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Luke and I were walking down the streets in pursuit of the theater my audition would be held at. 

"I gotta admit, Manhattan is impressive as hell." Luke mused. 

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I've walked through this city thousands of times and yet there's always something new about it." 

"Is that why you like it here so much and won't come back to England with me?" he smirked down at me. 

"Yeah. I fell in love with this place when I lived here as a kid. There's so much going on here, it's never boring. And you get introduced to so much entertainment, culture, sights, beauty. I don't know, it's just my favorite place to be." I replied as we approached the theater. 

"Your thought process is beautiful. And I know we've talked about it a bunch of times, but will you at least consider coming with me to England? Just for a few days. I really think you'd like it." he pouted jokingly at me making me shake my head and laugh.

I liked Luke. I liked having him in my life. And when we had agreed to be seeing each other like this, we also agreed never to put a label on us. It made things easier. We wouldn't have to overthink or over-complicate anything. But recently he started talking about how he wanted me to meet his family, go to England; all these things that people in serious relationships do. It's starting to worry me. 

"I'll think about it." I smiled up at him, making him smile back. 

"Alright, well let's get in there and have you crush another audition." Luke winked. He handed me his acoustic guitar that he had been carrying on his back. I took it and lead Luke into the main room of the theater.

There were many other girls in the front row seats. I assumed they were auditioning too. And I saw Billie Joe talking with a few of them. They were all smiling and laughing. It looked harmless until the one girl decided to touch him, making him smirk. 

I'm going to throw up. 

"Melina! So glad to see you again" Amy smiled making her way over to me and Luke.

"Same to you Amy" I smiled back, she brought me in for a hug. 

When we both pulled back I noticed that Billie Joe had seen us and he looked tense. But he made his way over anyway. 

"And who are you?" Amy asked Luke. 

"My name's Luke. I'm just here to support my girl." he smiled. 

And of course, Billie Joe was standing with us just when Luke said that. 

I pretended Billie Joe didn't exist. I knew he was glaring at me and if looks could kill, Luke and I would be dead by now. 

"Well that's nice and all but we don't allow sit-ins for our auditions. Too distracting, y'know? So sorry but you're going to have to wait outside, Liam." Billie Joe replied. 

"It's Luke, sir" Luke corrected him.

"Like I give a shit" Billie Joe muttered to himself, but I caught it. 

I pulled Luke to the side a bit. "It's fine, this won't take too long and then we can go do whatever you want." 

He smirked. "I like the sound of that." 

"Of course you do, you perv." I rolled my eyes playfully. 

He leaned down and kissed me. "Good luck, love." And with that, he left the room. 

I turned around and was met with a very pissed off looking Billie Joe. Amy had walked off towards where the crew was sitting. The longer he glared at me, the more uncomfortable I became. 

"Uhm so, what song am I-"

"Nice boyfriend you have." Billie finally spoke.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call him my-"

"It's like Joan Jett, Steven Tyler, and Keith Richards all got wasted one night, hate fucked, and he was the outcome." he grumbled.

I let out a sigh. "Just tell me what song I'm doing." 

Without a word, he handed me the sheet music and walked off towards the crew. I scanned over the paper. 

Give Me Novacaine.

Well alrighty then.

I walked up to the stage and took out Luke's acoustic guitar from it's case.

"What are you doing?" Billie asked. 

"Getting my guitar?" I asked back in confusion.

"That doesn't look like an electric guitar to me." he replied. 

"Gee, maybe because it's not?" I nearly spat, making Amy gasp and a few of the guys laugh. 

Billie glared at me. Amy decided to speak up. "Mel, the song requires an electric guitar. It's more fitting." 

"Then why did he tell me to bring a-"

"Oh for fuck sake, just use my guitar and try to be more prepared next time." Billie Joe stands up and brings his guitar up for me. I wanted to snatch it from him and smash it over his head. The shit eating grin he flashed at me was not helping my destructive thoughts either. 

Once I had everything set up to my liking, I took a deep breath and began to play. 

"Take away the sensation inside..."

. . .


I think I'm gonna start all of these A/Ns now with memes of Green Day

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I think I'm gonna start all of these A/Ns now with memes of Green Day. This is about to get weird. 

Thanks so much you guys, I can't believe this story already has over 1000 reads! :o

Also, I wanna say right now that updates may not be as frequent. I have a lot of bad shit going on in my life right now that I need to work out. I don't know how long it will take, so sorry about that. 

Thanks for reading and have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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