At Peace

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I quickly got my shopping done although I didn't find a swimsuit, I needed to get back and let Finn explain before I let my mind go to darker places.


Lugging all my shopping bags into the apartment was no easy task but I did it, dropping them down and hiding one of them I went to look for Finn, he wasn't here so I knocked on Callie's door.

"Hey Rory."

"Hi Callie, do you know where Finn went?"

"Yeah he went down to reserve the pool for the night."

"You can reserve the pool?" I ask

She laughed "I guess when you are Finn you can reserve anything..."

"I guess so..." I laughed

"Barb can't make it tonight, she was called in to work."

"That's a bummer! Well I warn you Robert is coming and Finn mentioned he had a bit of an infatuation with you."

"No worries, he can try as much as he'd like he'll never get the chance."

"Bigger woman than I am. I went on one date with him, he's a great guy but as a friend."

"I have yet to see that."

"Yeah I can understand but once you are friends you'll never want him to disappear! I'm going to unpack from the day I'll see you later."



When I finished putting away my things I went back out to the livingroom and Finn was sitting on the couch.

"Hey, when did you get back?" I ask and he jumped a little

"Just a moment ago, I didn't know you had arrived already. Did you get everything you wanted?"

"No swimsuit, I knew winter was a bad time." I laugh as I sit next to him on the couch

"Yeah not swimming season. So... I have something I want to show you and if you want to talk after we can..."


He got up and grabbed his laptop before returning to the couch.

"So the dad and I had all our offices fully equipped with audio and video cameras and today was recorded and before you say anything I just want you to watch."

I nodded and he pressed play.., I watched I couldn't believe that any type of woman would do this... I was a little taken back with the whole wife thing, not in a bad way just I really don't know it made the butterflies in my stomach go nuts.

Once the video ended I reached over and pulled him in for a kiss.

"What was that for?"

"I'm just happy that you handled it that way but I must say that I've never seen you like that with women, before."

"It's been that way for a long time. When you have a woman that means the world to you no one else matters and no other woman should even be in your sightline."

My heart swelled when he said that, I never thought I would find that in a man. Honestly I never thought I deserved that, with Logan I thought I finally had that after the whole bridesmaid debacle but then we broke up and that went out the window. I know I can't blame him for everything that has happened the last few years I had a big part in it too; it was my idea as ridiculous as it is. I was brought out of my thoughts when Finn shook my shoulder.

"Hey where did you go?"


"You looked like you were off in another world."

"I was just thinking... Realizing how lucky I am..."

"Why is that?"

"Because I have you."

"No I'm the lucky one Rory."

"I love you Finn, I love you so much."

"I love you too more than anything." He said wrapping his arms around me, I felt completely at peace.


I went to lie down for a while and Finn got things ready for the boys. Before fall asleep I starting making a plan of how to confront Logan.



Around 5:30 I went to go wake Rory.

"Time to wakie, wakie."

"How long do we have until they get here?" she asked with a sleepy voice but her eyes still shut

"About an hour and a half."

"Okay..." she says as she slowly gets up

"Would you like anything?"

"I would really like a cup of coffee."

"I'll get you some; you haven't had any for a couple days."

"Thank you Finny, I think I am going to go stand under the shower for a few minutes."

"I'll grab you a fresh towel and leave you be, when your ready I will have a cup of coffee waiting."

She nods as I head to pull a fresh towel from the pantry, coming back to the bathroom she is stark naked and reaching to turn on the shower, she looked absolutely beautiful but I didn't want to gawk at her.

"Here's your towel, love."

"Thank you." She comes up and presses her body against me and kisses me with such intensity that I can feel every inch of my body responding, she gently pulls away and rests her head on my chest hugging me tightly, I took a deep breath taking in her sweet scent.

"Um, Love if you want to stay like this that's fine but please don't be offended if you start to feel something poking you, I can't help it when I have my arms wrapped around a beautiful naked woman." I say with a smirk

She giggled "I felt it almost right away, don't worry I take no offence, rather I enjoy knowing that I did that to you."

"You have no idea what you do to me believe me. I'm going to leave you to your shower and maybe tonight after everyone leaves we can enjoy ourselves but only as far as you are willing to."

"Sounds like it could be a very interesting evening! Now go on make me some coffee and I'll be out in 10-15 minutes."

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