-thirty nine-

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**Warning: there is some smut at the end of this chapter. Long awaited by some more than others. ;) Reader discretion is advised.**

"So Melina Olivia Garcia, will you marry me?" 

I was speechless. This felt like a dream. I loved Billie Joe so much and yet marriage was never something we ever talked about. I guess cause our lives have been so hectic and busy as of late so this definitely caught me off guard. 

And yet, I already knew what my answer was.

"Of course I will, Billie Joe" I smiled, trying not to be a total cliche and cry profusely. 

Billie however, had no problem being cliche. He put the ring on my finger, stood back up and picked me up, spinning me around in the air, causing me to laugh happily. 

Once he set me back down, our lips met instantly. 

"You have no idea how happy you've just made me" Billie grinned, taking my hand in his as we made our way back to the house. 

"Likewise, my love. I can't believe this" I said, studying my ring. It was mesmerizing. Not a typical looking wedding ring I've seen in hundreds of films. It was a black diamond wedding ring and I absolutely adored it. 

"Believe it babe," he chuckled as he lead me up the steps back into our home. "we don't have to plan everything right now either. I just had to get this for you. I've been thinking about it for a while now." 

"Well I love it. And you. Thank you." I pulled him in for a kiss but before it could get too heated, our front door swung open to reveal everyone we had left back at the party. 

"So enough of this suspense, what did she say?" Tre asked excitedly. 

Billie cleared his throat. "She said yes!" he exclaimed, making everyone cheer and me laugh. 

"You told everyone before hand?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"No, I told Mike and Tre... and then Tre told everybody" Billie looked over at Tre, playfully glaring at him.

"Okay first of all fuck you this is not my fault," Tre huffed making us all snicker. "and secondly, y'all are my OTP and I was shooketh, as the kids say. Sorry for being happy, like damn." 

"I literally have no idea what the fuck you just said" I deadpanned, making everyone nod their heads in agreement. 

"Literally same," Tre admitted making us all laugh. "on that note, let's celebrate with some more drinks!" 

. . .

It was nearly five in the morning when everyone decided to pass out. We had enough room in the house for most people to crash on couches and any other furniture they deemed fit. Hell, some people even brought air mattresses with them. 

Billie and I were in our room, sitting on the bed just reflecting on everything we had been through to get to this point. 

"I still remember when you swore at me and walked away even though you were in MY parking spot" Billie laughed. 

"And I still remember you telling me to watch my mouth even though you swear more than I do!" I smirked, making him throw a pillow at my face, making me laugh. 

"It's kinda ridiculous to actually stop and think about everything we've gone through together." Billie said quietly. 

I smiled softly at him, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. 

"I'm sorry for ever leaving you" Billie admitted, his voice sounded like it was about to crack and it damn near broke my heart. 

"That's the thing though, you never did. You've always been with me and you always will be. And I seriously can't thank you enough for getting a hold of Julliard for me. That's incredible!" 

He gave me a funny look, his eyes widening slightly. "Don't even try to deny it Billie. Gerard, Brendon, and Pete told me all about it." 

Billie had a faint blush on his cheeks. "I know I screwed up a lot of things for you back then, but I had to do that for you. And I'm so glad I did" 

"We were both pretty stupid back then, weren't we?" I tried to joke, making him smile. 

"Being stupid lead me to you so I don't regret it" Billie winked making me roll my eyes playfully. 

"You sap" I giggled, going to shove him shoulder. He caught my hand and pulled me to him, crashing our lips together in the process.

He pulled me closer and I readjusted so I could straddle his waist. As our kissing grew more heated, I unbuttoned Billie's shirt causing him to break the kiss so he could basically tear off mine. My bra quickly followed suite. 

Billie's eyes roamed my upper body and I took the opportunity to undo his belt. He smirked at my eagerness. 

Once I had removed his belt, Billie grabbed at my skirt, bunching it up and lifting it up slightly. He let out a groan when my panties were in view. "Someone went shopping I see" he mused making me laugh slightly. 

"Just trying to keep you guessing" I winked making him grin and kiss me passionately. Our makeout session quickly turned heated like it always does, and on instinct, I was grinding my hips into his. Billie groaned and gripped my hips tighter to make me move faster. 

"Sh-shit Billie" I moaned in his ear making him place love bites all over my neck in response.

After a bit, Billie stilled all movement, making me whine slightly at the loss of friction. I moved back slightly so he could remove his pants and boxers. A prominent wet spot from my panties was on his jeans, making him grin at me cockily. 

"Shut up" I glared playfully making him smile grow. 

Once he was naked, he pulled me closer to him. I was straddling him again and he had lined his manhood up with my center. 

"Are you still on the pill?" he asked making me shoot him an "are you fucking serious" look making him laugh. "Just checking, damn" he winked, lowering me onto his length. 

"Oh shit" I moaned out, Billie groaning as well. 

"I'll never get over how tight you are, fuck" Billie moaned.

The room was getting hotter by the second and I felt like I was in a trance. I'd never get tired of this. I love this man.

"Come on baby, let go for me" Billie moaned, making me rock my hips even harder and faster than before. 

"Oh fuck Billie" I nearly screamed out, hitting my release, Billie followed right after riding out my orgasm. 

We laid there for a while after, me resting on top of him with my head on his chest. 

"I love you Billie" I spoke up, looking at my ring in adoration. 

"And I love you, soon to be Mrs. Armstrong" he grinned, kissing my head. 

. . . 

A/N: Oh hey another update and it didn't take a month, go me!

I hope you guys liked this one, we've got one more chapter to go and then I need to get started on the third book (that STILL does not have a name lmao).

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and please let me know what ya think! I love you guys and I hope you have a very happy holidays!

Rage & Love ~

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