Something I Only Know About...

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I quickly typed out a text to my mom telling her that I would have my phone off for a few days and would explain later then changed my voicemail greeting to being unreachable until further notice.

I went to the bathroom and began to do my night routine when Finn came in and began to do his, it felt really good having him here brushing our teeth together as cheesy as it may sound. I rinsed out my mouth and watched Finn in the mirror.

"What so interesting?" he says with a mouthful of toothpaste

I felt my cheeks warm it was a little embarrassing that he caught me staring at him

"I don't know I just like this."

"Brushing our teeth together?"

"Yes I guess so."

He laughed "I was thinking the same thing..."

"You can share my bed with me tonight, if you'd like. It's small but we've slept on a couch together so..."

"Are you sure, love?"

"Positive, it'll be nice to sleep next to you again..."

"Yes it would but no funny business!"

"As long as we can cuddle I promise."

"I don't think there is any other way on your bed!" He laughed


Finn and I crawled into bed he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close. I have missed this feeling... It's not something I've experienced with anyone else, it's like you feel safe, loved, relaxed just completely content. As I lay there I hear Finn's breathing change and his cute little snores start. I can remember the first time we shared a bed... Something only I ever knew about...

Yale- Senior year

Logan had been in London for just over a month now. It was hard to go every day and not see him and only get to speak to him very briefly when he is able to call. I miss him terribly but I need to keep my head where it belongs so I can graduate on time.

I don't have any classes today but didn't feel like being stuck in the apartment by myself so I decide to head to the library, on the way I stop by my favorite coffee cart for a quick pick me up and headed into the Library.

I wake to the sound of someone yelling "Rory? Rory Gilmore where art thou?" I must've fallen asleep while reading the same paragraph over and over. Everyone was shushing the accented man who was yelling for me, I knew it was Finn as soon as I woke up.

I stood up and followed his calls until I found him "Finn, you are in a library!"

"There you are! I have looked up and down for you and of course I would find you hiding in the library!"

"Shhh! Let's get out of here since you can't keep your voice down."

"Fine, Mother!" He pouts

We walk out of the library and I turn and look at him.

"So can you tell me why you were yelling for me in the library? What are you doing here anyways?"

"I was summoned to come and treat you to a evening of absolute debauchery!"

"Who summoned you? Logan?"

"The God's my dear, love! Logan only told me he has barely spoken to you since he left."

"So God has stopped being rude to you, and told you to come take me out for some debauchery?"

"God spoke to me rather rudely did he not?! Yes I am to take you out and have my way with you!"

"Oh Finn, such a sweet talker! What are we to do?" I say knowing all to well he loves to push the limits of flirting while I link arms with him

"Let's get you changed into something that makes your legs long, and shows some of your beautiful skin!"

"Alright let's go... You pick it out!"

"Wouldn't have it any other way!"

We made it back to Logan and my apartment, I jumped in the shower while Finn picked my outfit. Getting out of the shower I was thankful I remembered to put towels in the bathroom or Finn would either get to see me in all my glory or I'd have to beg him to get me a towel, which I knew would take forever. I exit the bathroom and see clothes strewn all about, and Finn comes walking out of the closet and looks at me with wide eyes I can feel the heat in my cheeks getting hotter and hotter.

"That'll do absolutely stunning, let's get this show on the road. Road on the show? No show on the road."

"It's a towel Finn I am not going out with just a towel on."

"Bloody hell, Fine. This'll do." He says and throws down my mom's satin floral printed dress that I "accidentally" never gave back.

"I love this dress. Heels or flats Finny?"

"Who said you could call me that! Your legs look longer with heels and sexy as hell if I may add."

"I will call you whatever I like... Finny!"

"If you must. Black stilettos if you've got 'em." He says and goes into the kitchen rummaging through cupboards.

While heading back into the bathroom I yell "Booze is hidden!" and giggle knowing that he was pouting now.

I come out hair done, make up done and dressed for the town.

"If you weren't Logan's girl I'd take you here and now! Beyond beautiful Rory!"

"Thank you. Ready?"

"Let's go!"

We spent the entire night hitting club after club dancing, drinking and having a wonderful time.

We were leaving our last club of the night I had my heels in hand holding on to a staggering Finn just so neither of us would fall.

The next thing I remember is waking up cuddled up to someone. It was the most comfortable thing I had ever experienced. Lifting my pounding head expecting to see Logan I was surprised to see it was Finn who I was cuddled up to. Thankfully we were both still completely dressed and just on top of the bed.

Carefully I slip off out of his arms and off the bed as to not wake him. I gently kiss him on the lips and whisper thank you before I quickly changed my clothes, washed my face and left.

I don't know what prompted me to kiss him but that small kiss left my lips and soul on fire...


I smiled at the memory and thought about maybe telling Finn about it, since that night has never been spoken about and now that we're sort of together it wouldn't be so embarassing. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now