Rory and Grandmum

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I made my way up the stairs and gently knocked on her door.

"Come in sweetheart..." She calls and I enter the room and sit down next to her, not really knowing what to say.

She takes my hands in hers "Do you have a photo of the baby?" she asks

"Yes it's on my phone." She releases my hand and I pull my phone out of my back pocket, open it up to the picture and show her.

"Oh... It's such a sweet little blip." I smiled and giggled to myself

"Yes. I am so excited to meet him or her."

"I can imagine, I remember when I was pregnant with Maya and when she was expecting the kids I felt the same way." She smiled and handed me back my phone.

"You've got a pretty great family down there."

"Yes I do and a wonderful grandson. You are family too, you know."

"Yes he is pretty wonderful..."

"So I wanted to speak to you alone because I just wanted to make sure that you know my sweet boy loves you with everything that he is and he has for so long, whenever he would call or visit he always told me about you. Every time he spoke about you his eyes lit up and they still do."

"I know how much he loves me and I have been in love with him for a while, it just took me way too long to realize it. I would do anything to make that man happy he means the world to me I don't want to ever hurt him again."

"That's good to hear, dear. Have you ever thought about the possibility of marriage?"

I wasn't too shocked that she asked that, it actually made me smile "Yes, absolutely. To be completely truthful with you, the thought of marrying him feels right and doesn't scare me, nothing with him scares me."

"Nothing more would make me happier than you becoming Finn's wife. I have never in my life seen him so happy when he speaks of you, but Rory dear, know that when I go this isn't going to be easy for him in fact he will shut down for a while just know to stay by his side make sure he knows you love him and are there for him, he told me about your loss of your grandfather so I know you know how it must feel just remember that it's different for everyone... He means so much to me and I hate that I'll have to leave him but I will always be there in spirit."

My eyes became filled with unshed tears I cleared my throat. "It was hard when grandpa passed away but Finn showed up without me asking he didn't make it known he was there but I saw him and just him being there comforted me in a way I needed, not saying I wish he wasn't next to me holding my hand that would've been great but him just showing up helped me.

I promise to be there for him through anything that life throws our way, he has been there for me and I lacked to see that I will never take him for granted I promise you that. He is my world. I'll do right by your grandson, by you, by your family. I want you to know I never meant to hurt him, I honestly thought he didn't see me in the same light as I saw him."

"Come here sweet girl..." she reached her arms out for me to go into and I did willingly.

"I know all the misunderstanding that happened between you and my Finny but just know he is all in. He confided in me with everything in his life, from constantly bedding shelias and drinking his life away to him abstaining, cutting down the drinking and falling in love. He told me about your night in New Hampshire, not in detail thankfully but he did tell me, he knew I would never judge him."

My cheeks warmed I couldn't believe his grandma knows about the first time we actually had sex.

"You have a wonderful relationship with Finn; I never had that with any of my grandparents. I mean they have helped me when I was in need and been there for me but not without criticism or judgment. Grandpa would've been the closest. My mom and I on the other hand have always been best friends but I'm still not as open with her."

"Finny and I have a special bond. Go to the top drawer of my dresser and grab that handful of pictures on top and there is a little blue clutch of sorts hidden in the very back that I'd like you to grab as well."

I nod and grab the things she asked and handed them to her.

"The top pictures here are of me and my parents when I was a tike, but here..." She shuffled through the first set of photos before she handed me a photo. I studied the photo, she was holding a baby and she had a big smile on her face, she didn't look old enough to be a grandma, her hair was red... Now I knew where Finns infatuation with red hair came from, I'm sure people not seeing what kind of woman she was to him and what roll she played in his life would find it kind of off that he was infatuated with red hair women when his grandma had beautiful red hair but then you think of the whole daughter finding and dating a man like her father thing I understand it now, even if the people who remind you of that person are no good for you.

"Who's the little one you're holding?"

"That's Finny he was about 3 days old there."

She showed me each picture one by one they were all of Finn and her as he was growing up until what looked like could've been his last trip here.

"I would like to get a picture of us three to add to these and maybe if you're willing to make it into an album to give to him from me on Christmas?"

"I would be honored too. You want all of the pictures in there?" I question making sure I know exactly what she wants

"Yes even this set they're all dated on the back so you should have no problem..." she holds up the first set of photos and then reaches into her robe pocket "... I also would like if you would put this envelope in the front of the album."

"Of course, I think this will be his best Christmas present."

"Thank you. Now as for this..." she holds up the blue clutch "... this was my bridal clutch it has the hair comb I wore and a few other mementos from my wedding that I would like you to have, I only ask of you to wait to go through it until your wedding."

"I can't accept that... Those items should stay in the family."

"You can and will accept it, you are family Rory, and it is staying in the family."

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything but promise not to go through it until your wedding; you'll find something for Finny in there too, to give him on your wedding day."

"Thank you and I promise but, what if Finn and I never get married?"

"Mark my words sweet girl, you will marry my Finny!"

I giggled and nodded and hugged her.

"Now go put that stuff somewhere so Finny won't find it and then have him come up for a photo."

"I'll be back in a few moments." I said and made my way to my bag and placed all the items in it.

I grabbed Finn and his mum and had her take a picture of us with grandmum at her request we printed four copies right away. After we printed them in Finn's dad's office, one went to Maya and Xavier, one to grandmum, one to Finn and one to me.

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