Mistakes or Misperceptions?

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Rory opens the door with a tear stained face.

"I thought you left" she says with a small voice

"No I just needed to get some air and take in what you told me."

"Okay so..."

"You're 100% sure you're pregnant?"

"Yes, I had a blood test done a week ago but I do have an appointment for the first sonogram."

"When is the appointment?"

"Tomorrow, I was actually wondering if you wanted to come."

"If you're sure you want me there, I will definitely be there. What time?"


"Alright, I assume it's in Hartford so I can be here at 9 to pick you up."

"Or you can just stay the night."


"Look you don't have to stay. I understand if you are still angry with me but it would be easier and well... I think we still need to talk some."

"Alright we'll see how the rest of the evening goes."


"So... I know that you said I shouldn't feel obligated and honestly I do but I don't. I do feel obligated because this is my child, I don't because damn it Rory I need you; I want you I have for a very long time. I should've put my foot down when we decided not to get serious."

"I was stupid Finn I messed up. There are a lot of things I wish I did differently, including that night."

"What would you have done differently about that night?" Please don't say me I thought to myself

"If I tell you please don't hate me."

"Just tell me, Rory."

"I feel like I shouldn't have denied Logan one last night and snuck out and slept with someone else. But with that I feel like I did what I knew I really wanted, I don't know Finn I loved being with you and that isn't what feels wrong about that night. Just the way I went about it I guess. I've been so full of guilt."

"I guess I can understand that, but don't feel guilty... It's your life don't let anyone or anything make you feel guilty for living it your way, whether in your mind it was right or wrong... I hate to ask this again but are you sure it's mine?"

"I'm pretty sure. I haven't had sex with Logan for a while and well you were the last person I've been with we didn't use anything. I guess there's always a possibility but like I said I'm pretty sure it's yours. I wouldn't have told you if I didn't believe it's yours. Tomorrow we can find out how far along I am and about when the baby was conceived."

"Alright..." I wasn't sure what to say

"Like I said I believe it's yours and if the dates don't match up... I mean I wasn't being the smartest and I don't want you to think this baby is yours and it's really not, so I don't expect you to stick around."

"Let's get one thing straight. As much as I want to be sure this is my child, I'm not going anywhere either way I will be there for you and this child. Will you ever understand that you mean the world to me?"

"You don't have to do that Finn and I spent so long convincing myself that I was the only one that had those feelings so it'll take a bit to get it into my head. You mean a lot to me, Finn... You really do."

"Do you think after 10 years of mistakes we can really make us work?"

"I do believe we can, it'll take some time and work but I'm willing to try."

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