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It felt like it had taken me years to get to the hospital when in reality it had taken me about twenty minutes.

The whole way there my anxiety was getting the better of me. My mind kept racing with all of the worst possible scenarios that could happen. What if the alcohol poisoning was so bad that Luke dies? That shit happens. 

After I got my breathing back in order, I walked into the hospital and asked the receptionist where he was. I lied and told her that I was his sister and took off for the room she told me he was in. 

I turned down the hall and stopped in my tracks. All the guys were there. They looked tired and still a bit drunk. Lovely. 

I made my way down the hallway and literally all their heads popped up. Joey was out of his chair instantly and so were Seb, Max, and Cole. Although I swear I saw Seb tug Joey back a bit. 

I decided to get right to it. "Is Luke okay?" 

"We don't know yet. No one's come out of his room yet to tell us." Max replied sadly. 

"Oh.." I trailed off, paranoia kicking in again.

We had all been sitting there now for a good fifteen minutes and there was still no word. I was growing more nervous by the minute. No one really knew what to say. 

"We're gonna go get coffees for everyone if that's cool. Someone feel free to text me if anything happens" Max spoke up, Seb and Cole by his side. 

"Okay, thanks mate" Adam smiled softly even though his eyes looked a little glossy. You could tell among the group that everyone was in rough shape about this situation we were in. 

I caught Seb giving Joey a look that kinda resembled a 'bitch get up, we're leaving' look but I didn't see Joey's reaction. All I know is that he didn't leaving his seat... his seat that was right next to me. 

Seb walked away. I had wished that he didn't. 

A few minutes later Adam had walked off to talk to the receptionist or something. I don't remember, he rushed his words and was mumbling and a mess. Jed and Gethin were sleeping in their seats so really, it was just Joey and I.

I really can't catch a break, can I?

"Melina, I gotta tell you something" Joey murmured. He looked over at Jed and Gethin to see if they truly were asleep or not. 

I let out a sigh. "what?" 

"When you left the bar, I went back in to see the guys and we had a few more drinks and I uh.. I saw Luke go into the bathroom." 

I let out a snort at that. "Well good observation, Joey." 

"...with a girl." 


I just stared at Joey, taking in what he had said. I scanned his face and it didn't look like he was lying or joking at all. 

I should have been upset, but instead I was relieved. I should have been crying, but all I was doing was thinking of how I cheated on Luke too. I kissed Joey- well, he kissed me. And I almost had sex with Billie Joe. 

I should have been so upset but instead I was thinking of how I didn't have to go to England, didn't have to lead Luke on, didn't have to-


I looked up to see Joey staring at me with concerned eyes.

"Uhm. Well.... that sucks." 

"That sucks?" he looked at me confused. I just nodded. "The guy cheated on you and your response is 'that sucks'?!" 

"What am I supposed to do? Get mad? Throw a tantrum? Kick a baby? That's not gonna change what happened." I replied. 

He laughed slightly. "Please don't go and kick any babies but you are way too calm about this." 

"Maybe it's cause me and him aren't really as exclusive as he lets on. And I'm not exactly innocent either here" Shit! I let that slip out. 

"What do you mean?" Joey asked. 

"Uhm, we're just friends with benefits, really." 

He rolled his eyes. "I meant about you not being innocent, smart ass." 

"Well, I kissed you when I had literally just been hanging with him, smart ass." I retorted. 

"You kissed someone. He fucked someone!" Joey sighed. 

"Tomato, toe-mahto" I shrugged. 

"You're strange" Joey muttered. 

"And unusual" I added with a small smile.

"Alright Lydia Deetz, settle down." Joey rolled his eyes playfully making me laugh. 

"I missed this," He took my hand in his, making me tense up. "you don't have to say or do anything, I just had to tell you that." 

I went to speak but I heard the door of Luke's hospital room open up. A lady stepped outside, I was assuming she was a nurse. 

I let go of Joey's hand and stood up immediately. "How is he?" 

"Luke is going to be just fine. He's resting right now. It would be best if he stayed here over night to recover though." 

I nodded in agreement. "Can we see him?" 

"Of course. One at a time though." she smiled softly. 

"Thank you so much" I smiled back. 

"I'm gonna text Max and let him know." Joey spoke up. I just nodded. 

As I went to open the door though I heard Joey call my name. "Yeah?" 

"Luke's my friend and all... but you deserve better than him." The look in Joey's eyes was enough to kill me. He was begging me not to go back to Luke. 

"You think too highly of me, Joey." I sighed as I opened the door and walked inside Luke's hospital room. 

I couldn't be going through this again. I couldn't hurt Joey again. 

There is no way in hell I am going to England. 

. . .

A/N: Well hey there. 

I just finished work an hour ago and am so sleep deprived but this needed to be updated. 

Yes I know, there's no Billie Joe in this chapter and I'm SORRY. So here ya go:

I took that picture back in March of him pointing at me when he caught me singing along to Revolution Radio

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I took that picture back in March of him pointing at me when he caught me singing along to Revolution Radio. Now you can look at it and pretend he's pointing to you, idfk.

I'm weird, I know. Anyway, have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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