Piece by Piece

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Odette and I just pulled up outside Logan's office building when my phone pinged

Finn: I just wanted to tell you that I love you again. I know this isn't something I would choose to have you do without me but I will allow you to explain before I jump to any conclusions. I meant it when I said be safe. Call me as soon as you can.

Rory: I love you too, very much. I'll admit it's not the most comfortable thing but you'll understand why I am doing it later. I promise to be safe and call you after.

I hit send and we emerged from the car. His office was on the 20th floor, I couldn't explain how I was feeling if anyone asked besides the fact of being uncomfortable.

The elevator dinged and we exited the elevator.

"I know you're nervous and you can back out if you want to." Odette turned to me and said with concern

"No, I said I would and I will."

And we walked to the reception.

"Miss. Fontaine good to see you again, Mr. Huntzberger is in his office waiting for you." the receptionist said eyeing me

"Miss. Gilmore?" She questions

"She is with me. We will be going back to his office now. Thank you." She said linking her arm in mine and we walked back to Logan's office.

She tapped on the closed door and you could hear a muffled come in, before she opened the door.

"O, just in..." He started but must have been at a loss for words once he saw me.

"Logan." I said

He looked to Odette, "She would like to talk to you, I am going to go visit the ladies room and let you two talk." He nods and she squeezes my hand and left the office closing the door behind her.

"Ace... I mean Rory, what can I do for you?"

"Nice to see you too, Logan. I came here to talk about you taking over the Hartford office..."

"Sorry, it's good to see you too. What about me taking over?" he was visibly uncomfortable.

"May I?" I motion to the chair

"Yes, Please... Does Finn know you are here?"

I take a seat "Yes, he's not happy about it but here I am. So as for why I am here... Odette believes that you don't want to move to the states because you don't want her and I to be friends, is this correct?"

He shifts in his chair "Um... Well... Yes and no..."

"Care to explain?"

"I don't mind the fact that you and O have a friendship it's just that if you guys are friends... Fuck Ace I don't know it's still all screwed up."

"Logan Elias Huntzberger! I adore Odette and would love to have her live closer, if this is because it's too hard for me to be in your..."

"No! That's not the ultimate reason. I made a promise to Finn that I needed to fix myself, my relationship with O and then see if you and I could repair our friendship before he would even think about being friends again... It's just that I am still all fucked up, I am really trying here to fix myself and work on O and I, and for you two to be friends and we would be so close to you I think it might be hard to do things the right way, I don't want to sound childish but if let's say you invite her to dinner, I cannot go. I'll be left out. I miss you, Finn, Robert and Colin..."

"Doesn't that give you even more reason to do things the right way?"

"I guess... I'm still not over you, Ace. I don't think I will ever be..." I try to interject but he stops me. "... I can live with that, but knowing you're so close and seeing how happy Finn makes you I just wonder if it will cause me more pain therefore cause more issues..."

"Do you love Odette? A least care for her?"

"Love... I'm not sure I am there yet, but yes I care for her deeply. I want to do right by her, she is really a wonderful person."

"She is wonderful Logan and I think she's good for you. Do you know that she wants to move to the states?"

"No... I guess I never asked her... She does?"

"Yes, Logan she does, I am really her only friend and she would like us to be closer and I would like that too."

"I should talk to her, then...."

"Yes you should, don't keep her in the dark like you have. By the way Mitchum is divorcing Shira?"

He chuckled. "Yep. I always knew it would happen but I never knew what would do it... Mitchum and she were talking about you and I and the baby and as much as they both wanted me to be with Odette, once they found out about the baby they both wanted me to be with you. I had told him about the fact that you baby was indeed not mine he lashed out a little but anyways he confronted Shira about all the accusations and I guess she left him in the dark with the crucial details. Anyways it turns out she didn't care how much money it would take to prove that, your baby was mine that includes fudging DNA results among other things and he blew a gasket when she went to explain about your heirship and all the money you have blah, blah blah.

She didn't care about the child or about the people in question just about how much money we would be worth if we brought it together..."

"Wow... So Mitchum finally saw the true Shira?"

"Seems so... But I do have to tell you he is planning to do a DNA test either way but private and I was going to get your permission first after the baby is born."

"No that's fine. I have nothing to hide I know for a fact Finn is the father. I understand he has to do what he think is right and as long as it doesn't place my child in danger I am okay with it."

"He would never harm a child. I know mom wanted an amniocentesis and dad wouldn't hear of it. He also said that if it does turn out to be mine he wouldn't force his hand just that he wants to be sure it would be shared custody..."

"If it were ours I would have no problem with it... Anyways we are off the subject... So you'll talk to Odette and maybe have a decision made before you are in Hartford next weekend?"

"I'll talk to her and I'm sure we will have one made..."

"Okay then I must get back to Finn and Xavier before it gets too late. Have a nice evening Logan, be good to Odette."

"Do you need me to arrange a car for you?"

"No I am just fine thank you. It was good seeing you Logan, take care of yourself."

I said and left the office. Odette was sitting in the hall waiting.

"Go on in. I think I got him to at least talk to you. I am going to take off now. Call me when you are in Hartford."

"Oh thank you Rory! I will call you as soon as I can and I will let you know how our talk goes..." She wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly.

"Bye Odette, take care, talk to you soon."

"At least text me and let me know you got back safe. Bye Rory."

I nod and make my way on to the elevator, take a deep breath and smile. I started feeling so much better about everything.

"Everything really is falling into place piece by piece." I thought to myself

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