-twenty seven-

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A week had gone by and Billie Joe had pretty much moved in with us. We had enrolled Cody into school, and the guys always offered to pick Cody up from school and bring him to rehearsals because I couldn't afford day care and Billie Joe didn't really like the idea of not seeing him the majority of the day anyway. 

My life had been pretty great and stress free for the past few days and it was a feeling that I have yet to grow used to. Because the minute I become comfortable and let my guard down, something dumb and dramatic happens. 

Right now we were at rehearsals going over all the songs. Cody was sitting in the front row watching us with a smile and kicking his feet back and forth.  It made me smile. Cody saw me smile and waved at me excitedly, making me laugh and wave back. 

I heard someone scoff behind me, making me turn around. I was met by the ever lovely sour faced looking Tracey and Jordan.

"Can I help you?" I asked, unimpressed as hell. 

"Uh yeah. You could get a babysitter for your little gremlin over there." Jordan spoke up. 

"Yeah seriously. He won't shut up and is really annoying. Is he even allowed to be out of the special house?" Tracey smirked. Oh. So this bitch thought she was funny. 

"Oh you've got jokes," I let out a fake laugh, making their smirks more prominent. "well I've got the punch line bitch!" I didn't even think twice about tackling Tracey to the floor, earning a shrill scream from her and Jordan. 

I had lost all will power, so to speak. I felt as if I was on autopilot due to how angry I was. I raised my hand in a fist and punched Tracey in the right side of her face. I went to do it again, but was pulled off of her instantly and held back. I was screaming bloody murder. Shouting things along the lines of "I'll kill you!" and "you worthless piece of trash!". 

I was dragged towards the backstage area by Mike and Tre. They set me down but kept a firm grip onto my arms. 

Moments later, they finally let go of me and Billie Joe had made his way to us. He looked livid. He shot Mike and Tre a look and they walked away, looking at me with sympathy. 

Billie Joe ran a hand through his hair and let out a sigh of frustration. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Billie yelled, making me flinch. 

"Excuse me? Did you hear what they said about Cody?" I asked. 

"Did you see Cody? You scared him half to death! Or did your brain fail to register that you are out in public?" he snarled.

What the fuck?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That you need to grow up, Melina. You can't let these girls get to you like that. You have to just push it to the back of your mind. Do whatever you got to do, except hit them. You think you can handle that?" he rolled his eyes as he walked back towards the front of the stage.

"Are you kidding me? I mean yeah, I could have handled that situation better but those girls have been pushing me ever since I got a main role!"

"You have to get over that shit and fast cause I'm not putting up with it, at all. And you don't need to worry about Tracey and Jordan taking your part away from you cause if you keep this up it will be me taking it away from you. Got it?" he had raised his voice and before I knew it, he was gone. 

I knew what he was doing. He knew what he was doing. Billie Joe knew that I couldn't deal with unnecessary attention of others and by yelling at me, he had done just that. 


"Alright everyone, let's get in positions. We're gonna go over 'Last Night on Earth'." I heard Mike holler. 

I smirked to myself. Perfect.

I walked over to my little makeshift changing area and got dressed into my costume for this scene, knowing that everyone was doing the same or was already good to go.

I fluffed my hair a little and fixed my makeup and headed back onto the stage. 

I did my best to ignore everyone's obvious stares and was met with a glare from Tracey. She was holding an ice bag against her right cheek. Her stare was cold and I leaned forward towards her, psyching her out. It worked seeing as she shrieked, making Billie Joe stare in our direction. I sent her a fake wave and walked over towards the bed that was in the center of the stage where Johnny and Whatsername were supposed to be.

I stood over by 'Johnny', better known as Van, and waved at him.

"H-hey" he smiled at me.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Van" I smiled making him laugh.

"Oh what a relief" he over dramatically wiped his hand across his forehead making me giggle.

"Hey, any chance you'll help me out with jackass over there?" I nudged my head in Billie Joe's direction. 

"Yeah. What do you have in mind?" Van asked with a smile.

I looked from him, to the bed, then back to him with my eyebrows raised. 

"Oh... OH! I got ya. Yeah, let's do it." he smirked, making me laugh. 

We took our places on the bed as Billie Joe went up the stairs, beginning the song.

"I text a postcard, sent to you. 

Did it go through?

Sending all my love to you" 

At that point, I took my shirt off and threw it to the side. Billie Joe had almost missed a step. I guess he didn't think I was going to fully commit during rehearsal. Honestly, I wasn't. Until now.

Van pulled me closer to him slightly and nuzzled my neck. He even left a few kisses there. At this point, I heard a growl in Billie's voice as he sang. I looked up at Billie to see he was already staring at me. And I knew that look all to well. 

I was in a hell of a lot of trouble. 

. . .

A/N: Right. Well let's try this again shall we?

I don't know what the hell happened but when I went to post this chapter last night, shit hit the fan and this book got deleted from Wattpad. 

I changed my password many times, saved all my stories to my new computer, and am trying this again since the book magically reappeared today.

Thank you so much to everyone for cheering me up. I literally cried over my book being deleted. I'm a mess, I know. 

And thank you to everyone that went above and beyond to send me screenshots or offer to send me screenshots of the chapters. You guys are incredible and I adore all of you.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully that shit never happens again. Have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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