I'M A...

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It had been two weeks since the New Year's get away and Rory still hasn't talked to Finn about their futures, she was going to after the baby appointment a few days ago but her mom had called the moment they stepped out of the building to talk about possibly using their tickets to Australia that Finn's parents gave her and Luke for Christmas and her talking to Finn was momentarily forgotten.

April and Colin were getting closer and Rory could tell something was off with April so one day after Rory visited her mom at the Inn she stopped in at the crap shack to talk to April.


Rory walks in the front door "April you home???"

"In the bedroom." April yells back

Rory makes her way to her childhood bedroom, April didn't change a thing besides some photos she put up and the new bed Rory got her. April was laying on her stomach working on her laptop.

"Hey." Rory says walking in and sitting on the bed

"Hey, yourself. What brings you here?"

"I was visiting mom at the Inn and I thought I would stop by and have some sister time."

"I love that I have a big sister now and we can have sister time. So what do you want to do?" April says while sitting up

"We can talk and then maybe we can go do something."

"Uh oh... Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes, everything is great, but I thought maybe we could talk about you and Colin..."

April's eyes immediately went from Rory's eyes to the wall. "Oh..." April says

"Is everything copesthetic between you and Colin? Is he moving too fast for you?"

"Everything is fine and he's being great... It's just that..." she takes a moment and then looks Rory in the eyes again, with apparent unshed tears in her eyes "... I know his past and well I don't know if he will want to stick around too much longer..."

"What that's crazy April, he is head over heels for you. What makes you think that and what does his past have anything to do with him not sticking around?"

"I know he is, I am head over heels for him too, I think I love him Rory but there's this one thing that he doesn't know and well that one thing could change that in a blink of an eye."

"April, just talk to me..."

"I'M A VIRGIN RORY!" April yelled

Rory's eyes went wide in disbelief

"Like what kind of virgin? Full out virgin or..."

"I've done everything but the actual..." April said waving her hands around

"Wow... How come you never said anything to me before?"

"What 22 year old would admit to not having actual penis in vagina sex, let alone just come out with it?"

"I would've... If I was at 22... Do you think that Colin would seriously have a problem with it?"

"Yes... Well I mean... I don't know! I know back in like middle school and high school if some guy took your virginity it was like he won the prize but now that I am an adult every time I start seeing a guy and they find out... Well they don't want that burden on them. They don't want to be the first guy... I think it all comes down to the whole being attached to your first..."

"Are you ready to take the next step? Do you want Colin to be your first?"

"I'm ready in the hormonal sense but I don't know... I would love if Colin was my first, I really do think I love him... We have done other things just not that..."

"What about birth control? You should really be on it before hand..."

"I was put on the pill when I was going through puberty to regulate things but I went off it after a few years because I was gaining weight and wasn't having sex... I don't really like the idea of birth control."

"How about we get you an appointment with my Gynecologist and we can go from there? Though I do think you need to talk to Colin..."

"I've never been to a gynecologist before..."

"Really? Yes, we really need to get you to one. You're old enough now to where you should be seeing one. I don't know if they will do a full exam as you are still a virgin but still it's important."

"Yeah, mom was pretty anal about me not going unless I had let some guy damage my flower as she called it."

"Wow, okay well I'll call Dr. Arnold and see when I can get you in."

"I don't have insurance... We could just go to some nonprofit place..."

"I'll cover it. Why don't you have insurance? With the whole Obama care thing?"

"I don't have a job and mom told me I shouldn't enroll in the no income thing since it was a scam."

"Either way it's messed up but you should have something."

"I'll start looking into it when I get a job..."

"Okay let me call and get you an appointment..."

April nodded and Rory stepped out of the room and called Dr. Arnolds office. 10 minutes later Rory re-entered the bedroom.

"They had an opening tomorrow at 9 am; I will pick you up at 8 am and we can get coffee on the way..."

"Thank you Rory, I feel like I should know how to do all of this but I don't."

"You're welcome Apes. Now how about I go home and after your appointment tomorrow we can go shopping and I'll have everyone over for dinner?"

"That would be wonderful; maybe after the appointment I'll let Colin in on my secret..."

"Only when you are ready but I don't advise waiting too long."

With that Rory gave April a big hug and made her way home.


The next morning Rory sent out a group message to everyone telling them dinner at her house at 6pm and made her way to pick up April.


April was a nervous wreck not knowing what exactly was going to happen and asked me to go in with her, thankfully for Aprils state of mind they decided against the full exam for now but whether she was sexually active or not they wanted her to come back in six months and do a full checkup. Dr. Arnold would've preferred to start her on pills or the depo shot but April decided on the patch and if she were to have sex use a condom as well and they would talk about different methods next time.

Dr. Arnold gave her a few pamphlets about intercourse and birth control. They made their way to the pharmacy to pick up April's patches before they went shopping.

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