Books and Weddings?

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As I was waking up I could immediately feel that Rory wasn't in bed, I stretch opening my eyes, sit up and place my feet on the floor, I could tell she wasn't in the suite, a bit of panic set in.

Standing up and turning to look for a note I saw a decent sized stack of papers with a note sitting on top, I felt some relief and grabbed the stack of paper.


This is the first draft of my book... Feel free to take your time and read it. I will be with the girls today and I'll see you this evening.

I love you,


I can't believe that I am really holding her book in my hands. I pull on some sweats and grab some coffee before sitting on the couch.

Gilmore Girls- That's appropriate I chuckled to myself. I turn the first page and begin to read...


I woke up feeling pretty good, so I got up and pulled out my phone to text April and Lane and see if they were awake and wanted to go get breakfast and coffee.

Both were up so we all got up and ready before meeting in the hall.

Just a block or so down was a small inviting café, going in the strong aroma of coffee and croissants invaded my senses it was delicious, finding a table we sat and quickly ordered coffee and food.

April was just a spurt of energy she began to tell me that the four of them went out to a lavish dinner then dancing and went to time square to watch the ball drop and Colin kissed her for the first time. Neither Lane nor April had ever been to such nice places before but they had the time of their lives.

We talked about our evenings until our food came.

"So how did Colin do with the whole Luke thing?" I asked April

"Actually he did really great; he and dad went into the kitchen to talk while Lorelai made me join her on the front porch to talk. I'm not sure what they talked about but they both came out with genuine smiles on their faces so I am fine without knowing."

"That's great! Are you two and item now?"

"Yes. I wouldn't have bothered with him meeting dad if we weren't" April said and smiled

"As long as he treats you right and takes things slow I'm good with it. Lane, how does your mom feel about you spending time with Robert?"

"I don't really know but she hasn't been in my face about it. She knows about him, that we spend a lot of time together and that the boys seem to really like him so maybe and I stress the maybe, maybe she's loosing up some."

"How do you feel about the possibility of you and him?"

"I'm warming up to it more; once this damn divorce is final we'll see if I feel the same way."

"How is everything with you and Finn?" April asks

"Great... I need your guy's advice though and I would rather talk about it more privately..."

"Well, Colin had to go to the New York office to check on things and Robert went with him so after we finish up here we can go back to our suite and talk." April says

"Are you sure everything is okay, Rory?" Lane asks with concern

"Yes, we can talk about it later."

We finished up our breakfast and coffee and headed back to the suite.


We gathered in the sitting area and I couldn't hold it in any longer...

"I've been thinking about this for a while and though Finn and I haven't talked about it, I..." I stopped not knowing exactly how to say it

"Come out with it..." Lane said

"Do you think it's too soon to think about marriage?"

"I've never been in a strong enough relationship to answer that so I'll leave Lane to it... But, In my opinion... I think it's not too early at least for you and Finn. " April said

I nod and smile then look to Lane...

"You want my honest opinion?" Lane asks


"I think you deserve the best and with Finn, you have that. Talking about it maybe the smartest thing to do, but I'll tell you that I've never seen you so connected with someone and you haven't talked about marriage before when you were with anyone else so I can see that you truly would like to marry him. No, I don't think it's too soon for you and Finn, if you didn't have the history and being practically already married you know buying a house together and starting a family with him I'd have to disagree..."

"I don't want him to marry me just because I am pregnant though..."

"Oh Ror, it would never be just because you are pregnant, I see the way he looks at you, the way he treats you. He and I have talked on occasion and he loves you through and through, if you weren't pregnant he would love you and want to be with you just the same..."

"Okay so what if I bring it up and then he feels pressured to make the next move, I don't want that..."

"Don't bring up marriage right away, talk to him about what he wants, you know like where he wants to be in his life in let's say the next year or so..." Lane didn't want to tell Rory that Finn worried about the same thing...

"That might be okay. I feel so stupid that I can't figure this out on my own."

Lane scooted closer to Rory and hugged her.

"You're not stupid; you've never been at this place in your life so you don't know how to figure it out. What about him, makes you want to marry him?"

"Everything Lane, he is interesting, caring, loving, patient, loves me for me, we can be open and talk about anything and everything. I'm not saying I would want to get married right away I just want to know we are on the track to it. I guess I'll know if he's really all in once he finishes my book..."

"What do you mean finishes your book?"

"He's reading the first draft as we speak."

April jumped up "YOU FINISHED YOUR BOOK?!" she shrieked

"Just the first draft, I've been done for a few weeks now. I've been hesitant on taking it any further."

"That's fucking amazing, but why hesitant?" April asks

"Just a lot of details people don't know about mom and I, haven't been sure if I'm ready for them to be public."

"Okay but what does that have to do with Finn?" Lane asks

"There are torrid details that he doesn't know I just don't know how he will feel once he knows everything."

"That won't change anything between the two of you, Rory."

"Yeah he loves you no matter what!" April says with a smile

"I hope so..." I said caught in my own thoughts about all the different reactions he could have.

April changed the subject to what the plans were for the evening and I was thankful she did, I needed to try and get my mind off the whole marriage and book thing, I couldn't let myself worry...


This didn't turn out quite like I thought it would and I hate that this might be my last chapter until my Aunt's visits ends but it is what it is...

Keep your eye out for pop up, updates though.

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