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A couple hours had passed and we were still sitting at our table. I had lost count on what number of drink I was on. All I knew was that I wanted to get so drunk so I could forget how awkward this whole situation was. 

I was already a tipsy mess. I had to turn my phone off and give it to Luke because of course- because my life isn't screwed up enough already- I had texted Billie Joe some pretty risque messages because I am so freaking dumb.

I had spent quite a bit of time catching up with the boys. Max and Seb mainly. I had always been kinda closer to them. Cole likes to keep himself but is also fairly social but we've never had a full on in-depth conversation. And there is no way in hell I could talk to Joey. Nope. Nada. Not happening. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 and just get me the hell out of here.

"Mel baby," Luke slurred in my ear. "wanna get out of here?" 

Oh thank god. 

"If you want to then sure" I smiled up at him. I didn't want to make it too obvious that I was dying inside.

"Okay, I'm gonna go pay our tab, I'll be right back love" he beamed at me, leaning in to kiss me. I hesitated at the last minute and turned my face to the side, his lips connecting with my cheek. He didn't seem to be affected by it and walked off to pay our tab. 

The guys were all caught up in their own conversations and I decided to finish off the little remaining amount of the beer in one of the various pitchers on our table.

"So," Joey sat down next to me making me nearly choke on my beer. "you and Luke?" 

I finished my sip and turned to him and let out an uneasy laugh. "sorta" 

"What do you mean sorta? The guy has been all over you" he looked as if he was trying really hard not to lose it on me. 

"Yeah, he tends to do that when he drinks" I sighed. 

"How did you guys even meet?" Joey asked. 

"I work at a bar like twenty-ish minutes away from here. Him and the guys came in after a gig and he saved me from some dumb drunk that wouldn't leave me alone." 

"Ah and now he's the dumb drunk that won't leave you alone. Interesting." he mused. 

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Joey." I stood up from the table, said my goodbyes to everyone and walked out of the bar. 

I made it out of the bar but felt someone grip my arm. I turned around and swung my hand at Joey but he managed to grab it mid-swing. 

"Okay whoa look. I'm sorry alright? I just. You gotta understand how messed up this is and why I'm upset about it!" Joey spoke up. 

I glared at him, waiting for him to continue. He did.

"You act as if you want to be with me only for me to find out that you're fucking my dad! And then, he admits his love for you and you choose him over me. And now years later, you're with Luke Spiller. Luke Spiller, are you fucking kidding me? That guy is just bad news and has the WORST reputation when it comes to his attitude and the way he uses women. What the hell is wrong with you?!" 

"Everything! Everything is wrong with me Joey okay? I'm not dating Luke, alright? We're fuck buddies- that's it! And don't look at me like that. That's all we are! That's all we'll ever be. He uses women. Haven't you noticed that I use men? We kinda deserve each other." I shot back.

Joey shook his head. I pulled my hands, trying to get him to release them. All he did was tug me forward and capture my lips with his. 

Joey was definitely a good kisser, I already knew that. But he had never kissed me like this before. He was angry at me. So angry at me. Rightfully so. And damn, why did I find that hot?

I pulled away in shock. He just stared at me, his eyes almost wild. 

"Melina, I-" 

"Stay away from me Joey. You already know I'm no good for you." I pulled my hands away from him and headed off down the street in pursuit of the subway, ignoring him calling my name. 

. . .

I had made it home, but not after realizing that I had gotten on the wrong subway. 

I stumbled up the stairs. Damn, I did not realize how drunk I had gotten tonight. Whoooops.

Once I had gotten to my floor, I walked down the hall. Laughing to myself. God, I am literally the dumbest person to grace planet Earth. 

And when I looked towards my apartment door, I saw the second dumbest person to grace planet Earth sitting in front of it.

And when I looked towards my apartment door, I saw the second dumbest person to grace planet Earth sitting in front of it

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"Oh hey, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked, giggling. 

Billie Joe stood up. "Mel, are you drunk?" 

I let out a gasp. "Billie Joe Armstrong the first, how can you say such a thing?!" 

He rolled his eyes and looked as if he was trying not to laugh. "Come on, let's get you inside." he grabbed my key from my hand. 

"Is that a code for sex?" I asked out loud making him let out a snort. 

"Not unless you want it to be." he opened the door for me.

"How'd you know?" I batted my eyelashes at him, as we walked in the apartment. 

He closed the door and observed me. "Okay yeah, you're definitely drunk."

"Am not!" I argued like a toddler.

"I rest my case," he muttered making me pout. "oh don't look at me like that."

"Don't tell me what to do. You're not my daddy," I retorted making him gulp. Oh. "I mean. You were but you've probably lost your touch."

He glared at me playfully. "Watch it little girl or I may have to punish you." 

"Is that a threat or a promise, daddy?" I asked, just now noticing how close we were to each other. 

"Melina I swear if you don't stop that, this- whatever this is between us- is only gonna get even more fucked up." he muttered, lips inches from mine.

"Good, normal is too boring for me." I whispered. 

That's all it took for our lips to connect. 

. . .

A/N: Well shit, were you expecting an update this quick? Ya me either. 

But hey, ya girl passed her driving test today and is now currently getting wine drunk so yeah I figured why not add another chapter as a celebration of sorts. 

I hope you liked it. I have a feeling you're gonna like the next chapter even more ;) 

Thanks for reading and have a great day/night/week/life <3

Rage & Love ~

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