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I'll be honest, I'm not sure why I am so surprised or even upset to know that Billie Joe has been sleeping with someone else. I mean, yeah, it's Tracey and she's easily one of the worst people I have ever met in my life; but I don't really have any right to be upset. We're not together. I still haven't properly broken things off with Luke. 

I don't have any right to be upset.

And yet, here I am at eight at night drinking wine, eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and watching A Cinderella Story for the millionth time. 

"Maybe, if I was hot and blonde men would actually want to be with me and not fuck around with my feelings" I mumbled to myself. If anyone were to walk in right now, I would look like a damn crazy person. 

So, I'd look exactly how I am. Man, I make it to easy for myself to make fun of me.

Before I could think of any more riveting  things to say to myself, I heard a sharp knock at my door. 

Maybe if I ignore it, it will stop. 

I stayed seated on my couch until I heard another knock.

I let out a sigh, trudging over to the door, opening it slightly. 

I really should have just stayed on the couch because on the other side of the door was the devil himself. 

"Are you done with your important, personal stuff?" Billie asked with a small smile on his face. 

It took everything in me not to smile back at how much of a dork he is. "I'm actually, kind of in the middle of it." I lied. 

He rolled his eyes with a smile and walked in anyway. "Sure, you can just come on in..." I muttered aloud. 

He walked over to the couch and took a seat. "Wow, a movie that doesn't have Judd Nelson, Heath Ledger, or Johnny Depp in it" he mused with a smirk.

"Yeah but it has Chad Michael Murray in it" I teased.

He let out an over dramatic sigh. "You have waaay too many celebrity crushes" 

"Pfft, there's no such thing." I said, taking a seat on my couch and grabbing my glass of wine, taking a swig. 

Billie just looked at me. "What?" I asked in confusion. "Oh! Would you like some?" I asked, standing up to grab him a glass. 

Billie just grabbed me by my wrist and gently forced me to sit back down. "No, I'm okay. I just.. wanted to see if you were alright. You were kind of weird earlier." 

"That's just who I am" I replied making him roll his eyes.

"No, I mean... one minute everything seems great and the next, you're rushing out the door like you..." he trailed off.

"Like I what?" I asked.

"Regretted staying the night and had somewhere else to be. Someone else to see." he said quietly. If I didn't remind myself about him sleeping with Tracey, I would have felt so heartbroken by the look on his face. 

"I don't have anyone else to see and I don't regret spending time with you and the guys. But I'm not going to get my hopes up on someone who isn't even mine." I blurted out. My eyes widening immediately after. 

He looked at me in confusion. "Who said I wasn't yours?" 

"No one, really. I just. Okay, I may have accidentally looked at your phone cause it went off a few times when I was getting dressed. And I saw these texts from Tracey saying she had so much fun with you yesterday and there was winky faces and shit. I don't know." I rambled. 

Billie Joe sat there for a moment before a huge smile graced his face and he started laughing, making me glare at him. 

"You have nothing to worry about, Mel. That girl has been trying to get into my pants since the first day I met her. She asked me to meet her for coffee and to talk about the play so I agreed. But it got really weird when she kept trying to touch me and shit." 

Well fuck me. I am so embarrassed. 

"Oh..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, 'oh...'," he chuckled. "I'm flattered that you're jealous though."  he winked at me, making me blush.

"Of course you are. You're an asshole." I muttered with a fake glare, making him laugh. 

"In all honesty, I want you back. I need you in my life babe." his face was dead serious. I felt my heart rate pick up just from his words. 

He took my hand in his, staring at me, waiting for some sort of response. 

"You're serious?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. 

"Deadly." he replied instantly. 

I couldn't help but smile at that, feeling some tears well up in my eyes. I wiped them away quickly and let out a shaky breath. "You were right." 

"Right about what?" he asked, looking a little confused, making me laugh. 

"We are the devil's kind" I sang lightly making him grin like an idiot. He pulled me in for a kiss, leaving me breathless. 

He pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead on mine. "You'll be the death of me, Melina Garcia" he smirked, echoing my words from all those years ago. 

So naturally, I had to do it back. "I love you too." 

. . .


Please don't get used to this, I don't like it when people have expectations of me ;)

I just had a random moment of inspiration and felt bad for making y'all wait so long for the last update and making it kind of cliffhangery (that is definitely not a word) so yeah here is the moment y'all were waiting for: 


Sorry, I'm too obsessed with my own otp, what the hell.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day/night/week/life! 

Rage & Love ~

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