-thirty four-

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Holy shit, was Mr Urie ever talented.

Maybe it was because I rarely paid attention in science class, but this was the last thing I had expected to see from Mr- sorry, Brendon Urie. 

I was in so much awe with everything I had just witnessed that I didn't even realize Billie was talking to me.

"Sorry, what?" I asked dumbfounded, making him chuckle.

"I said, let's go backstage" he smiled, taking my hand in his as we began walking towards the backstage area. 

We passed various couples and quite a lot of them gave us odd looks. I had never really noticed that before. Then again, it's hard to concentrate on anything else when I'm with Billie. Had people always been looking at us this way?

"Babe?" Billie asked me, tugging on my hand lightly, snapping me out of another trance.

"Yeah?" I shot a small smile at him.

"Everything okay?" he asked, already knowing the answer. It still freaked me out just how well he knows me. I never thought I was much of an open book, but Billie's seems to have me completely figured out. 

"Y-yeah" I wanted to slap myself for stuttering. Idiot.

He looked around and saw some of the looks that we were getting and rolled his eyes. "Is that what's bugging you?" 

I just nodded. 

He chuckled softly and kissed me softly. "You're cute" he mumbled against my lips making me blush and fight the urge to let my jaw drop. Who even is this man?

We continued on our way, getting let backstage and wandered a bit until we pulled up to a dressing room. 

Billie knocked and we didn't have to wait long until the door swung open to reveal Brendon. He had a huge smile on his face and was still sweating. Don't start thinking dirty thoughts Mel...

"Hey Billie Joe, long time no see!" Brendon embraced Billie in a hug making Billie laugh. They pulled away and Brendon looked over at me and his eyes widened so big to the point where I thought they were about to burst out of his head.

"Melina Garcia?" he asked, astonished.

"Yeah... uhm hi Mr Urie- I mean, Brendon. I mean. Well, yeah. Yeah, that's your name." I cringed, Billie smirking at me. Never have I ever wanted to just evaporate more in my life than right now.

"You two, huh?" Brendon smirked as he looked between us making me roll my eyes playfully and nod. "Ah okay. A lot of things are starting to make sense now" Brendon smirked to much to my confusion. When I looked over at Billie, he was blushing slightly, making me laugh. 

"Well come on in you guys, there's some people who would love to see you again" Brendon ushered us in to his dressing room and closed the door behind us.

Well damn, it's like a high school reunion in here.

"Mr Way!!!" I cheered, rushing over to my favorite high school teacher ever. He turned and saw me, jaw dropping and opening his arms signalling for a hug. I didn't hesitate whatsoever. 

"Melina, oh my god. I never thought I'd see you again. How have you been?" Gerard asked once we both pulled away.

"Good. Great! Actually. I graduated from Julliard and am gonna be in a show coming up soon. It's called American Idiot" I beamed, looking over at Billie who was talking with Brendon and who I assumed to be Brendon's wife. He looked over at me when he felt my stare and smiled back.

"You two huh?" Gerard asked with a slight smirk making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah. I wonder how many times I'm gonna be hearing that sentence tonight." I said sarcastically making Gerard laugh rather loudly. 

"Uhm excuse me but am I the only former teacher of yours that isn't going to be getting a hug?" I turned to see my old English teacher and I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. 

"Of course not" I beamed, pulling him in for a hug. 

"It's good to see you Melina" he smiled, as we pulled away.

"Thanks Pete" I smiled back. 

We all spent quite a bit of time catching up. Once I was alone with Brendon, Gerard, and Pete, I thanked them immediately.

"Thank you guys so much again for the scholarship. It really saved me and if it wasn't for you guys doing that, I don't know where I'd be right now. And that's pretty scary. So, thank you."

"Well if we're being completely honest, it was your boyfriend over there that got you the scholarship." Gerard spoke making me look at him in confusion.

"Yeah, he applied for you and asked us for his help." Pete added.

"But his name wasn't on the letter that you attached to my art award?" 

"Yeah at the time he said he didn't want you knowing that he had helped you. We just thought it was because you guys were nemesis' or something." Brendon replied, realization practically slapping me in the face. 

"Wow." was all I could say, making him laugh.

"I won't even deny right now that that shit is very romantic" Pete spoke up making us all laugh. 

"Yeah it's like you two were made for each other." said Gerard.

"Yeah," I smiled looking over at Billie, making my heart swell. "we are the devil's kind"

. . .

A/N: Well hey there.

I know, this update took forever and was awful. I'm sorry.

A lot has gone on since I last updated. I went to a few concerts here and there and just had my birthday a couple days ago and have been working and packing like 24/7 so yeah. I'm one busy motherfucker and I'm sorry about that. 

I'm working on the next chapter right now and I hope it will be up in a few days but no promises cause ya girl is seeing the Arctic Monkeys on sunday aklshndogfnoswndfop <3

Anyway, thanks for sticking with this book you guys. It really does mean the world to me. We got a few chapters left and it's making me sad but happy at the same time. These books have been so much fun to write and have helped me out a lot over the last two years. 

Thanks again for reading and I hope you all have a good day/night/week/life!

Rage & Love ~

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