Lust For Food

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Friday Morning came and I was woken by the doorbell, looking over I noticed Finn wasn't in bed so I slowly got out of bed and slipped on my robe before making my way down to the door.

Opening the door, Colin is standing there with a big smile on his face and package in his hands.

"Colin, what are you doing here?"

"Well first I wanted to see our dear mother whom I have missed terribly and make sure for myself that you are doing okay, and second I have this for you, but you cannot open it just yet." He says handing me the package.

"Well, I guess since your making a Gilmore girl wait to open gifts, that you should come in." I say with a laugh and place the package on the entry table.

Colin shut the door behind him and I turned around and gave him a big hug.

"I've miss you too Colin, I am doing better. I still have my moments but that's to be expected I suppose. You do know you didn't have to keep your distance."

"I know but you and Finn needed space and I didn't want either of you getting overwhelmed but know that I have thought of you every day and well, here this is from me and Robert..." he says and hands me a small package.

I take it and tell him to have a seat and I sit on the couch besides him and open it.

It was a beautiful keychain that said 'Mommy to an angel', I felt the tears start to well up and without looking at Colin I pull him in for a hug.

"Thank you." I whisper trying not to let the tears fall

"You're very welcome. Robert and I figured you were tired of hearing apologizes and things of that sort so we thought we'd just get you something to show you we care about you. Well now since that is said and done, we must get going." He tried to shake off the emotions before I took notice


"Yes, I am here to whisk you away for a couple of hours."

"Is that why Finn wasn't in bed?"

He nodded

"Shall I bring the box?"

"Yes and I would go change if I were you."

"What you don't like the robe?" I giggle

"It's lovely mother and if that's what you want to wear then by all means wear it."

"No I was joking, I'll go change. Anything particular?"

"Nope, just something comfortable."

I pull off my robe "Well then all I need is a hoodie. I'll be right back."


After Rory was ready they headed out but before they got to the car Colin pulled her in for another hug, this one much tighter and filled with sympathy and love.

Before letting go he whispered into her hair "I hope you know that I love you mother and that I am always here for you!"

Rory nodded and told him that she love him too and thanked him for being such a great friend to her and to Finn.

They climbed in the car and were off.

First stop was a coffee shop; Colin knew she wouldn't make it without her morning coffee, when pulling into the coffee shop Rory smiled at Colin thankful that he knew her well. After the quick stop they made their way to a nail salon where she was treated with a mani/pedi , Colin also got a manicure and pedicure with the exception of nail polish.

They chatted and caught up; Colin told Rory that he was planning to take April to meet his dad. Rory immediately knew how big of a step that was for Colin, he had never introduced any woman to his father besides any dates he had for events if his father bothered to show up. Colin's dad already knew Stephanie because of the Life and Death Brigade but Colin never introduced anyone that he was serious about.

Rory made a mental note to look up Stephanie, Juliet and Rosemary... Well maybe not Rosemary as she remembered the incident with her and Finn years ago, but she definitely wanted to see how Steph was and who Juliet was now married to.


When the mani's and pedi's were done Colin drove her to a shop and told her to sit in the car for a moment and he went in and just as he said he was back in just a moment with a shoe box, he opened the trunk and Rory could hear him opening boxes so she was pretty sure he was making sure everything matched.

Getting back in the car Colin turns to Rory. "Well it wasn't on the 'to do' list but I bet your starving!"

"Don't you know it!"

"Alright let's get you something to eat and then we have one last stop."

"We can just get something small and quick..." Rory told him not wanting to take too much time up.

"What would you like?"

"A big fat cinnamon roll with extra cream cheese frosting!" she exclaimed with what only Colin could explain as lust in her eyes

He laughed "Only you and your mother get that look of lust for food."

Rory laughed and Colin drove off to the best place for cinnamon rolls he could think of.


Rory devoured her cinnamon roll as they made their way to the last stop of the day which was her mother's house.

"What are we doing here?" she asked

"We are picking up April and then I am dropping you both off at your house and she is going to help you get ready."


April got into the car and they made their way to Rory's house...

It was still early yet but Rory decided to go jump in the shower and she could take her time to get ready.

Before getting in the shower she texted Finn

R: I wish you wouldn't have left without saying goodbye...

She got an immediate response

F: I'm sorry love, I had to make sure things we're ready.

R: Alright...

F: I love you.

R: I love you too... Thank you for everything so far, you didn't have to do any of this.

F: I know I didn't have to but I wanted to. I take it Colin did a good job.

R: Yes, he did. Colin is great. What time should I expect to see you again?

F: Be ready at 4 pm.

R: Okay see you then.

She hit send and got into the shower.

Rory couldn't help be feel like maybe tonight wasn't going to be all it's cracked up to be...

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