Meant To Be

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Rory and Finn followed Lane out of the hotel into the parking lot where she let go and completely broke down, Rory comforted her friend and they went back to Finn's apartment.

The next morning Rory talked to Finn about how he would feel about Lane and her two 10 year olds staying with them for a while in the new house and he was on board knowing that Lane needed her best friend in a time like this.

Rory gave Lane a key and told her to go home and pack up her and the boys to move in with her. Lane appreciated the offer and agreed.



The next couple days I helped Finn pack up his things, Callie and Barb helped too. Callie couldn't be more thankful Finn was letting her rent it from him.

Finn took two more weeks off before he began working from home three days a week. Every day we would make a trip with his things to the new house and then go to the crap shack and move some of my things into the new house. Mom loved all the activity going on at her house so she would purposely be home when we showed up, she would move a small box here and there but most of the time she was sitting on my bed watching.

Friday morning came and almost all of Finn's things were officially moved in and my mom's house was done, the next step was collecting boxes from grandma and grandpa's house, Paris's house and my boxes from London but that would hold off until after we made our trip to Nantucket.

We hit the road just after 8am it would take about 4 hours to get to grandma's new house and we wanted to be there before lunch.


"So, love did you call your grandmum and let her know we were coming?" he asked me

"Yes well no, I informed her I was going to be and I was bringing two surprises..."

"So she has no idea about another person coming?"

"Nope. Are you nervous?"

"Not really nervous, I'd say anxious..."


"I want her to like me, Rory. I want her to be happy for us."

"It'll be fine, Finny."

Pulling up to my grandmother's home I made sure I had the last two ultrasounds in my purse while Finn got out and grabbed our bags. At the door I raise my hand to knock but the door opened.

"Rory, I'm so glad you made it, the roads have been unkind..." She says but stops as she notices Finn

"Grandma this is Finn, Finn this is Emily Gilmore."

"Finn of course, Maya's boy. Come in, it's freezing outside." I knew she knew his parents and I knew she was keeping low key about what I had told her about him. Even when I was dating Paul she knew I had a close friendship of sorts with Finn, though she never knew the full extent of it.

"Mrs. Gilmore nice to see you again."

"Please call me Emily."


We entered the house and she had Finn take our bags to our room as we sat on the settee. "Where's Berta, grandma?"

"I sent her and her family back home for the holidays. Which by the way you missed Thanksgiving."

"I know and I'm sorry grandma but I was in Australia with Finn, his grandma Chloe was ill and had passed while we were there."

"Your mother told me..."

Made With Love ~(With Love Series)~Where stories live. Discover now