-thirty two-

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The past two weeks had been a total mess. 

The opening night of American Idiot was coming up quickly. Keeping up with Cody and his schooling was getting exhausting. And I don't even remember the last time I saw Billie and the guys because they've been so busy finalizing everything for the show.

Work wasn't making my life any easier. Ever since Billie had bought us a house, I had been working extra shifts due to my guilty conscience. He never made me feel bad about it though. But he gave me a roof over mine and Cody's heads, I felt like I was in debt to him forever. 

"Mel babe, you look absolutely exhausted. Please go home." Ashley said as she came up beside me. 

"But I was gonna stay and help close tonight" I spoke, my voice soft and groggy. 

"You've closed the place every night this week on top of your rehearsals. And you look like you haven't slept in days. Please take the weekend off." Ashley offered making me smile slightly. She was always so understanding and a great friend. 

"Really? But I'm already hardly working next week." I sighed. 

"I think you've made enough in tips alone this week to cover you for next week. Just go home, get some rest, and take care of yourself, okay?" 

"Okay," I smiled softly. "you're seriously the best, Ash" 

"Yeah, some crazy girl keeps telling me that" she grinned making me roll my eyes with a smile.

. . .

Cody was basically bouncing off the walls when I got home. I on the other hand, was practically ready to fall face first on my bed. 

"Thanks so much for watching him Jeff" I smiled gratefully and reached into my wallet to grab him some cash.

"No worries, I love the little guy. Do you want me to take him to the meeting with me? You look exhausted and I doubt the guys would mind" he offered. 

"Oh that's really nice of you but I can-" my sentence was cut off by a yawn. 

Jeff just laughed. "Seriously Mel, get some sleep and I'll take Cody. I'm pretty sure Billie Joe would kill me if I didn't" he smirked slightly making me laugh in agreement. 

"Alright, seriously. Thank you." I smiled, handing him money to which he declined. 

Cody came up to me and gave me a big hug making me grin harder. "Have fun with the guys. Try and keep them in line though, yeah?" I winked making Cody laugh and agree.

Once the boys left, I had taken a shower, changed into some comfy clothes and passed out in my bed almost immediately. 

. . .

"Good morning beautiful" 

I let out a groan and opened my eyes to find Billie Joe in bed next to me. 

"Hi," I smiled, kissing him on the nose. "wait, is it actually morning?" 

He let out a chuckle at this. "Yeah it's like 10 a.m." 

"Well shit," I laughed. "I went to bed at like 7:30 last night" 

"Well I'm glad you got enough sleep. You had me worried this week." he spoke softly, taking my hand in his. 

"Yeah, it was kinda rough huh? How about you though? Is everything good to go for the play?"I asked. 

He smiled at my question. "Yep, last night was the final meeting. Everything's good to go for opening night." 

"Oh my god, that's so exciting!" I cheered as I sat up and hugged him. He pulled me in closer by my waist. Instinctively, my hand reached up to play with the ends of his hair. Then I noticed something was different. 

I pulled away and examined Billie's hair making him look at me with confusion. "What?" he asked. 

"You slicked your hair back." I hummed. 

"Oh, uh yeah. It was kinda getting in the way. You hate it, right?" he rambled on.

"Quite the opposite actually" I smiled.

"Really?" he asked, not quite convinced. 

"Yeah, it's actually pretty hot" I purred, straddling his waist again. 

He chuckled at this. "Oh, reeeally?" 

"Mhm" I agreed, a cheeky smile on my face. 

Before I knew it, Billie had flipped us over and I was now underneath him. 

"I missed you" Billie muttered, leaving kisses all down my neck and chest.  

"I missed you too" I gasped out as Billie had me stripped out of my clothes in a matter of seconds. 

He stripped out of his boxers and grabbed a condom from the beside table and slipped it on. "I'm sorry but I need you right fucking now and I can't wait any longer." 

Reaching up, I pulled him down to me from the back of his neck for a kiss. "Then fucking take me." I whispered against his lips. He smirked slightly, and entered me a little faster than what I was expecting making me let out a loud moan.

He set a pretty demanding pace, but my hips kept up with him the entire time. I needed him. I hadn't seen him in a week. Yes, I know how needy that sounds.

"Sh-shit Billie" I moaned, throwing my head back. This only encouraged him to go on harder and faster than he already was.

"I'm not gonna last much longer" he groaned, managing to pick up the pace again. He reached down between us and rubbed my clit harshly with his fingers making me let out almost a scream like moan. Billie Joe covered my mouth with his to muffle my cries and not even minutes later he had groaned into my mouth, letting me know he had came.

Billie Joe pulled out of me, went to throw out the condom and got back in bed with me. 

"Oh I forgot to tell you something" he chuckled, reaching for something on the bedside table. 

"And what's that?" I asked, slipping one of his shirts on that I had found on the floor. 

"We're going out tonight." Billie smiled, holding up two tickets in front of me. 

I took them from his hand with a smile. 

"Kinky Boots: Starring Brendon Urie" I read out loud and looked at Billie Joe with wide eyes. "Like as in, Mr Urie, my science teacher from high school?" 

"Yeah, he sent them to me earlier this week. So you wanna go?" he asked with a smirk.

"Of course! I can't wait. Thank you!" I smiled, pulling him in for a hug and a kiss. 

"Anything for you, babe." 

. . .

A/N: Well long time no see. Hey there!

I'm so sorry about how long this took to update. It's been a crazy couple of weeks but I finally have the majority of my shit together. 

Long story short, I got into my top choice college which is three hours away from where I'm living. I got accepted into residence so I do have somewhere to live. I have more money saved up than I thought, and my car is almost fixed up as good as new.

Oh and Billie's new band The Longshot is coming to Toronto so fuck yeah I'm booking a day off of work to go see them <3

Anyway, I hope this chapter was good enough for you guys. Next one should be better and up quicker than this one. Thank you for reading and have a great day/night/week/life! 

Rage & Love ~

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