Puckery- Event P.1

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The next day they found that there wasn't much to do in the area but they walked around the little park down the road and spent the rest of the day lounging around.


Saturday morning the group had breakfast together, Finn noticed that Rory seemed as if her mind was on a totally different planet.

After breakfast everyone went their separate ways, Finn and Rory were walking along a small park when Finn spotted a bench and asked her to sit.

"What's going on in that head of yours, love?"

Rory stayed silent not really focusing on anything.

"Rory?" he asked

"Huh?" she finally responds and looks at him

"I asked what was going on in that head of your?"

"Oh... I don't know..." she says and looks away from him

"Come on, kitten. You know you can tell me anything." He says taking her hand in his

"Honestly... I feel like I shouldn't be enjoying this, like I should be still at home mourning the baby. Is it wrong of me to be going to events or smiling?"

"No love it's not wrong, you are a strong woman and people know that. Do you not want to go tonight? If not we can stay at the hotel and have an evening to ourselves. I don't mind either way."

"No, we came all this way and it is for a very important charity... I just needed to feel like I'm not a bad person...."

"You're not a bad person! I'm sure every once in a while you may feel this way, and I want you to talk to me about it. We are in this together, forever understood?"

"Understood, I'm sorry Finny. I just saw that couple with a tiny baby at the table next to us and I got to thinking about our baby and well, you know the rest."

Finn stood up and held out his hand to Rory, which Rory graciously took and stood up. Finn pulled her in to his embrace and kissed her hair.

"I love you Rory." He whispered in her hair.

"I love you Finn." She replied.


A couple hours later they all began to get ready. 5pm they were all dressed for the town, Rory was in a floor length backless navy blue dress that hugged every curve, April wore a strapless flowing black dress and the guys wore swanky tuxedos.

Finns breath caught in this throat when Rory was finished and stepped out of the room, she has always been the most beautiful person to Finn but he could help but recognize how lucky he was to have her as the love of his life.

She wore her hair down with one side pinned back and soft curls falling down her back, her makeup was very natural.


"You look absolutely gorgeous, kitten."

"You're not so bad yourself." She smiled sweetly

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her with full force before pulling away, I didn't want to start anything we couldn't finish

"Is everyone ready to go?" she looks up at me and asks

"Mum, dad and Nettie left early and it looks like we are all ready."

"You guys ready to hit the road?" she asked Colin and April they both nodded.

We all made our way down and got into the waiting car.


The front of the convention center was decked out; the four of us walked up the path and after giving our names were let in. The inside was very simple but elegant at the same time.

I scanned the room and spotted my family. Once we got to our table I began to scan the room again and sure enough Rose and Steph were here I didn't recognize who they were with but in the end it didn't really matter.

Champagne was delivered soon after we sat, mum and Rory were chatting and I was trying to keep a conversation going with dad while still observing the people around me. I noticed Logan and Odette were here, I hoped there wouldn't be a problem. If it were just Logan we could easily ignore his presence but with Odette being here I knew once she spotted Rory she would come to say hello.

Sure enough Odette was on her way over to our table, alone. Once Rory caught sight of her she jumped out of her seat and went to greet her.

I stood up and followed her; after Rory gave her a big hug and a double kiss I stepped in and greeted her with a double kiss as well before Rory and Odette started talking animatedly, I put my arm around Rory's waist and pulled her into my side, without breaking the conversation she looked up at me and gave me a sweet smile.


10 minutes later the coordinator got on the mic and asked everyone to take their seats, once everyone was settled the woman went on to tell about the foundation, the history and what they do etc.

The woman provided so much more than their website did, when I researched them I was surprised that there was only very little information but obviously enough that it had me interested.

When she finished telling about the foundation she thanked a man for paying for the whole event and went on to say that dinner would be served when she finished explaining how the evening would play out.

It seems that it would be a blind auction, they had tables lining the front of the room with different donated items or destinations, it was requested that we enjoy our meals before we mingle and hit up the tables.


The dinner looked delicious; Prime Rib, baked potato, vegetables and a vinaigrette salad....

I watched as Rory slowly moved the vegetables away from her prime rib, I chuckled to myself I had missed Rory's distain for vegetables and anything healthy. Although Rory did pick at her salad, when I saw her do this I just had to say something...

"I thought you didn't do green leafy stuff?"

"I enjoy most salads thanks to Friday night dinners with my grandparents, really that's the only time I at least tried everything. They usually did a salad like this so I thought I would give it a try but I'm not digging the vinaigrette it's a bit too puckery..."

I chucked "Puckery? Is that even a word?"

"Look in the Gilmore dictionary... Puckery you know how if you have too much salt your lips and tongue feel all puckery?"

"Awe yes, puckery...." I lean into her and whisper "... I have to agree it is too puckery."

To be continued....

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