changed into their pajamas and sat on the couch underneath a blanket, looking through the movie selections on TV.

"We don't have junk food!" Rory exclaimed

"Yes, we do. I got it while you were at the spa."

Finn got up and went into the little kitchenette and pulled out three bags. Finn got everything from red vines and mallowmars to apples and strawberries.

Rory was in heaven once she found that if you take a bite of a mallowmar and a strawberry it was like something wonderful blew up in her mouth.

They found a classic movie selection and decided on the 1934 film It Happened One Night and 1942's Casablanca.

Both movies had the perfect running time so that they would have 10 minutes before the ball dropped.

They enjoyed both movies cuddled up together, Rory was feeling really good by the time they finished the last movie.

The flipped to the station that did the ball drop and watched and waited.

Once the countdown began both Rory and Finn were counting down with the TV. 3, 2, 1...

"Happy New Year!" They both examined and Rory moved to straddle Finn kissing him will full force.

Finn returned the need that he felt; they hadn't been intimate since Rory started feeling bad.

Breaking apart for air, Rory said in a breathy voice "Take me to bed."

"Absolutely!" Finn didn't need to think twice before he got up with her still in his arms and legs around him and took her into the bedroom where they made love multiple times before Finn pulled her into his arms and they both fell peacefully asleep.

***The Sister's restaurant is a real restaurant in Everett, WA. Every detail is the same with the exception of the hours. I grew up with one of the sister's daughters.

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